Today on National Wreaths Across America Day Post 3063 provided an honor guard at the Sons of the American Revolution-sponsored WAA event at Lake View Cemetery. It was a soggy morning but people young and old turned out to honor our fallen veterans. A couple scouts from the post’s sponsored Girl Scout Troop (#46953) participated as well.
Author: ateeter
Holidays Celebrated at Post 3063
After a two-year hiatus due to Covid, we celebrated the holidays last night at Post 3063. We had a big turnout in person and to go, and we all feasted on Chef Kay’s delicious food!
Two of our youth essay winners attended, recited their essays, and received their certificates and prizes. Congratulations, Leela and Rylan!
The very special guest was our Santa and a Seattle Times photographer was there to document her giving gifts and bringing joy to the room.
Our friends, The Top of the Hill Barbershop Quartet, crooned some holiday and classic tunes, creating a festive ambiance.
Thank you to everyone who volunteered and participated! As our Santa says, “Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas!”
December 2021 Newsletter Posted
Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s December 2021 newsletter is posted here. Highlights include: Commander’s Corner; Quartermaster’s Update; Boy Scouts Attend Thanksgiving Social; Navigators Learn About Service; Service Throwback: Bill Griffith; and Agent Orange Exposure and VA Disability Compensation.
Boy Scouts Attend Thanksgiving Social
Boy Scout Troop 80 scouts from Magnolia attended the November Thanksgiving social Nov. 18, 2021. The post recognized the scouts for their accomplishments and the scouts mingled with the social attendees and joined in the camaraderie over a tasty dinner prepared by Chef Kay and her crew.

Quartermaster’s Update (December 2021)
By Harold Rodenberger
We are nearing the end of another year. Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas and other year-end holidays are on the near horizon.
Our Thanksgiving social was a successful merging of in-person and take-away dining. The reservation system that is now necessary, worked well and Chef Kay’s dinner was superb, as usual. As long-ago social editors used to write, “A good time was had by all.”
Our traditional Christmas social will be held on the third Thursday, 12/16/21. Menu will be Beef Tenderloin with other dishes, similar to last year. Santa will be there along with some musical entertainers. Please remember that reservations will be required for this and all future dinners, whether dining in or to go. To make those reservations email ([email protected]) or call or text me at 206-972-2135. Deadline for reservations is Monday (12/13) evening at 6 pm.
Our December business meeting is the first Thursday, as usual. Please see our Commander’s message elsewhere in this paper for an urgent invitation to attend in person. If you can’t or aren’t able to attend in person, please join us on Zoom at (Password: Ballard306). Meetings start at 7 pm and usually last an hour or so.
As a special treat this meeting, we will hear our Voice of Democracy winner, Nina Kieserman, give her speech. Nina also won the competition at District 2, so will advance to our Washington State level competition. Good luck, Nina!
Our Patriot’s Pen winner, Rylan Calica, and Youth Essay winner, Leela Baker, will read their essays at our Christmas Social. Rylan and Leela also won at District 2 level. Rylan won the eighth grade level but came in second for the overall 6, 7 & 8 grade title. Leela won in the 3-5 grade level and will advance to state competition. Good luck Leela! Please plan to attend and support these young people. Oh, and have a great dinner in the bargain.
Our dark rainy weather makes outside activity more hazardous. Please watch out for others, especially the little ones this time of year.