2021-2022 Officers Installation Ceremony held

Former VFW District 2 Commander Carl Cristopherson installed the 2021-2022 slate of elected and appointed officers of VFW Post 3063 on May 6. First nominations were made in March, followed by second nominations and an election in April. Officers do not take office until July after the department commander is installed.

Congratulations and good luck to the new leadership team!

Commander: Joe Fitzgerald
Sr. Vice Commander: Bryce White
Jr. Vice Commander: Alyson Teeter
Quartermaster: Harold Rodenberger
Chaplain: Joseph Mesa
1 Year Trustee: Nestor Tamayao
2 Year Trustee: Joe Tiffany
3 Year Trustee: Robert O’Brien
Adjutant: Shennae Curtis
Service Officer: Joseph Mesa
Judge Advocate Dan Stokke
Surgeon: Bob Lehman
1 Year House Committee: Pete Krawitz
2 Year House Committee: Russ Selig
3 Year House Committee: Gail Engler

0 to 100 Project Launch Includes Post 3063 Member Portraits

In the Fall of 2019, local photographer Ahamed Iqbal asked to photograph members of Post 3063 for his 0 to 100 photography project, which documents people from ages 0 to 100.  Ahamed recently wrote, “Just wanted to let you know that I just launched my photography project’s website today: 0to100plus.com. To find someone directly by name you can use this link (alphabetical order): 0to100plus.com/names. I’m so grateful to you for connecting me to the men and women at the VFW and truly appreciate them being so open and friendly with me. I emailed anyone who provided me with their addresses but I thought it might be nice for everyone at the VFW to see as well.” Thank you to everyone who participated!

Goodbye to Smoke Stained Ceilings

By Harold Rodenberger

Those of you who have been in our hall in the past few years may have noticed that the ceiling tiles are yellowish from the days of inside smoking and stained from water leaks. 

A few weeks ago, our contact at FRIHET 402, VASA (Swedish Freedom Assoc), called and wanted to know if we could use some almost new ceiling tiles. They were removing a dropped ceiling in their recreation center at Lake Sammamish and were willing to donate them to our post. During normal times they meet in our hall once a month and had noticed the stained ceiling.

On January 16th, we rented a truck and, with the help of several volunteers, loaded up about 600 ceiling tiles and brought them to our post. The following weekend we changed out the tiles in the small meeting room. Next we will replace the tiles in the main hall. It’s a big project so we’ll do it over upcoming weekends.

Here’s a big THANK YOU to the folks at Frihet and many thanks to volunteers Dan Stokke, Bryce White, Russ Seelig, Pat Ronan, Joe Tiffany, Campbell Krawitz and our Commander, Joe Fitzgerald. Their help made it work. 

You can really see the difference here between the new and old tiles.

Get Vaccinated at the VA

Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger receives his COVID-19 Vaccine at the VA Medical Center in Seattle.

Vaccines are now available for eligible veterans at the VA (for more info go here). Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger received his vaccine and here’s a write-up about his experience:

After we became eligible, I spent several days trying (and being disappointed) to get appointments for my wife and myself on the various sites handling vaccination appointments.  

Thursday afternoon I received an email from the VA saying that eligible veterans could call to schedule appointments. It also stated that the VA was proactively calling eligible veterans to schedule appointments. Knowing that at least two of our older members had received unsolicited VA calls and been scheduled for the vaccine, I thought about waiting, but decided to try calling. After spending 37 minutes on hold, I was connected to a helpful clerk who went through the COVID questions, then asked if I wanted to be vaccinated as soon as possible. I responded with a hearty “yes” and she scheduled me for noon yesterday (Friday).

Arriving about fifteen minutes early, I joined the socially distanced line, was tagged with a red ribbon indicating I had been screened, completed the paperwork, received shot number one, waited the required fifteen minutes, and was on my way. I felt relieved that I finally was on track to help defeat this virus by being immunized. Almost danced a jig as I followed the light at the end of the tunnel back to my car.

Now I’m back to trying to schedule a vaccination appointment for my wife. Still the same grind – check the sites to find all appointments taken, wait an hour, check again, ad nauseum.

For non-VA vaccine information, visit the Washington State Department of Health’s website.

Vaccine Update from the Post Surgeon

By Robert Lehman, M.D., Post 3063 Surgeon

There are a lot of unknowns regarding getting your vaccination for SAR2 (Covid19). As physician and public health officer, I read and troll for updates at least twice a day, and so I’m probably more informed than most, but there are still answers I do not have.

Two vaccines are approved and somewhat available now. These are both a new type of vaccine that uses a messenger RNA (m-RNA) technique. One of these is by Pfizer and has to be kept at minus 70 degrees. Because of this, it will likely only be available to hospitals. Normal freezers do not get anywhere near that cold. The second is from Moderna, and although it also needs to be kept frozen, it could be stored in commercial freezers that pharmacies, labs, and large medical groups might have. One of these vaccines will need a second shot in 3 weeks; the other needs a second shot in 4 weeks.

How the vaccines are distributed and the “rules” for who gets the vaccine are directed by individual states. Right now, only health workers, first responders, patients in long-term care facilities, and some others are being vaccinated. Essentially people will be specifically invited to have the vaccinations. Don’t call your doctor, go to the VA, or go to a hospital asking for the vaccine. They don’t have it to give you.

The third vaccine is from Astra-Zeneca – also known as the Oxford vaccine – and will likely be approved before this is read. It does not need to be kept frozen and will probably become the most commonly used vaccine in the world because of that. I think this will only be one shot, but until the vaccine is submitted and approved, I do not know that for sure at this time. This vaccine is using a technique that has been used for other vaccines in the past.

Cost: the answers on this are vague. In short, the vaccines were paid for by the US and will be provided for free. However, the people giving the vaccine shots are allowed to charge for that service. It isn’t clear what that will mean. It “might be free (or your insurance billed) if you get it at Walgreens or CVS, but there “might” be a charge if you get it from your doctor’s office. There is simply no word on what will happen in that regard.

Availability: As I write this, the vaccine is being given by hospitals to their staff and selected others. CVS and Walgreens will start vaccinating nursing homes after Christmas. It is expected (but not guaranteed) that once that has been done, Walgreens/CVS will open up vaccinations at their stores. Physician offices might also have vaccines once the higher risk patients have been treated. But right now, the State is only releasing the plan for the ones being vaccinated now. They have not announced who will be vaccinated next. There are lobbying efforts all over the place: teachers, grocery workers, delivery drivers, those over 65 or with chronic illness, etc. There are reasonable arguments for all of those, but if a decision has been reached, it has not been released. I hate to say this, but “stay tuned”.

What vaccine should you get? THE FIRST ONE OFFERED TO YOU!

It will be very clear on local TV news and newspapers when the vaccine is available to specific groups of people. The most common reports (or guesses) is that the vaccine will not be available to the normal public until roughly April.

Keep in mind – PLEASE – (1) the vaccine does not include children, (2) the vaccine takes roughly a month to be effective, (3) the vaccine DOES NOT PREVENT getting infected or spreading the virus to others — it hopefully will prevent becoming seriously ill and dying from the virus. Even after being vaccinated, you could still become infected from your children or a coworker and could still spread it to others without having any symptoms. Social distancing, avoiding gatherings, and ALWAYS wearing a mask will be necessary for a long time yet — probably at least next summer or even longer.

LASTLY, there is some evidence that those who become infected with Covid have less severe symptoms if they were vaccinated for the annual flu. If you haven’t had your flu shot this year, go get it! If you are over 65 or have chronic diseases, then you need the high dose flu vaccine rather than the normal flu shot. Your doctor or the pharmacy knows what this means; just remind them of your age or chronic medical condition you might have.

Stay safe out there.