By Margaret Philips, Post 3063 Auxiliary President
We – the members of the Auxiliary – are pleading with all current and past members both male and female to step forward and get our membership up…we need YOUR help. This is a great organization that needs everyone’s help. We wish to continue our great work helping all vets. In the past they helped us now it’s our turn to help them!
Come to a meeting or a Social and get to know your members. Our meetings are on the first Thursday of the month from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. The social is on the third Thursday of the month and dinners are served at 6:30 p.m. The meeting hall is located at 2812 NW Market Street, Seattle 98107.
For more information or help please contact me at 206-412-7384.
On February 18th I attended one of the quarterly meetings of Washington VFW District 2. This time we held the annual memorial service for departed members of our posts and auxiliaries in addition to our regular business meeting.
There are currently 13 districts in the State of Washington. Each district is composed of between five and twelve posts. In our district there are seven posts covering the Seattle and Vashon area.
There are no members of the district, as such. The officers and delegates who attend and conduct district meetings remain members of their individual posts. The district is an administrative level of command between post and department (state) headquarters. In addition, each district commander is a department officer.
In earlier years, the district officers were much more involved with the subordinate posts’ activities, helping with training and guidance of post officers. As with many chains of command, modern communications have reduced that role. Yet, even today they have responsibilities to inspect the books of the post quartermasters, choose district winners of the Youth Essay and Voice of Democracy contests, and select the district winners of the various community honorees such as Teacher of the Year, Firefighter of the Year, Scout of the Year, Policeman of the Year, and Veteran of the Year.
Good post officers often become district officers and promising officers at that level often work their way up to positions at the department level.
The next District 2 meeting will be held at our hall in Ballard on May 6, 2017, with lunch at 11:30 a.m. and the meeting at 1:00 p.m. It will be the annual District 2 Convention featuring election and installation of officers along with some other business. Please try to attend this meeting to give our post a good representation.
Here ye, here ye, the time has come when all good ladies and gentlemen need to come to the aid of their Auxiliary. We are looking for a few good applicants to come and join us to help work with and support our service men and women.
Our group gets together at Post 3063 every first and third Thursday of the month. On the first Thursday we have our meetings at 5:30 p.m. and we serve a light dinner. On the third Thursday we have our social and serve a great dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Please feel free to call me at 206-412-7384 if you have any questions about joining or if I can help in any way.
The Department of Washington 70th Annual Mid-Winter Conference took place on Jan. 20 and 21, 2017 in Vancouver, Wash. Those who attended the conference along with me were Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger, Senior Vice-commander / Adjutant Pete Krawitz, Trustee James Williams, Service Officer Gail Engler, Assistant QM Joe Fitzgerald and House Committee member Doug Maines.
The conference serves to provide updates to posts statewide and provide training opportunities. There was a post service officer training session, two phases of recruiting training and a quartermaster class. At the general business sessions, chairpersons of 27 committees provided updates of their respective committees, such as federal legislation, audit, inspections, public relations, POW/MIA and many others. The business session allowed candidates to inform the membership of their intent to run for office for which the elections will be held at the Summer Convention in Olympia in June. Also, pertinent information was disseminated from the State Commander and from the Council of Administration.
A highlight of the conference was the Voice of Democracy Banquet. High school students who were top finalists at each district in the state vied for the top prize of an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. to compete in the National Competition for a $30,000 scholarship. The Department of Washington winner was Erica Roloff, who was sponsored by District 3. She will represent Washington State at the National competition. Danika Nolton, who placed 1st at District 2 (which Post 3063 is a part of) placed 5th at the State level.