Pizzas for Queen Anne Food Bank Guardsmen

Ballard Eagleson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3063
"No One Does More for Veterans"
Post 3063 leadership joined forces with their adopted unit, the Washington National Guard’s A Co. 181st Brigade Support Battalion, Dec. 18. The post donated $1,000 in gift cards to HHC and A Co. 181 BSB’s soldiers and their families. We’re looking forward to hosting the company commander, CPT Jackson Meeker, during our January business meeting where he’ll tell us more about the BSB’s mission.
The post also donated its hall for the Seattle Stand Down Dec. 19; volunteers wrapped toys for veteran families.
Chef Kay and her dedicated crew of chefs, takeout preparers and food deliverers fed a record 85 people for November and then another record 102 people for December. All meals are takeout style, for donation only, and so delicious!
It’s an amazing treat to eat a Chef Kay meal each month and our post is so appreciative of Kay and her crew’s efforts.
Thank you to Comrade Marleen Madding for taking the behind-the-scenes photos!
Chef Kay and her team of volunteers served up another amazing Thanksgiving meal to post members, families and friends Nov. 19. The meal was served takeout style, which Post 3063 has been doing since the start of the pandemic. As Kay noted on her handout menu, in 2020, we still feast!