From the Commander (October 2019)



Since becoming Commander, we have had a busy start to the “VFW year.”


Our time has been occupied by the  Department (State) Convention in Vancouver, WA, the National Convention in Orlando, Florida, District Two (our district) meetings, and last but not least, the amazing fifth annual Spaghetti Fundraiser co-chaired by Russ and Kay Seelig.


The conventions are an amazing way to learn about the VFW and what we do, and the district meetings keep us in the loop on what is happening locally.


This year, like years in the past, the Spaghetti Dinner was amazing and I am so thankful to Russ, Kay and their crew for putting on this great event!


What I have learned so far is the amount of time our fellow comrades spend to pull all these events together and make our post look good. We, by definition are an organization of volunteerism and we are doing good, however there is always room to improve!


My goal is to get more people involved in volunteering and planning fundraisers and fun events to make our VFW one we can all be proud of. If you have ideas or want to jump in and volunteer, please reach out to me or any of our leadership for opportunities.


Commander Joe Tiffany


Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill


Annual Fundraiser Yet Again an Outstanding Success

By Alyson Teeter


VFW Post 3063 hosted its Annual Spaghetti Fundraiser and Raffle Sept. 14, 2019. The annual tradition, which has been held at the post hall for a number of years, brought in $6,264.20: an increase of nearly $500 from 2018!

The post hall was full of family and friends enjoying each other’s company.

The net proceeds will be deposited in the Post Relief Fund, which benefits a variety of causes, from local veterans in need — including those at the Seattle VA hospital — to the VFW’s National Home for Children.


As in past years, the hall was jam packed with comrades, family members, and friends due in large part to the Seelig family. Comrade Russ Seelig, Chef Kay Seelig, and their family performed a bulk of the work, from organizing the raffle to cooking the food. Their dedication was obvious by looking at the quality of raffle items, the large turnout, the taste of the food, and the comradery felt by all.


Thank you to all who volunteered and attended; please come again next year!

Raffle Prize Gifted to Former Vietnam POW

War spoon
From Comrade Bill Griffith:
“…at lunch I presented to Bill Wilson the spoon I won at our Post 3063 fundraiser. The spoon was made from aluminum that fell from the sky over Laos. Bill contributed to this collection until his F111 was shot down over Hanoi and he spent the rest of the war in prison. Thanks go to Russ Seelig for bringing this spoon home from Laos and donating it to the raffle. Bill Wilson really enjoyed getting it.” Read more about Bill Wilson’s story here.



September 2019 Newsletter Available

Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s September 2019 newsletter is available here. Highlights include: Raffle Donation Update; Buy Tickets NOW for Spaghetti Fundraiser Sept. 14; 2019 National Convention Recap; In Memoriam: Remembering Bob Drew; Youth Essay Deadline Approaching; and AARP Provides Anti-Fraud Info at Post Social.