Relay Restaurant Group Feeds Veterans on Memorial Day

By Alyson Teeter


On Memorial Day more than 20 employees — including the owners and chefs –from the nationally known Relay Restaurant Group  fed approximately 40 veterans and family members from the local Ballard community.

Relay serving.


General Manager Michael Lund reached out to VFW Post 3063 in late April with the offer and that they wanted to hear “the amazing stories from people who helped make our country the amazing one it is today.” The post leadership team immediately said yes to the proposal!


The Memorial Day event started with a honor guard detail and an address from Commander Pete Krawitz. The front of the house staff showed off their serving skills while the kitchen staff showed off their culinary skills.Relay candles


The Relay team provided a large assortment of picnic-themed food — from barbecue chicken to cornbread and potato salad — all with a gourmet flare. According to Lund, the menu came together that morning and they had fun being spontaneous.

Memorial Day Lunch at VFW Post 3063

The staff from Joule RestaurantRevel and TROVE Seattle are catering a special luncheon on Memorial Day for Seattle veterans and their families. They want to hear our stories and learn more about the experiences of Seattle veterans.


This event is free but there are a limited number of tickets for this event, so please RSVP with an Eventbrite ticket. Feel free to share this link with other veteran organizations.

May 2019 Newsletter Available

Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s May 2019 newsletter is available here. Highlights include: Post 2019-2020 Election in May; Volunteer at the Ballard Farmer’s Market; VFW Represents at Run As One; and
VFW National Commander Visits Seattle.

National Commander Visits Seattle

The VFW National Commander, BJ Lawrence, met with District 2 members during a visit to Rainier VFW Post 2289 April 27. Pictured here from left to right is Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger, Sr Vice Commander Joe Tiffany, National Commander Lawrence, and State Commander Linda Fairbank.


National Commander Visits