
Commander’s Corner: February 2025


As we start the new year, I’d like to remind everyone of a few important updates and opportunities to engage with our post.

First, we’ll hold a swearing-in ceremony during the Feb. 6 business meeting. If you haven’t participated in one since joining, please come—it’s a meaningful tradition that connects us to our shared mission.

Looking ahead, officer nominations for 2025-2026 begin in March. As a volunteer-led organization, our strength lies in the dedication of our members. If you’re interested in stepping up to help share the workload and make running the post more of a team effort, please talk to me or Quartermaster Joseph Mesa. We need more hands to ensure our legacy remains strong.

Finally, as part of our redevelopment exploration, we’ve hired a consultant to help guide us through the process. One thing is becoming clear: the future of our post depends on the strength and engagement of our membership. That’s why I’m asking you to join us for a members-only social on Feb. 20, where we’ll discuss our challenges and identify potential solutions. Your input is critical as we plan the path forward.

Save the Date! We’re gearing up for our Vietnam Veterans Recognition Social on March 15. This is a meaningful opportunity to show our appreciation and give our Vietnam-era comrades the recognition they deserve. Let’s make this a team effort—volunteers are key to ensuring this event is a success. Sign up to volunteer here

Let’s work together to ensure a vibrant and sustainable future for VFW Post 3063. I hope to see you at these upcoming events!

In comradeship,
Aly Teeter, Commander

February Social announced

We’re hosting a members-only social on Thursday, February 20 to discuss the future of our post. This interactive event includes a facilitated exercise designed to identify key priorities and challenges for VFW Post 3063’s mission and sustainability. Your participation will help guide decisions about our building and ensure we remain a thriving community for veterans.

📅 When: Doors open at 5:30 p.m., dinner and exercise start at 6:00 p.m.
📍 Where: Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063
✉️ RSVP[email protected]

This is a great opportunity to share your voice, connect with fellow members, and help secure the future of our post. We look forward to seeing you there!

Vietnam Social March 15

Mark your calendars! We’re planning our annual Vietnam Veterans Recognition Social for March 15. Commander Teeter would like this to be a team effort. Recognizing and celebrating the service of our comrades is one of our main missions and since Vietnam Veterans have served as the backbone of the VFW for many years now, we owe them a proper Welcome Home! 

Sign up to volunteer here!

Memorial Wall renovation support needed

VFW Post 3063 submitted a letter of support for the proposed updates to the Memorial Wall at Memorial Stadium, advocating for much-needed improvements to honor veterans with a more accessible and dignified space. The renovation plan includes a dedicated area for reflection and events while improving the wall’s setting away from parking areas.

A briefing presentation shared with the Landmarks Preservation Board can be viewed here.

The board is set to vote on the proposal soon, and public comments are encouraged. To submit your input before the vote, visit here.

Mid-Winter Conference recap

Comrades Commander Alyson Teeter and Quartermaster Joseph Mesa attended the Department of Washington VFW Mid-Winter Conference January 17-18 in Pasco. At this conference, various training classes were held, officer reports were read and winning essay participants were recognized.

Here are some highlights Commander Teeter noted that she thought were worth passing along:

Membership training
– All State is 100%+1 (VFW Post 3063 is at 100%!)
– Before asking for membership, ask if they need help!
– “Conflict area” rather than combat.
– Transfers: Membership committee needs to ensure they’re qualified
– Have folks designated as recruiters and they help mentor
– Contact members at large (see list from Chuck Bond)
– Make sure SSNs on DD-214 are blacked out
– QM can fix email addresses
– Don’t invite prospects to post meetings as the first touch point. Instead focus on other events that demonstrate the VFW mission.
– National Guard prospective members; see if they received hazard pay
– Don’t forget Coast Guard members!

Service Officer
– Accredited officers: moving to hourly due to state law change
– Four vacancies: Vancouver (1 FT, 1 PT), Yakima (PT), Everett (FT)
– Post Service Officers will be renamed to something else, TBD

– The VA facilities want us back!!!! 
– American Lake has a clothes closet and they need more donations! 
– Jason Paxton is visiting Seattle VA on Feb 14 – he wants area post members to come!

National Home
– WA Home is vacant
– 100 year anniversary this year