The Auxiliary Corner: April Update

By Margaret Philips, Post 3063 Auxiliary President


We – the members of the Auxiliary – are pleading with all current and past members both male and female to step forward and get our membership up…we need YOUR  help. This is a great organization that needs everyone’s help.  We wish to continue our great work helping all vets. In the past they helped us now it’s our turn to help them!


Come to a meeting or a Social and get to know your members. Our meetings are on the first Thursday of the month from 5:30 to 6:00 p.m. The social is on the third Thursday of the month and dinners are served at 6:30 p.m. The meeting hall is located at 2812 NW Market Street, Seattle 98107.


For more information or help please contact me at 206-412-7384.



Members Away from Home: Sean Digre

By Harold Rodenberger

Auxiliary member Sarwat Digre and post member Sean Digre.
Auxiliary member Sarwat Digre and post member Sean Digre.

Post member Sean and Auxiliary member Sarwat Digre are presently living in Newport, Ore, while Sean is on a two-year sea duty tour with the NOAA Ship Bell M. Shimada.

Sean receives award from NOAA administrator
Sean receiving his BOCT diploma from Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, former Astronaut and Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator.


Sean gained his VFW eligibility from service in Afghanistan. He spent eighteen years in the Army and then completed his schooling at the University of Washington, Divers Institute of Technology, and finally the Basic Officers Candidate Training Course at the Coast Guard Academy in

New London, Conn. He now is beginning a new career with The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).


Best wishes on your NOAA career, Sean. Keep in touch and send us an update when you can.


John R. Shrewsbury, World II Vet, passes away at 101

John R. Shrewsbury, a veteran of World War II and post member, passed away at the age of 101 on Dec. 28, 2016. His ashes were interred at Evergreen Washelli inside the Doughboy statue.

John and Helen Shrewsbury
Photo of John and Helen Shrewsbury before World War II.


In World War II, John served in England, France, and Germany after training at Fort Lewis. In his later years, he was a resident of the Norse Home in Ballard and post members would often pay him a visit.


The Ballard News Tribune published a feature about his life for his 100th birthday and you can read about it online at


The Auxiliary Corner

Here ye, here ye, the time has come when all good ladies and gentlemen need to come to the aid of their Auxiliary. We are looking for a few good applicants to come and join us to help work with and support our service men and women.


Auxiliary logo

Our group gets together at Post 3063 every first and third Thursday of the month. On the first Thursday we have our meetings at 5:30 p.m. and we serve a light dinner. On the third Thursday we have our social and serve a great dinner at 6:30 p.m.


Please feel free to call me at 206-412-7384 if you have any questions about joining or if I can help in any way.



Margaret Philips

President, Post 3063 Auxiliary President