Auxiliary President’s June 2018 Update

Dear auxiliary and post members:


I would like to introduce myself as the current president of the VFW Auxiliary of the Ballard Eagleson Post 3063. We have an all-new board of officers: Senior Vice President Margo Clutter; Junior Vice President Dorothy Harrell; Treasurer Liz Guncay; Chaplain Kristine Sawyckyi; and Conductress Karen Flynn.


What we need now is a secretary and trustees. We also need people who can chair our committees: Hospital, Americanism, Community Service, Legislative, Publicity, Scholarship, Sunshine, and Youth Activities.


Most importantly we need members.


Do know someone who is a spouse, widow, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild or sibling of someone who served their country fighting in a foreign war? If you know anyone who is interested in becoming a member of the VFW Auxiliary, please forward my contact information to them.


If you are a member who has not been active in a while, please come see the new and exciting plans that will revitalize this organization.


I would like to invite you all to come join us the third Thursday of each month for the VFW Post 3063 Social. The first Thursday of each month is our auxiliary business meeting. Please come learn about the exciting new changes and plans we are making to continue the good work of supporting our veterans and our community.
Please contact me if you have any questions. I can be reached by phone at 206-852-5434. You can e-mail me at [email protected]. You may also send mail to 2812 NW Market St, Seattle, WA 98107.

Donna Limric
Auxiliary President 2018
Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063

Helping with Bingo

Volunteers from Post 3063 teamed up with Ballard Eagleson VFW Auxiliary Post 3063 and VFW Post 3436 (Issaquah / Mt. Si) on May 22, 2018 to put on bingo night for patients at the Seattle VA Medical Center. Volunteers ran the bingo machine and provided food and prizes to patients.


Volunteers at Bingo Night.Volunteers at Bingo Night.
Volunteers at Bingo Night.
Auxiliary President Donna Limric calls out bingo numbers.
Auxiliary President Donna Limric calls out bingo numbers.

New Member Profile: Chris Dresnek

This is the first profile in a new recurring column that will highlight new VFW Post 3063 members. Chris Dresnek joined the post in April 2018.


What motivated you to join the VFW?

The need to be around my fellow veterans. We get each other in ways non-vets can’t.Chris Dresnek


What is your military background?
I’m retired Army. I was a Human Resources NCO, part-time supply sergeant, and the lead gunner on both deployments (Twice to Iraq: Kirkush and Kirkuk).


Civilian job, education, family, hobbies, or anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?
I’m not employed right now as I’m going to school full time on the GI Bill for a degree in Photography. Previously I was a manager and state certified medical marijuana consultant for a chain of Cannabis stores.


You’ve taken great photos of post events. Tell us about your photography.
It’s been a hobby for 25 years but I’m looking to make it a career. I am most interested in black and white film photography. I enjoy shooting landscapes and trees.


What do you hope to achieve being a member of the VFW?
Meet some cool people and be part of a thriving veteran community.

Post Commander Presents Award to AFROTC Cadet

Post 3063 Commander Pete Krawitz presented the VFW Award to University of Washington Air Force ROTC Detachment 910 Sophomore Cadet Ryan Lowery during the UW ROTC Joint Service Award Ceremony May 24, 2018. Cadet Lowery was recognized for his active engagement in AFROTC and his leadership traits. He’s the son of a retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant and hopes to become an intelligence officer once he receives his commission.


Post Commander Krawitz presents award to Cadet Lowery.
Post Commander Krawitz presents award to Cadet Lowery.


Post 3063 Adjutant Alyson Teeter (2002 Det 910 Alumnus) and Commander Pete Krawitz pose with Cadet Ryan Lowery.
Post 3063 Adjutant Alyson Teeter (2002 Det 910 Alumnus) and Commander Pete Krawitz pose with Cadet Ryan Lowery.

2018-2019 Officers Installed

VFW District 2 Commander Linda Fairbank installed the 2018-2019 slate of elected and appointed officers of VFW Post 3063 on May 3. First nominations were made in March, followed by second nominations and an election in April. Officers do not take office until July after the department commander is installed.


Congratulations and good luck to the new leadership team!


Commander: Pete Krawitz
Sr. Vice Commander: Joe Tiffany
Jr. Vice Commander: Joe Fitzgerald
Chaplain: Bill Griffith
Quartermaster: Harold Rodenberger
1-Year Trustee: Aaron Stoltz
2-Year Trustee: Russ Seelig
3-Year Trustee: Jon Guncay
1-Year House Committee: Doug Maines
2-Year House Committee: Jordan Houghton
3-Year House Committee: Alyson Teeter
Adjutant – Alyson Teeter
Judge Advocate – Dan Stokke
Surgeon – Tiffany Cavin
Adjutant – Alyson Teeter
Service Officer – Gail Engler
Officer of the Day – Anthony Rose
Guard – Anthony Rose


Incoming officers perform their oath during the officer installation May 3. (Photo by Chris Dresnek)




VFW District 2 Commander Linda Fairbank installed the 2018-2019 slate of elected and appointed officers of VFW Post 3063 on May 3. (Photo by Chris Dresnek)