Take Out Social at Post 3063

By Harold Rodenberger
Take out
     With the Governor’s order to avoid gatherings and unnecessary movement, we decided to make a special effort to serve our regular third Thursday Social night dinner for take out. Chef Kay Seelig and husband, Russ, prepared a meal of sausage medallions with house-made mustard; smoked sockeye salmon, roasted potatoes and onions and roasted asparagus; with homemade cookies for dessert.
     Members came by and picked up about forty meals and Josh Edwards delivered six
more to people who couldn’t make it to the hall. We were pleased with the number of people who participated and received many thanks for providing our members a break from home cooking. Looking forward, we plan to do another take out meal for the third Thursday social in May. We will ask members to make reservations again so we can prepare enough meals for everyone.
Take out
Take out

Discounted Tickets for “Glorious”

We received the following message from a local veteran, “Hello, I am a Marine Corps vet and am working with a small group on a project to highlight LGBTQ military leadership in a light-hearted way through music. This event is happening in Seattle in August.”


Check out their project linked here! If you want to attend, use coupon code VFW3063. It provides a 15% discount on all ticket tiers.

Post Members, Family, and Friends Celebrate the Holidays

Thank you to everyone who helped celebrate the holidays with Post 3063 at the post’s annual holiday party Dec. 13. Special thanks goes out to Anne Leake, our lovely Santa Claus, Top of the Hill Barbershop Quartet for the holiday tunes, Chef Kay and crew for the wonderful food, Comrade Mamallo for the Christmas photos, and the many others who contributed to the merry event.


Around 50 people attended the event.
Around 50 people attended the event.
Santa gives gifts and cheer to the children of Post 3063.
Santa gives gifts and cheer to the children of Post 3063.