Category: Benefits
AARP Provides Anti-Fraud Info During Business Meeting
Discounted Tickets for “Glorious”
We received the following message from a local veteran, “Hello, I am a Marine Corps vet and am working with a small group on a project to highlight LGBTQ military leadership in a light-hearted way through music. This event is happening in Seattle in August.”
Check out their project linked here! If you want to attend, use coupon code VFW3063. It provides a 15% discount on all ticket tiers.
Yoga is Back at the Post
Our friends at the Veterans Yoga Project will begin teaching yoga at the post every Thursday at 10 a.m. starting April 4. No prior experience is required and you don’t need any equipment; just be sure to wear comfortable clothing!
Post Members, Family, and Friends Celebrate the Holidays
Thank you to everyone who helped celebrate the holidays with Post 3063 at the post’s annual holiday party Dec. 13. Special thanks goes out to Anne Leake, our lovely Santa Claus, Top of the Hill Barbershop Quartet for the holiday tunes, Chef Kay and crew for the wonderful food, Comrade Mamallo for the Christmas photos, and the many others who contributed to the merry event.