Post re-branding update
While we’ve been working on updating the inside and outside of our post home, we’ve also been updating our digital presence. Our membership approved the new post logo at our February business meeting, which is now featured on our website and Facebook page. (We’ll start having swag made with the new logo too.) You’ll see that our website look was updated to reflect our new branding, along with this newsletter. Based on feedback from new members, we also created an Instagram account. Be sure to follow, like, share and engage with our social media accounts!
Post 3063 hosts District 2 Fundraiser March 16
Commander’s Corner (March 2023)
Greetings comrades! There’s a ton of action happening at our post and we need this to be a team effort. Have you wondered what our VFW post actually does? Well, I created this “Mind Map” of our post to outline what we do at the operational level. Did you know Harold Rodenberger was performing a bulk of this work while Quartermaster? This is unacceptable and as he “retires” from the position we all need to do our part to meet our mission requirements. On that note, we’ll be starting the 2023-2024 nominations process at our March 2 meeting. Thank you to everyone who volunteers to take on a leadership position.
This weekend, March 4-5, a local boy scout troop — led by an Eagle Scout applicant — will paint the lounge. We’ll then get to work placing and hanging memorabilia. Eventually we’d also like to replace the lighting, furniture and freshen up the bar area. For more details about the redecorating plan, check out this document.
Our March 16 social is going to have a twist: it’s doubling as a fundraiser for District 2 (our next higher VFW organizational element). Tickets are $20, which is an awesome deal considering the food, entertainment and camaraderie you’ll reap.
Also in March we’re hosting our first ever flag recycling event on the 25th at 2 p.m. at the post. We’ve collected more than 300 discarded flags. We used to dispose of the flags by burning them but neighbors complained and we agreed: this is not an environmentally friendly solution. We did our research and discovered that discarded flags can be properly disposed of by shredding and recycling the fabric, which is a win-win! If you have a pair of fabric shears and would like to help shred, please join us! Also feel free to drop off your unserviceable flags.
March is a month to honor our veterans of Vietnam and Operation Iraqi Freedom. On March 20, 2003, President George W. Bush officially launched Operation Iraqi Freedom so this year is the 20th anniversary. The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 was signed into law by 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump, designating every March 29 as National Vietnam War Veterans Day.
Lastly, I want to commend our Service Officer, Comrade Joseph Mesa. He embodies the VFW Motto, Nobody Does More for Veterans. He volunteers his time to help veterans and family members with the VA claims process. He is sought after far and wide due to his commitment to service and excellence. Thank you Joseph for your continued service! You are the best of the best.
In comradeship,
Aly Teeter
February 2023 Newsletter Posted
Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s February 2023 newsletter is available here. Highlights include: January Blood Drive Results; Commander’s Corner: February 2023; Mardi Gras for February Social; Service Officer Update; MREs+Trivia Recap; and Mid-Winter Conference Brings Comrades and Essay Finalists to Yakima.