VA Coordinator Needed

Veteran patients at the Seattle VA Medical Center need OUR help! Post 3063 lost its VA volunteer coordinator and we need someone to step up and take charge of this important duty. This position will need to coordinate with the hospital and the post to set up hospital visits during holidays. The post has been absent previous holidays and we’ve heard that veterans have noticed.

If you are interested in volunteering, contact Quartermaster Rodenberger at [email protected].

Sign Up for Email Blasts

Would you like to know about local veteran deals or volunteering? Well you’re in luck: the post has created email lists for veteran deals and volunteer opportunities! Once you’re a member of the group mailing list, you’ll have the ability to share information with the entire list.


You can now sign up for each list by emailing Adjutant Aly Teeter at [email protected] or text/call at 206-701-9259.

WDVA hosting Women Veterans Summit in Lynnwood Sept. 16

The Women Veterans Summit will be September 16, 2017 at the Lynnwood Convention Center. Registration is free and open here.
This summit will provide comprehensive information regarding federal and state benefits and managing the challenges women veterans of all ages and services face today. Registration is free for all veterans and current members of the armed forces, but donations and sponsorships will be gladly accepted.


WDVA Women Summit 2017

Fundraiser Quickly Approaching

Post 3063’s annual Spaghetti and Raffle Fundraiser is only a few weeks away! Make sure you tell your friends and family and sell your tickets by Monday, September 4. Tickets are available for purchase online here.


According to fundraiser organizer, Trustee Russ Seelig, you can buy your raffle tickets at a cheaper price before the event. “Raffle tickets are $1, 25 tickets for $20 at the dinner, and people can get 30 tickets for $20 if purchased before the day of the dinner,” Seelig said. The raffle will include a number of gift certificates from local businesses, a gift basket from Reuben’s Brews, and a handmade quilt donated by John Hoglund.


Post members need to turn in their ticket stubs and money to Russ Seelig by Tuesday, September 5. He can be reached at 206-423-1150.


Fundraising flyer

August 2017 Newsletter Available for Download

Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s August 2017 newsletter is available for download here. Highlights include Commander and QM Receive White Hats at State Convention; Fishing For Members; Member in Distress: Comrade’s Daughter Fighting Cancer; Past Commander Pinning; In Memoriam; Post Members Trekking in Nepal;  and Spaghetti Raffle Flyer.