Commander’s Corner (March 2022)

By Joe Fitzgerarld

Yes — we are back to in-person meetings — and that starts with the March 3rd Business meeting.

Also, we will simultaneously Zoom the meeting as well.

The expectation is that masking will be a requirement for the foreseeable future, but please don’t let that stop you from attending our meetings. This is a really good All-American Post, but in order for us to continue to be that, to be as good as we can be, we need members to get back to showing up and being a part of it all. You will be amazed at how much fun it is to sit in the meeting and listen to me babble on…it’s quite entertaining actually!

Beyond that however, we are continuing to open things up as we begin the process of getting back to normal or should I say “our new normal.” Vaccinations and masking are of course a big part of this new normal but that does not mean that we cave into the pandemic either. That means we get on with our personal lives as we learn how to live with the pandemic. That means learning how to get on with our VFW lives in the same way.

As you may recall, the month of March means that we start the process of voting for this coming year’s next post leadership team. Membership needs to be involved with this process to help ensure the voting results are what you want and not just “what you get”! Members attending via Zoom will of course be a part of this, but nothing replaces being there in person. It’s the best way for you to really have an idea of who you will vote for.

So please, join us at the March 3 business meeting, which is at 7 pm at the post, and get to know your comrades. You can even come early, treat yourself to a dinner, drink and some post comradeship. You won’t regret it!

Quartermaster’s Update (January 2022)

By Harold Rodenberger

As many of you know, our post made All-American status last year for the first time in our history. Our Commander was presented with his All-American cap, but the rest of us, although entitled to wear that cap, must buy it from the VFW Store. If you want to buy a cap, call the store (833-839-8387) and tell them you want to order an A-A cap. They will need your member number (found on your membership card) and credit card info. If you can’t find your card, I can provide your membership number. The cost of the cap will be approx $80.

This past quarter has been like a roller coaster. As infection rates declined, we were able to attend in-person meetings and socials again. Since the Omicron variant invaded, infection rates are surging. Early evidence indicates that this variant is more infectious but may result in somewhat less serious cases. By all accounts, the best defense is to get vaccinations and boosters, practice good hand hygiene and masking techniques, and avoid indoor crowds.

We require proof of vaccination or a negative test within the past 72 hours to attend in-person meetings and social events. We will continue to provide a Zoom hookup for others. Thanks for doing all you can to slow down this current surge.

Another way to help yourself and others during this period is to reduce stress and stay upbeat. With instantaneous news, addicting social media and extreme political divisions, every day can seem overwhelming. There have been many troubles in our past. We no longer burn people at the stake, boil suspected heretics in oil, or tar and feather contrarians. In the forties and fifties blatant racial, sexual, religious and social prejudices were common. There is still room to improve, but we have made much progress.

To fight those old evils, and reduce my stress levels, I try to practice the Golden Rule, give others the benefit of the doubt, and extend the hand of kindness where possible. I know I can’t change the world, but I can improve my little corner of Ballard, or Edmonds, or wherever I am on this imperfect Earth. These techniques don’t always work, but they help keep my blood pressure under control, and I recommend them highly.

Sincere wishes to you all for prosperity, health, safety and a modicum of happiness in the New Year.

Commander’s Corner (January 2022)


All of us should be very proud of everything the post has accomplished in 2021, especially with achieving All -American status for the first time in the history of the post!

That said, I can’t wait to see what we will accomplish in 2022! Hopefully it will include increasing our meeting attendance as we improve our ability to successfully deal with Covid and the variants. (Kinda sounds like a heavy metal  rock band)

No matter what this new year has in store for us though, we will be in it together. We just need to remain upbeat and maintain our positive attitude as we move headlong into 2022. We certainly can accomplish all that we set out to do.

Lastly, Laura and I hope this finds you all in good health and wish to each of you a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

-Commander Joe

Quartermaster’s Update (December 2021)

By Harold Rodenberger

We are nearing the end of another year. Thanksgiving has come and gone and Christmas and other year-end holidays are on the near horizon.

Our Thanksgiving social was a successful merging of in-person and take-away dining. The reservation system that is now necessary, worked well and Chef Kay’s dinner was superb, as usual. As long-ago social editors used to write, “A good time was had by all.”

Our traditional Christmas social will be held on the third Thursday, 12/16/21. Menu will be Beef Tenderloin with other dishes, similar to last year. Santa will be there along with some musical entertainers. Please remember that reservations will be required for this and all future dinners, whether dining in or to go. To make those reservations email ([email protected]) or call or text me at 206-972-2135. Deadline for reservations is Monday (12/13) evening at 6 pm.

Our December business meeting is the first Thursday, as usual. Please see our Commander’s message elsewhere in this paper for an urgent invitation to attend in person. If you can’t or aren’t able to attend in person, please join us on Zoom at (Password: Ballard306). Meetings start at 7 pm and usually last an hour or so.

As a special treat this meeting, we will hear our Voice of Democracy winner, Nina Kieserman, give her speech. Nina also won the competition at District 2, so will advance to our Washington State level competition. Good luck, Nina!

Our Patriot’s Pen winner, Rylan Calica, and Youth Essay winner, Leela Baker, will read their essays at our Christmas Social. Rylan and Leela also won at District 2 level. Rylan won the eighth grade level but came in second for the overall 6, 7 & 8 grade title. Leela won in the 3-5 grade level and will advance to state competition. Good luck Leela! Please plan to attend and support these young people. Oh, and have a great dinner in the bargain. 

Our dark rainy weather makes outside activity more hazardous. Please watch out for others, especially the little ones this time of year. 

Commander’s Corner (December 2021)

Happy holidays…and a Christmas wish!

As we are about to close out yet another Covid year and become immersed in the Christmas holiday season that heralds in the New Year, I would personally like to extend a very “MERRY CHRISTMAS” wish to each and everyone of you!

As you know, next week will be our last business meeting of the year, and with that I do have a special Christmas wish of my own for that day and beyond. It’s a very simple wish.

That our post membership attendance at the business meetings increase to levels that are more in line with what our actual membership is.

I understand the crippling effect that Covid has had on attendance and that there are some who just won’t be able to attend yet. But as vaccinations increase and Covid levels decrease, the time has come for us to be getting back to post business. It’s time to start getting back to the post!

For some, it may be coming to your first business meeting. We have gained dozens of new members since this Covid stuff started a couple years ago, not to mention however many others we gained before that! Whatever those numbers end up being, we have only had one or two new members showing up at any given meeting.

The few other members that also attend are the old standbys: the staff and other regulars who are always there so we can actually conduct a meeting. We need more than that. We need both the old and the new membership in attendance. We need you to come to the meeting and see what we do. We need your input to help us as we move forward with the many endeavors that the post undertakes. That can only happen if you are in attendance. So please do your best to join us. It starts with next week’s business meeting! We look forward to seeing you.

One of the casualties of all this has been that our membership oath and induction ceremony has not taken place in a very long time. (Note: This is where you typically receive your Membership Pin.) In an effort to finally correct this, we will be conducting the induction ceremony at the onset of our January 6, 2022 business meeting. That’s in one month!

If you have not taken the VFW membership oath, please show up at the January business meeting. There will be others to join you. It is painless, and only takes a short amount of time. You need to do this. If you have already been through this ceremony please come and join us as we meet and welcome new members. Thank You.

Commander Joe Fitzgerald