Discounted Tickets for “Glorious”

We received the following message from a local veteran, “Hello, I am a Marine Corps vet and am working with a small group on a project to highlight LGBTQ military leadership in a light-hearted way through music. This event is happening in Seattle in August.”


Check out their project linked here! If you want to attend, use coupon code VFW3063. It provides a 15% discount on all ticket tiers.

3rd Quarter 2019 Newsletter Available

Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s 3rd Quarter 2019 newsletter is available here. Highlights include: From the Commander; Quartermaster’s Update; Farewell From the Outgoing Commander; Building Update: Architect Consultants Wrap Up Building Study; Comrade Rodenberger Awarded State’s Veteran of the Year; Ballard 19 Author Publishes New Book About Local OIF Hero; Volunteer at the Ballard Seafood Fest; and Seelig’s Hosting First Annual Post Picnic.

Quartermaster’s Update (July 2019)

By Harold Rodenberger


Welcome to our new VFW year. Last year was a busy and productive one with the building remodel (detailed elsewhere in this paper)  high on our priority list. We are moving into the new year with enthusiasm, determined to keep this project high in our sights as we as a post, narrow down the alternatives and arrive at a decision that will benefit the VFW, other veterans organizations, our community and, most of all, our members, present and future.


Congratulations to our new officers who were installed May 2 at the business meeting and took office last week, after our Washington State Commander was installed. I am confident they will continue the fine work of their predecessors and continue to lead the post toward our goals.


When I think back over the 2018-19 year, several things deserve special mention. Again this year, thanks to all who brought in new members, we achieved 100 percent membership. This time reaching that 100% mark by December 31st thus setting a new record for our post.


Our Post 3063 Auxiliary is enjoying a revival. President Donna is supported by a good slate of officers but they are still looking for active additions to their rolls so if you have qualified family members, please encourage them to join our auxiliary.


Our outgoing service officer, Leo Potts, raised money to take a group of veterans to Washington, D.C. to tour the military monuments and take a cruise on the Potomac River. Since he and Suzanne are moving to Spain in the fall, he has been helping our incoming service officer, Joseph Mesa, learn the ropes and continue to provide the same outstanding service to our members and other veterans that Leo, and before him, Gail Engler, have provided.


Our Post 3063 Honor/Color Guard participated in many ceremonies, including a graveside service for our 106-year old WWII member, Joe Small, when we braved a snowstorm to render proper honors to our departed comrade.


Remember the picnic scheduled for August at the Seelig’s place on Lake Serene. It promises to be a good time for all. Hamburgers, hot dogs and soft drinks furnished, bring anything else you want to eat or drink.


Happy Fourth of July! Remember, the business meeting in July is postponed from the 4th to the 11th.


Finally, THANK YOU for being a member of our post! It is only through your continued membership that we can support veterans’ goals at all levels, from local to national.