Pizzas for Queen Anne Food Bank Guardsmen

Thank you to the National Guard Airmen and Soldiers working at the Queen Anne Food Bank! Jr. Vice Commander Aly Teeter dropped off pizza for the crew this week. There she met Staff Sgt. Jesse Conner, a Public Affairs Airman from the 141st Refueling Wing in Spokane. Also pictured (center) is Carlos Rivera, a Student Flight member from the 141st. He recently enlisted in the Washington Air National Guard and is waiting to attend Basic Military Training. Last year, the Washington Air National Guard authorized new enlistees to volunteer for the food bank support mission. According to Sgt. Conner, Rivera is receiving mentorship from the other servicemembers to help prepare him for training. Overall, everyone is super motivated and enjoying the mission of helping fight food insecurity during the Covid-19 pandemic.

0 to 100 Project Launch Includes Post 3063 Member Portraits

In the Fall of 2019, local photographer Ahamed Iqbal asked to photograph members of Post 3063 for his 0 to 100 photography project, which documents people from ages 0 to 100.  Ahamed recently wrote, “Just wanted to let you know that I just launched my photography project’s website today: To find someone directly by name you can use this link (alphabetical order): I’m so grateful to you for connecting me to the men and women at the VFW and truly appreciate them being so open and friendly with me. I emailed anyone who provided me with their addresses but I thought it might be nice for everyone at the VFW to see as well.” Thank you to everyone who participated!

Caring for Those In Need During the Holiday Season

Post 3063 leadership joined forces with their adopted unit, the Washington National Guard’s A Co. 181st Brigade Support Battalion, Dec. 18. The post donated $1,000 in gift cards to HHC and A Co. 181 BSB’s soldiers and their families. We’re looking forward to hosting the company commander, CPT Jackson Meeker, during our January business meeting where he’ll tell us more about the BSB’s mission. 

The post also donated its hall for the Seattle Stand Down Dec. 19; volunteers wrapped toys for veteran families.

Chef Kay’s Crew Prepares Record Number of Social Meals

Chef Kay and her dedicated crew of chefs, takeout preparers and food deliverers fed a record 85 people for November and then another record 102 people for December. All meals are takeout style, for donation only, and so delicious!

It’s an amazing treat to eat a Chef Kay meal each month and our post is so appreciative of Kay and her crew’s efforts.

Thank you to Comrade Marleen Madding for taking the behind-the-scenes photos!