Auxiliary Corner: What’s Membership?

By Donna Limric


The auxiliary supports the veterans and our communities so that they may be well. Most civic organizations have an auxiliary of some kind and the VFW is no exception. We raise funds, volunteer our time, and collect goods for organizations that serve our vets, military families and our community at large. For example, we raise money for National Home which is an organization that provides temporary housing for families and children in need. In addition, we volunteer at the VA hospital and send care packages to military posts.


The auxiliary promotes and celebrates patriotism through the proper care and retirement of American flags. On Flag Day and Veterans Day we post flags at grave sites of the heroes who have passed on. We offer scholarships to our youth for art, writing and community service that demonstrates what patriotism means. When our membership grows we can do so much more, and more is needed.


The VFW Ballard Auxiliary needs members. If you have a spouse, late spouse, sibling, parent, grandparent, or child who fought in a battle in a foreign war in the American Armed Forces, you qualify to join the VFW Auxiliary. It costs $50.00 to join but our auxiliary can sponsor you if you are unable to pay the dues. The Auxiliary provides advocacy to our lawmakers on behalf of our veterans and our armed forces to protect and improve benefits for our veterans, armed forces and their families. Members in our ranks means more people who have an interest in veterans and military issues. Finally, more members in our auxiliary means that we have more people to provide all the services our community and veterans need.


So, what’s in it for you?  Being in the auxiliary is fun. You get to meet wonderful people who are dedicated to various projects. It is social. Last May I was involved in a group that hosted bingo for VA Hospital patients. We brought sandwiches, snacks, cake and ice cream. The patients got the chance to win vouchers for the hospital canteen. We had a blast! Last Memorial Day the post and auxiliary participated in a poppy drive in front of the QFC. People coming out of the store shared their stories of being a vet, or of the vets in their family. One lady from Britain shared her memories of doing poppy drives with her parents since she was a little girl. The auxiliary also has a scholarship program for members who face cancer that pays for treatment expenses. Your participation in the auxiliary would look great on a resume!


So, if you want to belong to a fun group of people who are dedicated to making a difference please consider joining the VFW Auxiliary. We would love to have you.

From the Auxiliary: Vacationing Vet!

By Auxiliary President Donna Limric


One of the perks available for those who serve their country are DEALS: Goodwill, Dairy Queen, cell phone companies, cars, etc. We should always ask if a vendor has these discounts. We have earned them. When we buy items and services from these vendors we are also thanking them for supporting us.


When it comes to travel there are lots of deals.


The auxiliary is responsible for helping military personal, veterans, and families lead healthy and happy lives. Most of us take it for granted and think vacation time is a luxury or a frill. The truth is that self-care is crucial. I would like to offer our post members a few options that are available to veterans. There are cruises, camp grounds, hotels, and airlines that support veterans by offering discounts. There are hotels and other places to stay that are for active and retired military.


Here is a small sample of vacation deals and discounts I have found: Best Western, Choice Hotels, Comfort Inn, Embassy Suites, Hampton, Hawthorn Suites, Hilton Hotels and Resorts, La Quinta, Marriott, Motel 6, Red Lion Hotels, Red Roof Inn, and Sleep Inn all offer various discounts.


Sandals Beach Resorts, an all-inclusive resort in various ports of calls, has a 10% discount for veterans and active military personnel.


Caesars Entertainment International has a program called Total Rewards. This program offers discounts at all their properties (not just in Las Vegas but all around the world). This includes Caesars Palace, The Flamingo, Harrah’s, and Baily’s. They offer free parking on any of their properties, dinner deals, and more.


The Hale Koa is a resort on the island of Oahu. This is only for active military, veterans, and family members. In addition to room accommodations they also offer discount tickets to events.


Similar to the Hale Koa is the Shades of Green Lodge resort near Disney World.


Closer to home is Jim’s Creek, a camp ground in Snohomish county. This campground requires military ID.  However, one can bring guests.


Many Military bases have lodges and hotels available for those with DOD benefits.


Get out there have fun, relax, and enjoy the offers provided here. Also ask for discounts at airlines, car rentals, and attractions. It always pays to ask.


Recap: VFW National Convention 2018

By Nestor Tamayao


The 119th National Convention Veterans of Foreign Wars convened July 21 – 25 at the Kansas City, Mo. Convention Center. The attending post delegates to the convention were Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger, Junior Vice-Commander Joe Fitzgerald, Trustee Aaron Stoltz, Junior Past-Commander Nestor Tamayao, and Comrade James Williams.


Exhibition hall
VFW Village in Exhibition Hall.

On Saturday and Sunday, the exhibition hall had many vendors’ and sponsors’ exhibits, a health fair, an auction, “Buddy” Poppy Contest featuring entries constructed of poppies, a veterans walk-in claims clinic, Southern, Big Ten, Eastern and Western Conference Caucuses as well as various committee meetings. On Sunday, in addition to various workshops and National-level meetings, there was a Joint Memorial Service and a Welcome Concert featuring Trace Adkins.


At the Joint Opening Session on Monday, July 23, VFW and Auxiliary members attended the formal opening of the 119th National Convention by VFW Commander-in Chief Keith E. Harman. A video recapped the many successes of the VFW in 2017-2018. Many VFW awards were given to individuals and organizations.


After the lunch break, the VFW and Auxiliary went into their respective business sessions. The VFW business session usual room seating configuration was grouped by state departments. Each department’s commander placed a placard bearing his or her state on a pedestal. Department, District and Post officers and delegates were all seated within their particular state’s area. Proposed by-law, manual of procedure, ritual amendments, finance and internal organization, general resolutions, national security and foreign affairs, veterans’ service resolutions, and convention rules were introduced by respective committees and approved or disapproved by the membership.


Tuesday’s highlight was the appearance of the President of the United States, Donald Trump. Among other subjects, he spoke on issues with favorable direct bearing for the military, veterans, military personnel and their families. The president acknowledged the importance and need for the Veterans of Foreign Wars as a congressionally-chartered veterans organization. Prior to the president’s appearance, Marine Lt. Col. (ret.) Oliver North was introduced and given the VFW Distinguished Service Award. Also on Tuesday afternoon was a patriotic celebration for all delegates attending the convention.


The final day of the convention culminated in the election and installation of the national officers for the

WWI Museum
Joe Fitzgerald and Harold Rodenberger stand in front of the National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City.

ensuing VFW year 2018 – 2019 complete with the usual pomp and circumstance. It’s quite the scene observing many delegates parading throughout the hall to celebrate each national officer’s election.


The old adage of “All work and no play…” did not apply at this convention as delegates were afforded many opportunities to eat, drink and be entertained. Kansas City, Mo. is noted for its great cuisine, local breweries and distilleries. Barbeque is one of the “food groups” of this city!



Yearly, thousands of VFW and Auxiliary delegates gather to represent the organization’s total membership of nearly 1.6 million at the National Convention. The convention gives the organization’s membership the opportunity approve national priorities, elect new leadership, recognize prominent individuals and organizations and work on issues important to veterans, service personnel and their families. The 120th convention will be in Orlando, Fla. July 20 – 24, 2019.