Update on Covid-19 and Don’t Forget to Wear Your Mask!

By Robert Lehman, M.D., Post 3063 Surgeon

As a physician, public health officer, and member of this organization, I offer this brief update of where we are with COVID-19.

There are 7 corona virus strains that affect humans.  Four of them we have all experienced, as 25% of the common cold is a corona virus.  In 2003, SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) killed 800 people in China and 3 other countries.  With very tight isolation and wearing masks, and with the luck that the virus was less contagious than the flu, the disease was controlled, and disappeared before a vaccine could be created.  In 2012, MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) affected 27 countries, primarily in the Middle East.  Although 900 people have died from this, (one-third of those infected), it has not easily been passed from human to human.  And now we have SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing the disease COVID-19.

This virus is rapidly spread because 40% of those infected NEVER have symptoms, and thus continue to infect others, often for weeks.  This is a respiratory virus spread by an infected person when breathing out.  That is why EVERYONE needs to wear a mask when around others, as the person without symptoms does not know they are infected and thus can infect others.  It is breathing that infects others, and that is why it is vital that the NOSE and MOUTH be covered.  Face shields are NOT approved as there is no filtering when that person exhales, and bandanas have been shown to be worthless.

To emphasize this, masks are primarily worn to protect OTHERS; although there might be a small amount of protection to the person wearing the mask.  [Wearing a mask should remind people to wash their hands whenever they remove their mask, before they touch their face.].  People who stand out at rallies without masks and say “if I die, I die” don’t understand this.  They need to wear a mask as they can never tell if they themselves are infected and thus passing it to others.  It isn’t their lives at risk when they don’t wear a mask; they pose a risk to the rest of us.

This has been a confusing virus as 40% of people infected have no symptoms, and yet others become extremely ill and die.  I’ll skip the long scientific explanation, but a protein named ACE2 might be a key.  It appears that ACE2 receptor is a magnet for the virus.  Those with higher levels of ACE2 might get ill easier and far more severe than someone with a low level.  ACE2 is higher in chronic lung and heart diseases, diabetes, obesity, smokers, and pregnancy.  Genetically, it is higher in some families than others.  It does appear that it tends to be less in children.

Lastly, the world seems to be putting its hope on a vaccine.  But to use the annual flu vaccine as an example, flu vaccine is recommended to prevent people from DYING from the flu.  As we all know, some people will continue to get the flu despite having been vaccinated.  I hope that I am wrong, but I doubt a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine will prevent all cases of COVID, but hopefully it will dramatically decrease deaths and the need for hospitalization.

In the meantime, please wear your mask whenever around others to prevent infecting others if you happen to be one of those infected and without symptoms (and who may continue to shed the virus for 14 days or more).  AND, wear a mask to also remind yourself that your hands might be contaminated and might infect yourself.  ALWAYS wash your hands or use sanitizer whenever you remove your mask, particularly for eating, drinking, and smoking.

Considerations for Wearing Masks

Hi everyone.

I’m Bob “Maddog” Lehman, your post surgeon; which is also literally true in my case as I am a physician and surgeon.

I want to offer my congratulations on a wonderful “social” takeout dinner on Thursday night. However, I also need to express my concerns as a physician and public health officer.

I observed one person with their mask below their nose. This is wrong on so many levels.


1.  The Governor’s decree (and CDC, and everyone else) is that “facial covering” means NOSE and mouth. Violating this is violating the State rule, which puts the Post at risk to be fined by Public Health as well as being shut down for doing take out while “staff” are not following the rules.

2.  But more seriously, Covid-19 is a respiratory virus. If you have had a Covid test or know someone who has, you realize the sample is taken from inside the nose. Not covering the nose with a mask means that person is potentially contaminating everyone around that person with every breath they exhale. 


3.  REMEMBER, we are not wearing masks to protect ourselves, but to protect others. It is like driving a car and depending on the other cars to stay on their side of the yellow line.  We wear our masks to protect others in case we are infectious and are not aware of it. And in so doing, we trust that everyone else is wearing their masks appropriately as well. There might be a slight protective filtering advantage to wearing a mask; no one knows this for sure or not. But obviously this advantage is gone if the nose is not covered.


4. The reality is that a huge percentage of the Post members are in the high-risk category for serious illness should we get infected due to being in the more mature age group. We have to protect each other.


We have a saying in the military, which fits here as well. “If you see something, say something”.  Unfortunately, in this case I was social distancing off in a far corner awaiting my order while the person wearing the mask below their nose left before I could say something. There were other people present. I’m surprised that no one noticed.  But perhaps people did notice; it is human nature to be afraid to say something. But a person not covering their nose is a potential danger to you. You would honk your horn if you saw someone driving on your side of the road. We all need to say something if someone is not wearing their mask or wearing it incorrectly.


I was in QFC the other day and the overhead announcement stated that the nose and mouth must be covered to be in the store. If the shopper is unwilling to keep the nose and mouth covered, QFC recommended that they leave the store and take advantage of shopping online instead.


We all need to say something when someone is not wearing their mask or wearing it incorrectly. My standard line is “excuse me, but your mask has slipped below your nose.” Do people get angry?  Yes.  Do I care?  NO!


And while I am on this subject, let me remind everyone that a face SHIELD is not an approved face covering. When you watch the news, you will see those wearing a face shield are also wearing a mask. There obviously is no filtering with a face shield.


Stay safe. If you have any questions, feel free to ping me.

Bob Lehman
Post 3063 Surgeon

Commander’s Corner (August 2020): WE NEED YOUR HELP WITH THE FUNDRAISER!

By Joe Fitzgerald

In past years this has been a spaghetti dinner coupled with a raffle. COVID has changed things a bit. This year we are still having the spaghetti dinner via curbside pick-up! (with limited home delivery for those in the vicinity of our post). The dinner will be available on Sept 12th from 4:30-6:00pm, and the usual $20.00 ticket price remains the same. The number of dinners is limited to 150 so be sure and get yours early! Tickets are available from post officers, online at EventBrite (details TBA), or at the office during business hours 1:00-5:00 pm, Thursdays and Saturdays in August and early September. 

To replace the raffle, the Committee has developed a fantastic Virtual Auction! 

The auction items will range from books to boats to baked goods, and also will include some very special items. All bidding will be handled via BIDDING OWL!  Go to vfwseattle.org and click on the virtual auction scrolling across the page to see how it works. It will be simple and easy to do, and a lot more fun than you can imagine!  Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger (206-972-2135), Jr Vice Aly Teeter-Baker, and Committee Chair Russ Seelig will all be available to answer any questions.

***Here is the rub though, and where we need all your help to make this fundraiser as successful as possible! 

Several of our benefactors who supplied many raffle items in the past, just are not able to financially support us this year or have even gone out of business! 

WE ARE IN NEED OF ADDITIONAL AUCTION ITEMS! and – we need all your help on this. Like: 

1) Reaching out to persons or entities that would be willing to donate an item to the Auction. (I recently contacted a butcher I know, and they agreed to donate a meat gift certificate!). This sort of thing is easier than you think! Tell yourself: JUST DO IT! The worst they can do is say NO!!! 

2) Also, handcrafted items, artwork, or homemade baked goods, can all make nice auction items.

3) Tap into your creative inner self and come up with things like Comrade Stokke who dusted off his fishing boat and is providing a fishing expedition as an auction item!  Maybe you welders out there could offer up some type of welding as an item to be auctioned off, and so on. You get the picture.



Quartermaster Update for the ‘New Year’

By Harold Rodenberger 

The first month of our new VFW year has passed under the same virus cloud as the preceding three months. Nonetheless our new officers are functioning well in their new positions and Post 3063 is becoming more familiar with conducting business remotely. 

For access to our business meetings click on one of the Zoom links in the email sent out by our Adjutant. You will go to a waiting room to be admitted as soon as possible to the meeting. The waiting room screens out anyone who is not an authorized member of the VFW, and increases security.

Our third Thursday Social Dinners are still being prepared by Chef Kay. To order a wonderful meal via takeout or delivery, send an email to [email protected] or call Harold at 206-972-2135. The dinner in August will have a Greek theme; Greek salad, shish kabobs, etc., with vegetarian options available.


As noted elsewhere in this newsletter, our annual Spaghetti Feed fundraiser for the Post 3063 Veterans Relief Fund is being held on the usual second Saturday, Sept. 12. This year, of course, we will be doing a take out (limited delivery) spaghetti dinner and on-line auction at the Bidding Owl charity fundraiser website. 

The dinner will help raise funds, so is priced at $20 per ticket for Kay’s usual spectacular spaghetti dinner with trimmings and will be limited to 150 dinners. It will be available for curbside pickup in the post parking lot from 4:30 until 6:00 pm. Tickets are available from post officers, on-line at EventBrite (details TBA), or at the office during business hours 1:00-5:00 pm, Thursdays and Saturdays in August and early September. We will need a few more volunteers to direct traffic, carry dinners to members in their cars, deliver to home-bound members, etc. If you can help in that way, please send an email to [email protected] or call Harold at 206-972-2135.

Prizes for the on-line auction are needed. During the present virus situation, it is a little more difficult to get the usual businesses to donate so we are emphasizing innovative prizes that our members can donate. Please put on your thinking cap and see if there is something you can do, make, donate, etc., that would make a prize that others would want. Personal services, hand-made crafts, fresh baked products, etc., come to mind.

The auction site is biddingowl.com/BallardEaglesonVFWPost306. The auction will be open Saturday, Sept. 12 through Friday, Sept. 18, 2020. Be sure to register before the auction and prizes are being entered onto the site daily so check in and see what you need. Payment may be made via PayPal, check or cash at the post in order to pick up your prize. If you are bidding from outside the local area, please note that shipping costs will be added to any prize that cannot be sent in a regular envelope. 

This auction is open to anyone who wants to bid so pass the word to friends, relatives and all members of the public who might be interested in bidding on some wonderful prizes to help support a worthy cause.

Post 3063 Officer Spotlight: Commander Joe Fitzgerald

This is a recurring column that highlights the 2020-2021 post officers.

Joe Fitzgerald, saluting, during the 2019 Wreaths Across America ceremony.

Tell us about your new position and what you hope to accomplish during your term.

As Post Commander, I will be working to ensure that we all move through the Covid Epidemic as cleanly as possible, so that we continue with the special programs and projects that are the heart and soul of the Post. We have an excellent team put together that is already moving forward with several of these efforts. – Scouting, Youth Service, Community Service, Buddy Poppies, and Fund Raising just to name a few. We are also renewing a commitment to support the Post Auxiliary and seeing its return to being an important and viable part of our Post. With diligence and a “Can Do” attitude we will regain recognition as an All American Post. Obstacles will always need to be overcome, Covid is just another along the way. Working together the post will not just persevere it will excel! This is my commitment to the Post

How long have you belonged to Post 3063 and did you previously serve in an officer position?

I joined Post 3063 in 2016 and took the Jr. Vice position within a year. The Post Color Guard was formed about that time and soon after Harold Rodenberger told me I was the new Color Guard Captain as well. I continued moving up the chairs and now to Post Commander.

What do you enjoy most about belonging to the VFW?

While I thoroughly enjoy the food that Kay Seelig continues to come up with, no doubt what I enjoy the most about being a member of the VFW is the comradeship – coupled with a sense of great honor and heavy dose of humility to be surrounded by people of such extraordinary service to their country. This I will forever cherish!