1st Quarter 2022 Newsletter Posted

Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s 1st Quarter 2022 newsletter is posted here. Highlights include: Commander’s Corner; Quartermaster’s Update; Holidays Celebrated at Post 3063; Post Santa, Ann Leake, Featured in Seattle Times Video; Wreaths Across America 2021; All Three Youth Essay Winners Place at District Level; New Member Spotlight: Mark English and In Memoriam: Harland Goodrich.

All Three Youth Essay Winners Place at District Level

This year we had entries for all three of the youth essay contests.

Nina Kieserman, a 15-year-old sophomore at Lincoln High School recited her district-winning Voice of Democracy essay at the Dec. 2 post business meeting (pictured left).

Rylan Calica, a 14-year-old eighth grader from Rochester, was our winning Patriot’s Pen entrant. He won for his grade at the district level (center).

Leela Baker, an 8-year-old 3rd grader from B.F. Day Elementary took first for the Youth Essay and also won at the district level (right).

State-level award winners will be announced at the Department’s Mid-Winter Conference in January. Congratulations and good luck, kids!

Post Santa, Ann Leake, Featured in Seattle Times Video

If you’ve ever attended a post holiday social, then you’ve met our incredible Santa, Ann Leake. This holiday season Seattle Times reporter Erika Schultz profiled Ann for a video feature. If you’d like to view the video, check it out at https://www.seattletimes.com/video/f1CR1Pr2/second-generation-santa-93-shares-joy-of-the-job/. Be sure to grab a tissue, Ann is a truly an inspiration!

Commander’s Corner (October 2021)

Comrades, I know this must feel a bit like Bill Murray’s Groundhog Day movie but we must keep our collective heads up and continue moving forward. This second dose of Covid-19 masking will pass too.

In the meantime, however, we must continue with the masking in accordance with the mandated state requirements. Who knows if this will be short lived or not, but erring on the side of caution, it was determined that it was best for the September Post Business Meeting to be a Zoom only meeting. The Oct. 7 business meeting will also be via Zoom ONLY. The login information will be the same as it has been all along. This return to Zoom only will be assessed from month-to-month. We will return to the in-person business meetings as soon as it is possible to do so.

Keep the heart unwrinkled and remember, “Don’t worry about a thing, ‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right!”

– Commander Joe

Thoughts on Afghanistan

As we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the news coming out of Afghanistan in recent weeks has been tough to watch, especially for our Afghanistan veterans. Here are some poignant words from our comrade, Robert Kettle:

I remember clearly 9/11 and the summer 20 years ago at SIXTH Fleet as we worked through Intelligence reporting and all the chatter about a pending strike.  I remember clearly too the COLE bombing in Aden harbor 11 months before which had us already ramped up as we embarked on the Global War on Terror.  Ten years on I remember clearly our JCS strike group operations in the N. Arabian Sea in support of Op. ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan.  Now twenty years on I look with great sadness on the events of today in Afghanistan but also on so many waypoints along the way that led us to this point.

I reflect on the nature of the history of our involvement in the country and the history of the country itself knowing that unlike, for example, Germany there was no shared threat to bind us together not to mention other challenges in the relationship that meant at some point we would need to leave.

I reflect on lives lost both incountry and out; immediate and long delayed. Of those injured too whether seen or unseen.  Their sacrifice cannot be thought of as being in vain for it was not.

I reflect too on the people of Afghanistan and of the Great Game of an earlier time that played itself out again over the last four decades wondering with this chapter closing what will the next chapter bring.  My wondering is of sadness still.

Regarding support for our Afghan allies, Post 3063 has a track record of backing the Special Immigrant Visa program. In 2020, our post voted to endorse No One Left Behind’s proposed resolution for adoption at the VFW National Convention. We’re happy to report that it was adopted by National last summer. See more about the SIV program and No One Left Behind’s advocacy here.

Veterans who served in Afghanistan may be experiencing a range of challenging emotions related to the U.S withdrawal from the country and unfolding events. Veterans who served during other conflicts may also be feeling strong emotions as they may be reminded of their own deployment experiences. Strategies for managing ongoing distress are available here. Please take care of yourselves and also feel free to reach out to our Post 3063 Service Officer, Joseph Mesa at [email protected].