Quartermaster’s February Update

By Harold Rodenberger


January was a busy month at our post.


Some of our traveling members collected toiletries from hotels along the way and brought them by so we could give them to the homeless folks in the camp next door. Brian, the security coordinator, said they really appreciate those small size toiletries since their shower facility is several blocks away and it’s awkward to carry large bottles of shampoo and such up the street. The small containers work so much better.


If you are a collector of hotel-size toiletries and have some to spare, bring them by and we will accumulate and donate them to our neighbors.


I gave blood again in January. As I detailed in an article a couple months ago, it is almost pleasant to give blood the modern way. There is no question it saves lives, so if you can give blood, please do. If you give blood, please let us know so we can add your donation to the list of good things our post does, for our Community Service Report.


Another item of community service that is reported up our chain of command is the donations in kind many of us make from time to time. When you donate clothes, groceries or household items to your favorite charity, please send us a compilation so we can add those values for community service credit.


In January, members of our post visited three local retirement homes and several older members in their homes. If you would like to join the effort to visit our members in these local homes, or any of our (especially older) members, please let me know.


This month brings the debut of Kay Seelig as the new cook for our social dinners on the third Thursday of each month. Please check out this short article, check the menu each month and plan to attend the socials every month.


February will also be a busy month at our post.


Nominations for many of our VFW National awards are due. There are awards for: Teacher of the year, firefighter, police officer, EMT technician of the year; veteran of the year, Scout of the year and others. If you know someone who is head and shoulders above others in their specialty, please bring it to our attention so we can put them in for proper recognition.


Believe it or not, our meeting next month brings first nominations for officers for the upcoming VFW year. If you are interested in running for elected office, now is the time to let that secret out of the bag. Talk to a fellow member about nominating you and spread the word about your candidacy.  We also have vacancies in some appointed offices and committees. Again, don’t keep it a secret if you are interested in serving your post in this way.