VFW Virtual Career Fair scheduled Oct. 5

The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. and the National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF) are teaming up to host a VFW Virtual Career Fair on October 5, 2016, exclusively for veterans, service members and their spouses, and we need your help in spreading the word!

The Oct. 5 event will run from 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. EDT, and provide career-seeking service members, veterans and their spouses the opportunity to connect with job openings being offered by some of the top names in the hospitality industry. The event will feature available opportunities with Ecolab, Hyatt, Sodexo, BJ’s Restaurants and Sysco, all companies with a history of commitment to hiring America’s service members and veterans.

While participants may register at the time of and during the event, participants are strongly encouraged to preregister for the event at http://www.vfwvirtual.com/registration/.

The October 5 hospitality-focused event will seek candidates to fill a myriad of opportunities in the industry, ranging from front of the house and back of the house restaurant positions, to those involving administrative, food services, culinary, facilities management, environmental services, housekeeping, construction, clinical health management and many more. All companies are nationwide and offer an array of opportunities that only large, multi-million dollar corporations can.


Whether you’re currently trying to navigate today’s tough job market, or know someone who is, the upcoming VFW Virtual Career Fair is an excellent opportunity open exclusively for service members, veterans and their spouses. Please share this information with your friends and family, and on social media.


Courtesy of VFW Communications

Correction: World War II Veteran Ceremony is Nov. 17

In the September newsletter the date for the World War II Veteran Ceremony was incorrectly listed as October 13th. The ceremony is scheduled during the Nov. 17 social where the post will host a special program honoring its WWII veteran members. There will be a slide show and memorabilia from the big war. They will have a free dinner for the honorees and the post will present longevity pins to all those WW II members who can attend. Pins for those who can’t attend will be mailed out. Save the date and plan on attending so you can join us in honoring our members who are part of the Greatest Generation.


Voice of Democracy scholarship deadline is Nov. 1

Each year, nearly 40,000 high school students from across the country enter to win a share of $2 million in educational scholarships and incentives awarded through the VFW’s Voice of Democracy audio-essay competition.


The VFW established the Voice of Democracy program (VOD) in 1947 to provide students grades 9-12 the opportunity to express themselves in regards to democratic ideas and principles.

Voice of Democracy Graphic

The national first-place winner receives a $30,000 scholarship paid directly to the recipient’s American university, college or vocational/technical school. Other national scholarships range from $1,000-$16,000, and the first-place winner from each (state) VFW Department wins a minimum scholarship of $1,000 and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C.




Students should record their reading of the draft to an audio CD or flash drive. The recording can be no shorter than three minutes and no longer than five minutes (plus or minus five seconds).


Entries begin at the post level. Once the student creates their essay and completes burning the audio version to an audio CD/flash drive, they can submit their typed version, CD/flash drive and the Voice of Democracy entry form to their local participating VFW Post by the November 1 deadline.


Students who submit an essay to Post 3063 automatically receive a $50 prize!


For more information regarding the scholarship application process, go to https://www.vfw.org/uploadedFiles/VFWorg/MY_VFW/VoiceofDemocracyEntryFormandBrochure.pdf.


Post pays a visit to hospitalized vets on Labor Day

VA Volunteers
Five members of Post 3063 and two community volunteers visited the Seattle VA Hospital on Labor Day to bring some holiday cheer to the patients. This visit they tried something new: instead of passing out drinks and snacks to the patients they passed out monetary chit books that could be used in the Veterans Canteen Service Store. Even the patients on restricted diets received something this time and all of them could choose whatever they wanted at the store. Pictured from left to right: Justin Mamallo, Dan Stokke, Sanu Chacko, Jessica Chacko, Gail Engler, and John Hoglund (Harold Rodenberger not pictured).



State of Women Veterans social media campaign launched

The Department of Veterans Affairs published a press release announcing a social media campaign about women veterans going on now through Veterans Day. It aims to raise awareness about contributions of women veterans.



September 1, 2016


State of Women Veterans Social Media Campaign Launched


WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is partnering with Women Veterans Interactive (WVI) to launch a State of Women Veterans’ social media campaign. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of women Veterans’ military and societal contributions and provide an avenue for informing women Veterans about the VA benefits they have earned.


“This campaign is a collaborative effort to establish partnerships with nonprofit organizations that advocate and provide assistance on behalf of women Veterans,” said Kayla Williams, Director of VA’s Center for Women Veterans. “We are elated to be partnering with WVI in this important initiative. The new State of Women Veterans’ social media campaign offers another way to connect with women Veterans to raise awareness about VA care and benefits and to encourage collaborative partnerships.”


The campaign will conclude over the Veterans Day weekend and will be recognized and featured during a WVI- sponsored event in November.


For more information or to join in the conversation, follow @DeptVetAffairs on Twitter, like the Department of Veterans Affairs Facebook page and use the hashtag State of #WomenVets.

