Quartermaster’s Update (December 2021)

By Harold Rodenberger

We are nearing the end of another year. Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas and other year-end holidays are on the near horizon.

Our Thanksgiving social was a successful merging of in-person and take-away dining. The reservation system that is now necessary, worked well and Chef Kay’s dinner was superb, as usual. As long-ago social editors used to write, “A good time was had by all.”

Our traditional Christmas social will be held on the third Thursday, 12/16/21. Menu will be Beef Tenderloin with other dishes, similar to last year. Santa will be there along with some musical entertainers. Please remember that reservations will be required for this and all future dinners, whether dining in or to go. To make those reservations email ([email protected]) or call or text me at 206-972-2135. Deadline for reservations is Monday (12/13) evening at 6 pm.

Our December business meeting is the first Thursday, as usual. Please see our Commander’s message elsewhere in this paper for an urgent invitation to attend in person. If you can’t or aren’t able to attend in person, please join us on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5057012075?pwd=K1ppc3RCNHRaYkhyNjFhb0w2dkdlQT09 (Password: Ballard306). Meetings start at 7 pm and usually last an hour or so.

As a special treat this meeting, we will hear our Voice of Democracy winner, Nina Kieserman, give her speech. Nina also won the competition at District 2, so will advance to our Washington State level competition. Good luck, Nina!

Our Patriot’s Pen winner, Rylan Calica, and Youth Essay winner, Leela Baker, will read their essays at our Christmas Social. Rylan and Leela also won at District 2 level. Rylan won the eighth grade level but came in second for the overall 6, 7 & 8 grade title. Leela won in the 3-5 grade level and will advance to state competition. Good luck Leela! Please plan to attend and support these young people. Oh, and have a great dinner in the bargain. 

Our dark rainy weather makes outside activity more hazardous. Please watch out for others, especially the little ones this time of year. 

Commander’s Corner (December 2021)

Happy holidays…and a Christmas wish!

As we are about to close out yet another Covid year and become immersed in the Christmas holiday season that heralds in the New Year, I would personally like to extend a very “MERRY CHRISTMAS” wish to each and everyone of you!

As you know, next week will be our last business meeting of the year, and with that I do have a special Christmas wish of my own for that day and beyond. It’s a very simple wish.

That our post membership attendance at the business meetings increase to levels that are more in line with what our actual membership is.

I understand the crippling effect that Covid has had on attendance and that there are some who just won’t be able to attend yet. But as vaccinations increase and Covid levels decrease, the time has come for us to be getting back to post business. It’s time to start getting back to the post!

For some, it may be coming to your first business meeting. We have gained dozens of new members since this Covid stuff started a couple years ago, not to mention however many others we gained before that! Whatever those numbers end up being, we have only had one or two new members showing up at any given meeting.

The few other members that also attend are the old standbys: the staff and other regulars who are always there so we can actually conduct a meeting. We need more than that. We need both the old and the new membership in attendance. We need you to come to the meeting and see what we do. We need your input to help us as we move forward with the many endeavors that the post undertakes. That can only happen if you are in attendance. So please do your best to join us. It starts with next week’s business meeting! We look forward to seeing you.

One of the casualties of all this has been that our membership oath and induction ceremony has not taken place in a very long time. (Note: This is where you typically receive your Membership Pin.) In an effort to finally correct this, we will be conducting the induction ceremony at the onset of our January 6, 2022 business meeting. That’s in one month!

If you have not taken the VFW membership oath, please show up at the January business meeting. There will be others to join you. It is painless, and only takes a short amount of time. You need to do this. If you have already been through this ceremony please come and join us as we meet and welcome new members. Thank You.

Commander Joe Fitzgerald

Quartermaster’s Update (November 2021)

Some quick notes as we head into November.

We have decided to hold the November, and future business meetings (until further notice) in person with a Zoom option. Members and guests who are fully vaccinated may attend in person, others please tune in via Zoom, using the directions that are elsewhere in this newsletter.

We are running way behind in drawing for free life memberships from those who have attended two meetings and who are present at the current meeting, in person or via Zoom. Please attend a meeting and take advantage of the very favorable odds that you might win a free life membership.

The November social will be our Thanksgiving dinner. The same vaccination policy will apply to in-person attendance. Others may pick up a takeout dinner. Please remember that all socials and other dinners will be by reservation only – whether in person or take out. To make reservations, please text or call me (206-972-2135), or email at: [email protected].  

For the November dinner, reservations must be in no later than noon on Monday, November 18th

Our annual fundraiser was held in October this year. Attendance was less than in years past due to a variety of reasons, but based on early returns, it looks like it was quite successful. I’ll have a full report at the business meeting on November 4th. Meanwhile, many thanks to Co-Chairs Russ and Kay Seelig and all those who helped by soliciting or donating prizes, volunteered in the kitchen and at the hall, or contributed their hard-earned bucks to make the event successful.

Please remember our typical fall/winter weather presents challenges when out and about. Darkness, wind and rain make it hard to see pedestrians, so remember to drive defensively and keep a weather eye out for the unexpected person, animal, bike or car that might pop up from the darkness.

Yours in Comradeship,


Quartermaster’s Update (October 2021)

Please note! Our meeting on 10/7/21 will be conducted on Zoom only. Zoom connect info is elsewhere in this paper and on our website.  

Our Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser will be conducted in person unless there is a change in guidance from Gov. Inslee or King County. Only vaccinated will be allowed to attend in person.

There are two events to remember this month.

First, our shredder truck date is 10/19/21. We are working with a new company this year. The truck will be in our parking lot sometime between 0900-1200 on that Tuesday. You are welcome to bring your shred papers to the post that morning and wait for the truck to arrive so you can watch the shredder gobble up your papers. Or, if you don’t need to see the actual shredding, you can bring your papers to the post during normal office hours and we will lock them in the Arms Room until shredding time. When the truck arrives, we’ll take your papers, along with ours and others, to the truck and make sure they are properly shredded. Even though the truck is less expensive, donations are requested to offset the cost.

The second, and more important, event this month is our annual Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser with raffle and online auction. This is our one big fundraiser for the year so it is important that all of our members support it by buying tickets and helping out in person, if possible.

We need prizes for the auction and raffle. If you can solicit or donate a prize, please bring it to the post so we can photograph and post it to the auction site.

Tickets are available at the office during normal office hours, and at the auction website https://www.biddingowl.com/auction/rtickets.cfm?auctionid=22225  If you are going to buy online, the easiest way is to go to our website: vfwseattle.org and click on the link in the first line to go to the ticket selling location.

We will be conducting the raffle at the post after dinner. The online auction will be via BiddingOwl at the website shown above. The online auction starts at noon on 10/21 and ends at 8 p.m. on Sunday 10/24. You are welcome to go to the site early and review items beginning as soon as we get photographs posted, hopefully 10/3/21.

In addition to coming up with prizes and selling tickets, we also need help at the hall from a couple days prior and especially on the day of the raffle. Please call Russ Seelig (206-423-1150) or myself (206-972-2135) If you are available to help.

Commander’s Corner (October 2021)

Comrades, I know this must feel a bit like Bill Murray’s Groundhog Day movie but we must keep our collective heads up and continue moving forward. This second dose of Covid-19 masking will pass too.

In the meantime, however, we must continue with the masking in accordance with the mandated state requirements. Who knows if this will be short lived or not, but erring on the side of caution, it was determined that it was best for the September Post Business Meeting to be a Zoom only meeting. The Oct. 7 business meeting will also be via Zoom ONLY. The login information will be the same as it has been all along. This return to Zoom only will be assessed from month-to-month. We will return to the in-person business meetings as soon as it is possible to do so.

Keep the heart unwrinkled and remember, “Don’t worry about a thing, ‘Cause every little thing gonna be all right!”

– Commander Joe