Sr. Vice has Recruiting Plans

By Joe Tiffany, Sr. Vice Commander


Nobody does more for Veterans.


That is the VFW’s motto. Our motto.
I’d like to impress upon every member of Post 3063 the importance of new members. It is the life force of our organization.


I have some ideas for recruiting new members:


1. Set up a booth at the Ballard Sunday Market where we can answer questions and get our name out to the public.


2. Host an open house at our post with a barbecue of hamburgers and hot dogs this summer. We’d invite not only prospective members but our neighbors and community as well. We could also include a live band performance and a food truck. That will entice younger members to join.


If you have any ideas please contact me at [email protected] or 206-619-9521.

Post Adjutant Outlines Communication Initiatives

By Alyson M. Teeter, Post Adjutant


When I took on the job as post adjutant last year, I didn’t know what the job entailed besides taking business meeting notes and periodically emailing the post. Eventually I read a job description that said, “The Post Adjutant is a conduit for information between the Post Commander and the members of the Post, as well as between the Post and the general public. Effective communication skills are necessary to maintain a productive harmonious atmosphere among members and help to recruit new members.”


Whew, that can mean a lot or a little, since communication can be put to the wayside in our fast moving, noisy lives.


On that note, the leadership team is working to streamline and improve communication processes for the post in order to enhance retention, membership participation, continuity, and recruitment. Here’s an overview of what’s we’ve been up to.



  • Facebook: Our business meetings and social nights are posted as events on our page at Here we also share veteran-related news to our followers.


  • Newsletter: Look for our monthly e-newsletter in your email inbox and quarterly newsletter in the mail. If your contact information changes, please notify me at [email protected].


  • Email Lists: Post 3063 has two email lists that publicize benefits and volunteer opportunities. Please let me know if you’d like to be included on these lists. After I add your name, click on the confirmation email from to join.


I’m just a conduit for information, so if there’s anything you’d ever like to pass along to the rest of the post, please share and we’ll see what’s the best channel for relaying your information. I also appreciate feedback so let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions for improving the post’s communication processes.

Trip Report: Mid-Winter Conference 2018

By Harold Rodenberger


Along with four other delegates from our post, I attended this year’s Mid-Winter Conference held in Spokane Jan. 19-20, 2018.


Friday morning Gail Engler, the Post 3063 Service Officer, Joe Fitzgerald, the Post 3063 Junior Vice Commander, and I attended the Service Officer’s training presented by our new Department of Washington VSO, Bill Brown. Bill gave a comprehensive class covering forms, procedures and available resources.


Next on the agenda was the Quartermaster’s Class presented by our new Department Quartermaster, Paul Manley. Paul covered some of the finer points of quartermaster’s duties and answered lots of questions for post quartermasters and other interested people in attendance.

Bob Wallace
The VFW National Representative, Bob Wallace, addresses the conference attendees.


To wrap up the day, I attended Nadine Warren’s very informative and motivating Recruiting Class. Nadine is a great speaker. She showed slides and gave examples of the various techniques to get those all-important younger veterans to join our ranks.


Saturday, we attended the business session. It was a busy day with remarks by the VFW National Representative, Bob Wallace, and reports from the state line officers. In the afternoon, committee chairpersons reported on the mid-year progress of their committees.


VOD winners
Voice of Democracy district winners seated in front of the head table.

Saturday evening was the big event of the conference.  Earlier in the day, Patriot’s Pen and Youth Essay

winners were announced and presented with their awards but at the banquet Saturday night, the Voice of Democracy winners were announced and we listened to their stirring essays on the theme: “What does a veteran mean to me?”. Teacher of the Year Awards also were presented at the banquet.


As in past years, at this year’s Mid-Winter Conference our delegates learned some new information about our VFW, the status of our state organization, and returned to our post more enthusiastic, motivated and knowledgeable.

Greetings from the Newly-Elected Auxiliary President: Donna Limric

Hello, my name is Donna Limric and I’m the newly elected VFW Post 3063 Auxiliary President. Thank you to the members of the auxiliary for your votes of confidence. I would also like to introduce our newly elected Sr. Vice President Margo Clutter and our newly elected Treasurer Elizabeth Guncay. I would like to express our gratitude to the past officers for their service and hard work.


Last summer I became a member of the auxiliary to support my husband, Norman Limric. I took the position of president to support the post, which has become such an important role in his life.


There is a great deal of work to be done to make this a functional auxiliary that fulfills its mission to support our veterans and our community.


We need to attract new members. With that goal in mind I have started to build a Facebook page. My next idea is to have a presence at many community events this year.


We are currently working on a project to serve our community. We are collecting prepackaged snacks for social services agencies who outreach to homeless mentally ill people in our community; many who are veterans. We will be handing out a flyer with more information at the next business meeting and social. The collection box is on the table across from the front entrance of the hall.


If you have a family or friend who is interested in joining the auxiliary, please email me at [email protected].