Vaccine Update from the Post Surgeon

By Robert Lehman, M.D., Post 3063 Surgeon

There are a lot of unknowns regarding getting your vaccination for SAR2 (Covid19). As physician and public health officer, I read and troll for updates at least twice a day, and so I’m probably more informed than most, but there are still answers I do not have.

Two vaccines are approved and somewhat available now. These are both a new type of vaccine that uses a messenger RNA (m-RNA) technique. One of these is by Pfizer and has to be kept at minus 70 degrees. Because of this, it will likely only be available to hospitals. Normal freezers do not get anywhere near that cold. The second is from Moderna, and although it also needs to be kept frozen, it could be stored in commercial freezers that pharmacies, labs, and large medical groups might have. One of these vaccines will need a second shot in 3 weeks; the other needs a second shot in 4 weeks.

How the vaccines are distributed and the “rules” for who gets the vaccine are directed by individual states. Right now, only health workers, first responders, patients in long-term care facilities, and some others are being vaccinated. Essentially people will be specifically invited to have the vaccinations. Don’t call your doctor, go to the VA, or go to a hospital asking for the vaccine. They don’t have it to give you.

The third vaccine is from Astra-Zeneca – also known as the Oxford vaccine – and will likely be approved before this is read. It does not need to be kept frozen and will probably become the most commonly used vaccine in the world because of that. I think this will only be one shot, but until the vaccine is submitted and approved, I do not know that for sure at this time. This vaccine is using a technique that has been used for other vaccines in the past.

Cost: the answers on this are vague. In short, the vaccines were paid for by the US and will be provided for free. However, the people giving the vaccine shots are allowed to charge for that service. It isn’t clear what that will mean. It “might be free (or your insurance billed) if you get it at Walgreens or CVS, but there “might” be a charge if you get it from your doctor’s office. There is simply no word on what will happen in that regard.

Availability: As I write this, the vaccine is being given by hospitals to their staff and selected others. CVS and Walgreens will start vaccinating nursing homes after Christmas. It is expected (but not guaranteed) that once that has been done, Walgreens/CVS will open up vaccinations at their stores. Physician offices might also have vaccines once the higher risk patients have been treated. But right now, the State is only releasing the plan for the ones being vaccinated now. They have not announced who will be vaccinated next. There are lobbying efforts all over the place: teachers, grocery workers, delivery drivers, those over 65 or with chronic illness, etc. There are reasonable arguments for all of those, but if a decision has been reached, it has not been released. I hate to say this, but “stay tuned”.

What vaccine should you get? THE FIRST ONE OFFERED TO YOU!

It will be very clear on local TV news and newspapers when the vaccine is available to specific groups of people. The most common reports (or guesses) is that the vaccine will not be available to the normal public until roughly April.

Keep in mind – PLEASE – (1) the vaccine does not include children, (2) the vaccine takes roughly a month to be effective, (3) the vaccine DOES NOT PREVENT getting infected or spreading the virus to others — it hopefully will prevent becoming seriously ill and dying from the virus. Even after being vaccinated, you could still become infected from your children or a coworker and could still spread it to others without having any symptoms. Social distancing, avoiding gatherings, and ALWAYS wearing a mask will be necessary for a long time yet — probably at least next summer or even longer.

LASTLY, there is some evidence that those who become infected with Covid have less severe symptoms if they were vaccinated for the annual flu. If you haven’t had your flu shot this year, go get it! If you are over 65 or have chronic diseases, then you need the high dose flu vaccine rather than the normal flu shot. Your doctor or the pharmacy knows what this means; just remind them of your age or chronic medical condition you might have.

Stay safe out there.

Commander’s Corner (January 2021)


Success in spite of adversity.

As we come to the end of 2020 and hopefully what will become the beginning of the end to the pandemic, I want to wish all of you a Happy and wonderful New Year, surrounded by those who mean the most to you.

This has been a difficult year especially since March, for all of us, but I am most confident that with the ever increasing availability of the vaccinations, happy days will indeed be here again sooner than later! We will eventually be moving beyond the Covid restrictions, but for now there is still a need to stay the course with masking, social distancing, etc. for what will hopefully be just a bit longer. I never thought the comment, “I wouldn’t touch them with a six foot pole” would become a national policy – but here we are!

The pandemic, as difficult as it has been, has served to make us look at new or different ways for the Post to meet or exceed the goals that are set at the beginning of each VFW year.

Zoom has enabled us to continue with our business meetings, The Bidding Owl resulted in our fundraiser being far more successful than anyone thought, the Honor/Color guard has successfully pursued a grant that will allow it to “march” right along (sorry) better than ever, and Kay and the kitchen staff have developed a system that keeps the operation in compliance with the Governor’s requirements and still serve tremendous meals to 80-100 people each month. Through the efforts of many, the post successfully assembled in excess of 90,000 Buddy Poppies that will generate another $2,000 for the post. And these are just some of the main accomplishments!

Lastly, with regard New Year’s Day, Mark Twain once said, ”Now is the accepted time to make your annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.” For me, my New Year’s resolution list usually starts with the desire to lose between 10 and three thousand pounds! Hopefully you all can do better!

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! Here’s a special message from our command team:

Joe Fitzgerald

Post 3063 Commander

Quartermaster’s Update (January 2021)

By Harold Rodenberger

Due to the holidays, I wrote this update during the winter equinox, the shortest day of the year. Here in northwestern Washington, there were only about eight hours and twenty-five minutes of daylight. Our typical winter weather of overcast skies made the day seem even darker. Like this short day, most of this past year has seemed dark and dreary. Despite those dark days we carried on with our mission, knowing that the days ahead would be brighter and warmer.

During this past quarter, we continued our business meetings via Zoom. If you haven’t connected on that platform, please join our meeting on January 7th. See Zoom instructions elsewhere in this newsletter and on our website.

Chef Kay and helpers made wonderful dinners for our social nights. The Thanksgiving dinner set a record at 85 dinners prepared, but the Christmas dinner smashed that record with 102 dinners for members and guests. A special thanks to 1SG Britt Anderson, of our adopted unit, who donated three whole tenderloins and to Hope who donated 25 dozen farm-fresh eggs. 

Because of the virus, our hall has been empty, but during December members of Seattle Stand Down assembled and wrapped Christmas presents for needy veterans and their families in our community. Members of the leadership team from our adopted National Guard unit (A Co, 181st BSB) did the same for needy unit members and their families. It was good to see our hall being used for such worthy causes.

It’s been a difficult year for VFW programs, but your post honored students who competed in the VFW Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen programs. Our first-place winners advanced to District level for further competition. We also submitted our entries for Police Officer of the Year and Firefighter of the Year for judging at higher headquarters.

Our Relief Fund contributed funds to the SeaTac USO, Fisher House at the VA Medical Center, members of our post in distress, and to needy personnel in our two adopted National Guard units.

Another hearty “Thank You” to all who assembled poppies. We shipped back to headquarters about 95,000 completed poppies.

As we look forward to the Year of the Ox and brighter times, please join me in applying lessons learned from these dark days by resolving to treasure relationships, show more patience and kindness and further support our fellow veterans and their families.

Happy New Year, 2021!

Commander’s Corner (November 2020)


I hope as we pass through the turbulent times of the election process and into the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons, that you have managed to find or create ways to keep yourselves safe and mentally fresh amid the COVID pandemic.

(It really is the virus from hell that just seems to hang around like every other NFL team’s offense when pitted against the Seahawk’s defense.)

In spite of that, I do believe there is light at the end of the tunnel. Social distancing and masks certainly seem to be beneficial and positive controls. But hopefully we will soon have a vaccine in place as well, and several promising remedies for coping with the virus should any of us become infected. They are coming for sure.

But in the meantime, It can be very easy to become lethargic and get caught up with just waiting for the storm to pass. Most of us have never had to deal with anything like this before and it has been a bit of a learning process for sure. So I do hope you all are continuing to remain positive and moving forward with your lives. Embracing the spirit of the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons certainly provides us with many positive feelings that can help us immensely to do this. Also, just finding different ways to help others can actually help us!. Dusting off the old project that “I never have time to do!” and so on. These are just a few of many ways to avoid lethargy from settling in.

Remember….”The sun never quits shinning, it’s just that sometimes clouds get in the way”.

As any true Seattleite knows, “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…. It’s about learning to dance in the rain!”

Continue to stay safe. 

Our country and the world will survive this pandemic.

Commander Joe Fitzgerald

Commanders Corner and Auction Recap (October 2020)

Well Done Comrades!

The raffle that wasn’t – actually was pretty much of a successful Owl!

It was obvious to the fundraising committee that this year our usual sit down Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle was not going to happen due to the restrictions and limitations of Covid-19… and so, the raffle would not happen either.

It began to look like we would just have to make do with the Spaghetti dinner ala take out that Chef Kay Seelig has perfected, and that would be it for this year.

But wait a minute… Comrade Aly Teeter to the rescue! She introduced the committee to the “Bidding Owl” – an online auction she had recently been involved with for a different concern. Maybe the raffle could be replaced by the Bidding Owl!

And so it was….

With a lot of work primarily on the shoulders of Comrade Aly who set it up, and Comrade Harold Rodenberger who implemented the Bidding Owl, we had an online Auction that became, “The raffle that wasn’t.”

Some of the items featured in the virtual auction.

Comrade Harold will be submitting all the financial particulars that will be showing that in spite of Covid (or maybe because of Covid) this year’s fundraising effort was very much a success!

Certainly there are many people who contributed in various ways with the fundraiser effort, and without them it would not have happened, but I do want to recognize these people in particular who really stepped up for us to help make this year’s fundraiser a success.

· Comrade Aly’s family who provided the main “Hot Ticket” item for the raffle.

· Richard and Pat Murray for their continuing support of all our post activities.

· The Burien Highline Kiwanis Club who provided the five gift baskets totaling over $500 in value, and another $300 in dinner tickets that were gifted right back to the Post!

I will speak to all of this again later, but for now I just want to thank these people and all of you for your contribution to this year’s fundraiser effort!

Joe Fitzgerald

Post 3063 Commander