
Sign up for Paint & Sip Night

Thanks to the King County Veterans Program Vets Engaged grant, VFW Post 3063 is proud to present a Paint and Sip night for our September Social on September 21. Pinot’s Palette — a veteran-owned franchise in South Hill — will provide the materials and instruction.

The event is limited to the first 40 RSVPs so sign up ASAP at our Eventbrite page. (Be sure to cancel if you sign up and change your mind!) We’ll provide food and beer and wine will be available for purchase from the vendor.

Charter draped for Bob Hagenbaugh

Comrade Robert Hagenbaugh, age 101, of Bonny Lake, passed away on Jan. 21, 2023. He served in the U.S. Army Air Corps in World War II in the Pacific Theater. At our July business meeting, we draped the post charter with a black cloth, and it will remain draped for 30 days in his honor. Rest in peace, comrade.

In Memoriam

Operation FRIDGE SWAP a success

Operation FRIDGE SWAP was a success thanks to the brains and brawn of our awesome post and auxiliary members. Thank you to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to bring in the bigger and better commercial grade refrigerator (which had to be lifted sideways through the counter since it was too tall and wide for the kitchen doors) and take out the old broken refrigerator.
Special thanks to Comrade Stokke for lending his trailer for the fridge recycling mission. Also, HUGE THANKS to the donor whose contribution paid for the new refrigerator! ❤