Ballard Eagleson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3063
"No One Does More for Veterans"
Do you have a grandchild looking for some money for college? Do you know a student who is a thinker and has good opinions? Do they like to write?
The VFW has a program for them!
High school students can enter the Voice of Democracy contest. Here’s a link to the rules and entry form: https://bit.ly/2lJlE0g.
Middle school students can enter the Patriot’s Pen contest. Here’s the link to the rules and entry form: https://bit.ly/2mKrezW.
Elementary students in grades 3, 4 & 5 are encouraged to enter the special Youth Essay program run by the Washington Department, Veterans of Foreign Wars. Here’s the link to the rules and entry form: https://vfwwa.org/di/vfw/v2/default.asp?pid=79734.
Please submit entries to Quartermaster Rodenberger by Oct. 31. Good luck!
The post’s annual Spaghetti Fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 23 starting at 5 pm. We plan to host a wonderful dinner, courtesy of Chef Kay and a raffle for select items. We’ll also host a virtual auction for big ticket items. If you have an item to donate, contact the post at [email protected].
We anticipate it will look like our past fundraisers but specific details will be announced closer to the date. Stay tuned!