Quartermaster’s Update (3rd Quarter 2020)

By Harold Rodenberger

It has been a tough three months since my last column. Many of our members and their families are in the highest risk groups, so they have had to stay close to home and isolate themselves as much as possible. To keep our post functioning we have been conducting our business meetings via Zoom. The attendance has been better than expected and we have been able to fulfill our mission in unexpected ways.

To reach out to our members, Service Officer Joseph Mesa is calling people on a rotating basis. Most days, I’m available to answer your phone calls. IF YOU NEED HELP OR JUST NEED SOMEONE TO LISTEN, PLEASE CALL ME at 206-972-2135 ANYTIME AND I WILL LISTEN AND TRY TO HELP.

Because of the virus, we’ve cancelled our traditional spaghetti fundraiser but are planning a different major fundraiser to be held in its place. Mark the date, September 12th. Further details to follow.

Our social night dinners also have changed due to the lockdown. Members pick up their meals and we deliver to those who can’t make it to the post. Chef Kay Seelig and other volunteers have been doing a great job with the dinners. Volunteer drivers have been delivering to those at home. Many thanks to the volunteers who make this happen!  Email will bring information on this month’s special dinner. Make sure you have a reservation by responding to the email or calling 206-972-2135. Because of the virus, reservations are required.

Ace Hardware has teamed up with the VFW and donated American Flags for the use of our members. If you would like to have some of these flags for patriotic purposes, please call so we can coordinate a time for you to pick them up.

This month marks the start of the new VFW year. Our new officers have been installed and are ready to keep our post alive and well during this unusual time. Every year, I mention the importance of membership because every year we lose members for various reasons. This is the time to look around and ask someone to join our post. A growing post depends on growing membership. Please help by finding new members to replace those who transfer out, go to their just reward or for other reasons fall off our rolls.

Please remember that our VFW is an equal opportunity organization. The requirements for membership are: any US citizen or National who has served in a designated combat area and an honorable discharge. There is no qualification based on race, ethnicity, sex, age, national origin, or any other factor. 

From the Outgoing Commander (3rd Quarter 2020)

My fellow Comrades,

     It has been an honor and a privilege to serve as Post  Commander 2019-2020. I’d like to take this time to recognize the Post Leadership for doing all the unseen work that should not go unnoticed. Please know we are in good hands. And a huge recognition for all the hard work by the membership. Without you none of this would be possible.

     As we transition to the next VFW calendar year I’d hope that we, as leaders in our community, will continue to persevere these uncharted events at hand. I believe we can lead the way and help each other as well as our neighbors while keeping our community strong. If not us who?

     In closing, I feel the need to publicly thank a few members. Kay & Russ Seelig. Kay and her social meeting dinner crew. Wow, always a do-not-miss presentation. And our annual fundraiser. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Simply superb.

     Lastly, my personal thanks to Harold Rodenberger. Our Post could not have a better Quartermaster. Thank you for everything you do.

Yours in Comradeship,

R Joseph Tiffany

From the Incoming Commander (3rd Quarter 2020)


As we begin the new VFW year, and having the unexpected challenge of the COVID 19 epidemic thrust upon us,. “Zooming” into office is not exactly how I envisioned my first meeting as Post Commander would go! However, this is the hand we have been dealt, so here we go.

I hope all of you are continuing with safe practices and distancing as we  begin to move into Phase 2 of the return to normal from the Covid pandemic. Using masks, gloves, wipes, and social distancing protocols at least until a vaccine becomes available has been shown to be the way that we will most effectively combat “spikes” and allow us to move through Phase 2 and on.

So please, we must continue with these efforts! Above all, stay safe!

Joseph G. Fitzgerald

Commander Post 3063

May Social Feeds 65 Comrades and Family Members

Comrade White picks up his takeout meal.

With the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Safe order, we have continued to serve our regular third Thursday social night dinner for take out. Chef Kay Seelig and Linda Stokke prepared a belated Cinco de Mayo meal for 65 members May 21 (which is a much higher number than our regular monthly socials)! We’ve also collected more donations and are starting to break even on socials, which is a plus. We plan on continuing the new tradition this month with a take out social on June 18. Please send in your reservations to Harold and more info to come.