Quartermaster’s Update (September 2017)

It’s been said that all things change. Geological change appears unchanging to us while Moore’s Law concerning computing seems to allow change so rapid we can hardly follow.


As we grow older we change physically and mentally. It seems just yesterday I was a young man with many goals, working hard and supporting a family. Suddenly I realize I’m an old man having achieved many of those goals, approaching the winter of my life and finding the changes in our world and country almost incomprehensible.


Change is happening in our post as well. Commander Krawitz has changed our meeting format with the post meeting together with our auxiliary in the large hall followed by separate business meetings, with the post remaining in the large hall and the auxiliary moving to the smaller room. Starting the monthly meeting together with our auxiliary promotes teamwork and encourages shared goals. It looks to me like a good change.


Yoga class resumes on 9/16 when our yoga teacher, Alicia, returns from vacation. If you want to change your body and mind, even temporarily, come on out for yoga, it stretches your body and mind while enriching your spirit.


Our spaghetti feed fund raiser on September 9th changed from years past when it was held in the spring. Buy your tickets early and take advantage of the advance raffle ticket sales. Hard to beat 30 tickets for twenty dollars and it’s a good way to increase your odds of winning your favorite prize.


Speaking of, there are many wonderful prizes for the fund-raising raffle. Local businesses have generously contributed some wonderful gifts just waiting for your lucky draw. Mark your calendar, buy your tickets and let’s have a great time while raising money for our post relief fund.


We have received many flags deserving of respectful retirement so we are changing our flag retirement ceremony from one to two this month. First one will start at 10:00 a.m. on the sixth and the second will start at 11:30, September 13th, after yoga.


Now for some personal change. After 42 years in Magnolia, my wife and I are selling our house and moving farther north, or east, or maybe south or west. We’ve gotten older, the place was convenient to downtown and our VFW post but change reigns eternal so we decided we couldn’t wait any longer to change home locations. If we find a place close enough to Ballard, I’ll stay active in the post and even if our new home is farther way, I’ll work with whoever you choose to take on the responsibility of quartermaster in the future.


As these changes happen, each of us must contribute what we can to further our VFW goals.
I wish everyone in our post more success during the months and years ahead.

September 2017 Newsletter Available for Download

Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s September 2017 newsletter is available for download here. Highlights include Post 3063 Reps Attend National Convention in New Orleans; Ken Burns Vietnam Documentary Airs Sept. 17 on PBS; VA Coordinator Needed; Fundraiser Quickly Approaching; WDVA hosting Women Veterans Summit in Lynnwood Sept. 16; and Color Guard Represents.

From the Commander (September 2017)

By Pete Krawitz




On August 12th, Comrade Rodenberger and I attended the Department of Washington’s “School of Instruction” in Everett. This event gave us the opportunity to hear from our new State Commander (John Bradburn) and Auxiliary President (Laurie Lukas). They discussed their vision/theme for the 2017/2018 calendar year. Department’s theme this year is TEAM – Together Everyone Achieves More. The State Leadership team is particularly interested in the VFW and Auxiliary working together to achieve more.


Post 3063 is already making some changes to work more closely with our own Auxiliary. Earlier this month, I met with our Auxiliary president (Margaret Philips) to discuss some ideas and plan a few small changes that will hopefully increase the collaboration between our two groups. We will announce a few of these minor changes at our September business meeting.


While the summer is coming to a close, we do have a great event planned to see us into the fall. Our annual Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle Fundraiser will be held on September 9th. We hope to see you, your family, and your friends there! While we are on the topic of fundraisers, if you have any ideas or wish to lead a fundraiser down the road, please let me know. I’ve already had a few members approach me with some great ideas.


Lastly, have you ever wondered which pieces of legislation the VFW supports? You can find the list here at this website: http://capwiz.com/vfw/issues/bills/.

Post 3063 Reps Attend National Convention in New Orleans

By Nestor Tamayao


The VFW’s 118th National Convention took place in New Orleans, La. July 22-26, 2017. It was attended by six post delegates and one alternate delegate. They were Commander Nestor Tamayao, Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger, Junior Vice Commander Joe Fitzgerald, Trustees Aaron Stoltz, James Williams and Russ Seelig, and Surgeon Dan Stokke.


While the initial business session occurred on Monday, July 24, there were plenty of events on the Saturday and Sunday before. In addition to registration, there was a health fair, various committee meetings, a Gold Star Families reception, membership workshop, VFW programs workshop, veterans’ benefits forum, Protestant service, Catholic Mass and a First Time Attendees Reception for members like Comrades Fitzgerald and Stokke.

Washington delegation members, including post Comrades Tamayao, Stoltz, and Stokke, walk the newly installed Commander-in-Chief around the delegate floor.

At the Joint Opening Session on Monday, VFW and Auxiliary members attended the formal opening of the 118th National Convention by VFW Commander-in Chief Brian Duffy. A video was shown that recapped the many successes of the VFW in 2016-2017.


When the business session resumed after lunch, the hall seating was reconfigured by state.  Each department commander put a placard bearing the state’s name on a pedestal. State officers, post delegates and members sat with their respective state.


The business sessions on Monday and Tuesday had various speakers and the awarding of honors to recipients who were active in VFW programs and to sponsors of the convention. Tuesday evening highlighted a patriotic rally.


On Wednesday, resolutions and by-law changes were introduced and voted on. The morning culminated in the election and installation of national officers for the ensuing year. As part of the installation process, elected officers parade throughout the large hall followed by delegations from each state with the department commander holding up the state’s name on a placard. The service song of each elected officer is played as the parade commences and is repeated until the parade finishes. It is quite the pomp and circumstance.


While the convention contains many work-related items, there was still some time for fun and relaxation. The hospitality rooms afforded a place where a member could relax, meet members from other states, and enjoy food and libations. There are many places of interest in New Orleans with its many museums, churches and restaurants with fine cuisines. The French Quarter was also a go-to destination. Some members opted for a boat swamp tour which gave a close-up look at a swamp as well as the resident critter: the alligator.


The annual National Convention is an integral part of VFW business and each VFW post is required to register one or more of their respective number of delegates each year.  The hosting city considers the convention an economic boost as it can bring in up to 10,000 visitors.  Next year’s National Convention will be in Kansas City, Mo. in July.