Commander’s Corner (April 2022)

SPRING IS IN THE AIR and we’re jumping into it with both feet! Hopefully Covid won’t be coming with us and will continue to fade away. Even though it doesn’t appear it’ll totally disappear, we’re starting to learn to live with it.

So, what does that mean for us?

  • It means that we all can fully return to our post business. 
  • It means that we can have in-person business meetings and socials. We started this last month.
  • It means that for the first time in two years the nominations and voting for the incoming board will also be in-person.
  • It means that we can finally interact face-to-face at our meetings and upcoming post projects.
  • Finally, it means that all of us who are physically able can attend and participate in our post meetings and functions.

As all this comes together, we begin to realize that yes, we can carry on with our lives despite Covid and its variants. Therefore, please jump in with us! Sunny days are here again!

This upcoming VFW year promises to be one of our best, with a fantastic mix of both old and new officers! Come find out who they are, meet them and watch them in action! See you on April 7th!

– Commander Joe

Quartermaster’s Update (April 2022)

Top of the news (at least our news) this month is the relaxation of Covid protocols. Beginning with our April business meeting we will be following state and local guidance with masks optional, proof of vaccination not required, social distancing and hand washing encouraged, and common sense required. One big lesson learned during the pandemic was, “If you’re sick, stay home.” Please don’t come to the post with a cold, flu or Covid symptoms, or any other sickness, just so you can make an appearance. Please stay home, protect the rest of us, and get well soon! 

Our business meetings will be in person with a Zoom option for those who prefer not to attend in person and those in remote locations. Zoom info can be found elsewhere in this paper.

Speaking of remote locations, we have many members who live in outlying areas or even in other states and countries. Some people who move away from our local area transfer to other VFW Posts, but others prefer to remain members here. I’ve spoken with many of those who enjoy our newsletters, website and other communications. Here’s a hearty “Thank You” to each of you remote members who maintain your membership here in Ballard. If there’s anything we can do for you, let us know. Meanwhile, please Zoom to our meetings when you have a chance. 

Not to neglect our local members, “Thank You” to each of our members for maintaining their membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars. In addition to the benefits you get from our organization, your membership benefits millions of other veterans as our National officers work to obtain and maintain benefits veterans have earned by their sacrifices in service to the country. As you all know, there is strength in numbers and your membership adds to the strength of those numbers. 

Our post has drawings at business meetings for free life memberships. The rules are simple: Once you attend two meetings you are eligible for the drawing, but you need to attend either in person or on Zoom to participate. 

As we get back to a more normal way of life, we will be doing more of our community service activities. In May there will be a “Day of Service” in conjunction with a local community organization. May 24th we will have a community “Shredder Day” when we will have a shredder truck come to our parking lot to shred personal papers. We will accept donations to offset the cost of the truck. In June we will have a booth at the Ballard Seafood Fest to engage with the community by passing out Buddy Poppies and membership applications to those eligible. When the VA Hospital allows we will resume bringing good cheer and conversation to the veterans there and at other locations in our community. We also will be holding a “clean up” day at our post. Please watch for details of these and other activities, as many volunteers will be needed to make these things happen. 

During the past two years, many of you have participated in our Social Night take-out program. During the height of the pandemic we had no choice, but now that things seem to be returning to normal, it would be good to make the Social Night more social by getting together in person for dinner, camaraderie, etc. I’m wondering if you feel strongly about in-person dining or about continuing the “take-out” option. If you have strong, or even weak, feelings one way or the other, please let me know. As usual you can reach me via email ([email protected]), text or phone (206.972.3135).

Thanks for being a member of our VFW Post, count your blessings, and enjoy Spring, 


Commander’s Corner (March 2022)

By Joe Fitzgerarld

Yes — we are back to in-person meetings — and that starts with the March 3rd Business meeting.

Also, we will simultaneously Zoom the meeting as well.

The expectation is that masking will be a requirement for the foreseeable future, but please don’t let that stop you from attending our meetings. This is a really good All-American Post, but in order for us to continue to be that, to be as good as we can be, we need members to get back to showing up and being a part of it all. You will be amazed at how much fun it is to sit in the meeting and listen to me babble on…it’s quite entertaining actually!

Beyond that however, we are continuing to open things up as we begin the process of getting back to normal or should I say “our new normal.” Vaccinations and masking are of course a big part of this new normal but that does not mean that we cave into the pandemic either. That means we get on with our personal lives as we learn how to live with the pandemic. That means learning how to get on with our VFW lives in the same way.

As you may recall, the month of March means that we start the process of voting for this coming year’s next post leadership team. Membership needs to be involved with this process to help ensure the voting results are what you want and not just “what you get”! Members attending via Zoom will of course be a part of this, but nothing replaces being there in person. It’s the best way for you to really have an idea of who you will vote for.

So please, join us at the March 3 business meeting, which is at 7 pm at the post, and get to know your comrades. You can even come early, treat yourself to a dinner, drink and some post comradeship. You won’t regret it!

Quartermaster’s Update (January 2022)

By Harold Rodenberger

As many of you know, our post made All-American status last year for the first time in our history. Our Commander was presented with his All-American cap, but the rest of us, although entitled to wear that cap, must buy it from the VFW Store. If you want to buy a cap, call the store (833-839-8387) and tell them you want to order an A-A cap. They will need your member number (found on your membership card) and credit card info. If you can’t find your card, I can provide your membership number. The cost of the cap will be approx $80.

This past quarter has been like a roller coaster. As infection rates declined, we were able to attend in-person meetings and socials again. Since the Omicron variant invaded, infection rates are surging. Early evidence indicates that this variant is more infectious but may result in somewhat less serious cases. By all accounts, the best defense is to get vaccinations and boosters, practice good hand hygiene and masking techniques, and avoid indoor crowds.

We require proof of vaccination or a negative test within the past 72 hours to attend in-person meetings and social events. We will continue to provide a Zoom hookup for others. Thanks for doing all you can to slow down this current surge.

Another way to help yourself and others during this period is to reduce stress and stay upbeat. With instantaneous news, addicting social media and extreme political divisions, every day can seem overwhelming. There have been many troubles in our past. We no longer burn people at the stake, boil suspected heretics in oil, or tar and feather contrarians. In the forties and fifties blatant racial, sexual, religious and social prejudices were common. There is still room to improve, but we have made much progress.

To fight those old evils, and reduce my stress levels, I try to practice the Golden Rule, give others the benefit of the doubt, and extend the hand of kindness where possible. I know I can’t change the world, but I can improve my little corner of Ballard, or Edmonds, or wherever I am on this imperfect Earth. These techniques don’t always work, but they help keep my blood pressure under control, and I recommend them highly.

Sincere wishes to you all for prosperity, health, safety and a modicum of happiness in the New Year.

Commander’s Corner (January 2022)


All of us should be very proud of everything the post has accomplished in 2021, especially with achieving All -American status for the first time in the history of the post!

That said, I can’t wait to see what we will accomplish in 2022! Hopefully it will include increasing our meeting attendance as we improve our ability to successfully deal with Covid and the variants. (Kinda sounds like a heavy metal  rock band)

No matter what this new year has in store for us though, we will be in it together. We just need to remain upbeat and maintain our positive attitude as we move headlong into 2022. We certainly can accomplish all that we set out to do.

Lastly, Laura and I hope this finds you all in good health and wish to each of you a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

-Commander Joe