TMC at Post 3063 for 9/11 Service Event

On Sept. 16, The Mission Continues, a dedicated organization committed to supporting veterans and promoting community service, sponsored a service event at our post. The event was held to commemorate the tragic events of 9/11 and honor the memory of those who lost their lives on that day.

Volunteers from various backgrounds, including veterans, SeaTac Customs and Border Protection agents, family and community members, gathered with a shared sense of purpose and unity. Their mission? To give back to the community and contribute to the VFW post’s mission of supporting veterans and their families.

The day’s activities were diverse and impactful, reflecting TMC’ dedication to making a meaningful difference. Participants rolled up their sleeves and got to work with tasks that ranged from furniture assembly to picture hanging, bookshelf reinforcing, tree pruning, and even the respectful recycling of unserviceable American flags.

In addition to the meaningful service activities organized by TMC and the dedicated efforts of the volunteers, the sense of community and support during the event was further exemplified by the VFW Post 3063 Auxiliary. They played an integral role by providing a delicious lunch to all the hardworking volunteers.

Thank you to TMC and Wes King for supporting our post and local veterans!

Operation FRIDGE SWAP a success

Operation FRIDGE SWAP was a success thanks to the brains and brawn of our awesome post and auxiliary members. Thank you to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to bring in the bigger and better commercial grade refrigerator (which had to be lifted sideways through the counter since it was too tall and wide for the kitchen doors) and take out the old broken refrigerator.
Special thanks to Comrade Stokke for lending his trailer for the fridge recycling mission. Also, HUGE THANKS to the donor whose contribution paid for the new refrigerator! ❤

Memorial Day events

Memorial Day weekend was a beautiful and inspiring time for our VFW Day of Service at Golden Gardens Park in Ballard. Through continued service we pay tribute to our fallen friends and ensure that their sacrifices are not forgotten. Thank you to Councilmember Dan Strauss for taking time out of his busy schedule to join us!
Thank you to our post comrades for taking time this Memorial Day to give out Buddy Poppies to local community members. The Buddy Poppy serves as a powerful reminder of the valor and selflessness displayed by our servicemen and servicewomen. Its creation by veterans and its distribution by the VFW represents a collective effort to honor the fallen and support those who have served.
The post auxiliary also hosted its first pancake breakfast fundraiser on Memorial Day Weekend. We look forward to participating in more in the future!