Youth Essay Entries Due October 31

Do you have a grandchild looking for some money for college? Do you know a student who is a thinker and has good opinions? Do they like to write?

The VFW has a program for them!

High school students can enter the Voice of Democracy contest. Here’s a link to the rules and entry form:

Middle school students can enter the Patriot’s Pen contest. Here’s the link to the rules and entry form:

Elementary students in grades 3, 4 & 5 are encouraged to enter the special Youth Essay program run by the Washington Department, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Here’s the link to the rules and entry form:

Please submit entries to Quartermaster Rodenberger by Oct. 31. Good luck!

Spaghetti Fundraiser: Save the Date

The post’s annual Spaghetti Fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 23 starting at 5 pm. We plan to host a wonderful dinner, courtesy of Chef Kay and a raffle for select items. We’ll also host a virtual auction for big ticket items. If you have an item to donate, contact the post at [email protected].

We anticipate it will look like our past fundraisers but specific details will be announced closer to the date. Stay tuned!

Commander’s Corner (July 2021)

We’re BACK!

Yes, it’s the start of a new year and the post is definitely back!

We will be conducting a full blown in person business meeting at the post on Thursday, July 1 at 7 p.m. for everyone who is fully vaccinated.

So any and everyone, come on down, COME ON DOWN! If for whatever reason you haven’t been vaccinated, you can still attend via Zoom.

There’s a lot of business to cover in our meeting, including our auxiliary, post awards and achievements and the recently concluded state convention.

We will also say farewell to Comrade Bryce White, Sr. Vice, who recently changed jobs and relocated back to Hawaii.

Hope to see you soon!

– Commander Joe Fitzgerald

Officer Spotlight: Dan Stokke, Post 3063 Judge Advocate

This is a recurring column that highlights the 2021-2022 post officers.

What is your military background?

My tour of duty in the U.S. Army was at Tae Chon, Korea where there was a missile base with three huge missiles.  The missiles would come out of their silos every week on staggered days. Our unit was tasked to secure the perimeter.  There were 12 OPs. Every night I would hump three mountains where my OP’s  were located and make certain no one was sleeping. My squad would put out little traps for me to warn them when I was coming. They would tell me the traps were for the North Koreans. We were not allowed cameras or alcohol in the compound. I believe the missiles were nukes but everything was hush-hush. 

When I got back to the states I was placed at Ft. Lawton in the 74th MP Detachment and did the remainder of my Military time there. That prepared me for my civilian job which was a Detective for 42 years with Seattle P.D.

Tell us about your position and what you hope to accomplish during your term.

As Judge Advocate I am responsible to keep the Post bylaws and constitution up to date and present them to the Post membership.

How long have you belonged to Post 3063 and did you previously serve in an officer position?

I’ve been with Post 3063 approximately six years and previously served as Post Surgeon. I’ve enjoyed participating in the post’s annual trips to the VA hospital. Since COVID-19 of course, we haven’t been able to see the vets. Hopefully this will start again soon. 

I like the friendships I’ve acquired from our post and the fact they all are motivated to help the veterans.

Quartermaster’s Update (July 2021)

By Harold Rodenberger

Because I’ll be at the VFW State Convention during the end of June, I’m writing this during the Summer Solstice. It seems only fitting, after going through the longest year since Vietnam, to be writing this during the longest day of the year. As when I left Vietnam about 55 years ago, I am relieved that this longest year is drawing to an end.

Thanks to all of you who have worn masks, learned to properly wash hands, and most importantly, gotten vaccinated. You have helped yourself and your fellow citizens to slow down this pandemic and slowly return to a more normal life.This pandemic caught us flatfooted but scientists learned, knowledge evolved, and we are still learning lessons.

One lesson we learned was that electronic attendance at meetings works, so starting this month, fully vaccinated members are encouraged to attend meetings in person. We will continue to offer the Zoom connection at all our meetings and members who are not vaccinated are encouraged to attend using this platform.

Another lesson learned was to reduce our food waste by operating the social dinners (third Thursdays) on a reservation basis.

If you want dinner, make a reservation. If you want to go through the line and take your dinner home, make a reservation. Reservations are easy, email [email protected], or text/call me at 206-972-2135 with your desired number of meals. Deadline is the Monday night before the Thursday Socials. Fully vaccinated are invited to dine in house. Others may go through the line and take their dinner home.

Our Service Officer, Joseph Mesa, continues to help veterans submit claims for benefits for disabilities incurred while serving their country. He can also give you information about survivor’s assistance. If you or any other veteran you know needs help getting a claim together, please contact Joseph for an appointment at 206-488-8981. Membership in the VFW is not required.

Our post and VFW Posts worldwide depend on volunteers to keep veterans and other community assistance programs alive and functioning. We need leaders and workers for mentoring new members, helping with socials, working the phone tree, distributing Buddy Poppies, visiting the VA Hospital and shut-in vets, working membership, etc., etc. As the new VFW year starts this month, and as our new officers take the lead, please help our fellow veterans (and yourself) by attending meetings and volunteering to help your post thrive.