Category: Event
Commander’s Corner (September 2023)
By Alyson Teeter
Hello comrades, take a look in this month’s newsletter at all the interesting and diverse activities we have to offer in September and October. From Paint and Sip, to coffee and talk, to service, we have something for everyone.
As we host opportunities for service and camaraderie at our post, I’m building a list of our active participants who we can depend on to help spread the load for our volunteer organization. If you want to be added to this list, please volunteer to help at the post at an event or in the office during our office hours. Being on the list also give you access to perks, like free Mariners tickets!
I’m also keeping a close eye on our spending. The award of a $15,000 county grant should help lighten the burden of our social costs. We’re also trying to increase our revenue through our rentals programs so we created a rental pricing list. If you’re aware of any other grant or donor opportunities or have feedback on the rental pricing, please let me know!
Lastly, thank you to the Seeligs for hosting our annual picnic at Lake Serene. I heard Joe and Laura Fitzgerald are the new Post 3063 Corn Hole Champions. Congratulations! 🙂
New program: Five and Five
“Five and Five” is a unique opportunity to:
– Speak
– Listen
– Learn
– Understand
Date : Sept. 21, 2023
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: Ballard VFW Post
Each participating comrade will speak on their own unique military experiences highlighting the first FIVE years of military service OR the last FIVE years of military service.
After each member has spoken, we return to the first speaker. That speaker will then speak on what they VISUALIZE the NEXT FIVE years going forward will entail.
The environment will be one of total respect, no judgement and trust that each comrade’s experience is valued and kept within the group.
We want to address certain serious consequences of loneliness noted in the recent U.S. Surgeon General’s reports through respectful and trusted communication in our “Five and Five” informal coffee hour meeting platform.
Coffee and pastries provided.
Register with Dave Tyner at [email protected] or 206-979-5889.
Sign up for Paint & Sip Night
Thanks to the King County Veterans Program Vets Engaged grant, VFW Post 3063 is proud to present a Paint and Sip night for our September Social on September 21. Pinot’s Palette — a veteran-owned franchise in South Hill — will provide the materials and instruction.
The event is limited to the first 40 RSVPs so sign up ASAP at our Eventbrite page. (Be sure to cancel if you sign up and change your mind!) We’ll provide food and beer and wine will be available for purchase from the vendor.