Commander’s Corner (October 2024)

During our Sept. 5 business meeting, we voted to adopt the VFW Post 3063 strategic plan. This plan is a roadmap that addresses our current challenges and sets clear goals for the future. The strategic plan outlines several key goals: increasing member participation, redeveloping our post into a central hub for veterans, ensuring financial accountability, and enhancing veteran recruitment and entitlement awareness.

Our newly formed Strategy Committee is working to implement these goals, especially membership participation. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to volunteer their ideas and time to improve the health of our post.

Goal two is redeveloping our post and we recently hired a project manager (and Navy retiree), Brian Lauer. You may see him pop in for meetings or stop by the post during office hours since he’s in the midst of the redevelopment discovery process. We’re excited to work with him to help reach our goal of redeveloping into a central hub for veterans.

FYI: we’re hosting a Halloween-themed concert fundraiser for our Post 3063 Relief Fund on Oct. 26. You can buy tickets now on Eventbrite. Thank you to Past Commander Joe Tiffany for organizing! 

Youth essays are due at the end of the month on Oct. 31. Please spread the word! Now is go time.

Lastly, mark your calendars for Nov. 11. We’ll be hosting a Veterans Day Open House and lunch at the post. The flyer is included below.

If you want to get involved with any of these initiatives or events — we can always use more help! — please contact me at [email protected] or 206-701-9259.

In comradeship,
Aly Teeter, Commander

WWII veteran turns 100

We honored Clarence Rankin, a World War II veteran, on Sept. 7 as he celebrated his 100th birthday. Nestor Tamayao, past commander of VFW Post 3063, attended the celebration at St. Benedict’s Church to present Clarence with tokens of our gratitude. On behalf of our post, Nestor presented Clarence with a card, a VFW cap, a $100 bill, and a complimentary membership. These gifts symbolize our appreciation for his service during the war and his continued contributions to the community. From his early days in Illinois to his service in the South Pacific, and his active role at St. Benedict’s Church, Clarence’s life is a testament to dedication and community spirit. Today, he remains engaged with life through woodworking, spending time with family, and meeting friends. Please join us in wishing Clarence Rankin a very happy 100th birthday!

Commander’s Corner (September 2024)

During our Sept. 5 business meeting, we’ll vote on a critical document that will shape the future of VFW Post 3063—our new strategic plan. This plan isn’t just a formality; it’s a carefully crafted roadmap that addresses our current challenges and sets clear goals for the future. It’s essential that members engage with this process, as the decisions we make now will have a lasting impact on our post.

The strategic plan outlines several key goals: increasing member participation, redeveloping our post into a central hub for veterans, ensuring financial accountability, and enhancing veteran recruitment and entitlement awareness. Each of these goals is aligned with our mission to serve veterans and foster a strong community.

But achieving these goals requires more than just a vote—it requires active participation and commitment from all of us. This is our opportunity to secure a sustainable future for VFW Post 3063, ensuring that we can continue to support veterans and our community for years to come.

I urge you to review the strategic plan, join the discussion at our Sept. 5 meeting, and vote to adopt these goals. Together, we can set our post on a course for continued success and growth. Your voice and your engagement are crucial in this process, so please make sure to be part of this important step forward.

In comradeship,
Aly Teeter, Commander

VFW Post 3063 Goals

Our strategy team continued their work from the early summer and met in August to develop SMART goals for Post 3063. The Post 3063 Strategic Plan is built around four primary goals, each derived from the Post’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values to address critical areas of growth and sustainability for the Post. Below are summaries of each goal and you can read the expanded SMART goals and strategy team notes here.

Goal 1: Increase Member Participation
A top priority is to activate and engage the membership by increasing participation in Post events. The goal is to increase monthly member participation by encouraging members to attend at least one event per month, including meetings, socials, service events, or committee involvement. Additionally, the “Battle Buddy Program” will be launched in the Fall 2024 to foster personal connections and accountability, pairing long-term members with newer ones to strengthen community bonds. 

Goal 2: Redevelop Post 3063 into a Veteran Hub
To secure the Post’s future and enhance its impact, VFW Post 3063 will be redeveloped into a central hub for veterans. By April 2025, a comprehensive redevelopment plan will be in place, guided by a project manager consultant hired by October 2024. This plan will include strategies for funding, maintaining operations during construction, and long-term facility management, positioning the Post as a focal point for veterans in the community. 

Goal 3: Ensure Financial Accountability
Financial accountability is essential for the sustainability of VFW Post 3063. The house committee will develop a detailed budget by the October business meeting, ensuring financial performance remains within +/- 10% of the budget. Quarterly reviews will be conducted to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments. 

Goal 4: Enhance Veteran Recruitment and Entitlement Awareness
The Post is committed to expanding its membership base by enrolling or transferring 24 new members by October 2025. This recruitment effort will be supported by a culture that highlights the advantages of Post membership and the exciting future of VFW Post 3063. Additionally, the Post will work to increase veteran understanding and encouragement to receive earned entitlements, with a goal of achieving a 75% application rate for VA benefits among members within the next year. 

Together, these goals ensure that VFW Post 3063 remains a thriving and supportive community for veterans. By focusing on member engagement, redevelopment, financial accountability, and recruitment, the Post is not only preserving its legacy but also building a stronger foundation for the future.

Commander’s Corner (August 2024)

As we wrap up another VFW year, I’m pleased to share the accomplishments highlighted in our annual report. We’ve made significant strides towards financial stability, VA benefits assistance, community outreach, and service initiatives. These achievements reflect our collective dedication to the mission of VFW Post 3063.

Looking ahead, it’s important we continue to set ambitious goals, especially as we work to ensure the long term viability of the post in Ballard. Your input and active participation will be vital as we chart our course for the next year and beyond. Together, we can build on our successes, address challenges, and ensure a thriving future for our post.

Thank you for your continued commitment and support.

In comradeship,
Aly Teeter, Commander