Sign up for Paint & Sip Night

Thanks to the King County Veterans Program Vets Engaged grant, VFW Post 3063 is proud to present a Paint and Sip night for our September Social on September 21. Pinot’s Palette — a veteran-owned franchise in South Hill — will provide the materials and instruction.

The event is limited to the first 40 RSVPs so sign up ASAP at our Eventbrite page. (Be sure to cancel if you sign up and change your mind!) We’ll provide food and beer and wine will be available for purchase from the vendor.

Save the Date: Post Fundraiser Scheduled Oct. 20

Mark it on your calendars, the annual VFW Post 3063 Spaghetti Dinner, Raffle and Auction is scheduled for Oct. 21. We need help collecting donations! Here’s a fundraising letter you can use to solicit donations. We’d love to receive gift cards and high quality items for gift baskets. Contact Sr. Vice Commander Mark English at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Seahawks Day of Service

Shoutout to the Seattle Seahawks, Urban ArtWorks, and The Mission Continues!

We can’t thank you enough for your incredible community service projects at our our post June 9. Your dedication, passion, and hard work will make a lasting impact on our community.

The Seattle Seahawks, your presence and support have lifted our spirits and reminded us of the power of teamwork both on and off the field. Your commitment to making a difference in the lives of veterans is truly inspiring. We are proud to have you as our hometown team!

Urban Artworks, your artistic talents have brought life and color to our VFW post. The murals you have created are a beautiful tribute to our veterans and their service. Your dedication to using art as a means of positive change is commendable.

The Mission Continues, your unwavering commitment to empowering veterans and strengthening communities is remarkable. Your volunteers have worked tirelessly to enhance our VFW post, ensuring it remains a welcoming place for our veterans and their families. Your service is truly invaluable.

To the incredible individuals from all three organizations, we are grateful for your time, energy, and effort. You have not only improved the physical space of our VFW post, but you have also uplifted our spirits and reminded us of the power of unity and service. Thank you for making a difference and for honoring our veterans.

Together, we can continue to build a stronger, more compassionate community. Let’s keep inspiring each other and making positive change happen!