Unserviceable Flag Retirement

By Harold Rodenberger


As a community service, our VFW Post accepts worn and unserviceable flags for proper retirement. Frequently people drop by the office and hand us flags that are no longer fit to fly and ask us to retire them. I am always impressed with their patriotism, sincerely and concern for the flag of our country.


Two or three years ago, a man called and wanted to know if he could drop off a flag he had found in a dumpster. I assured him we would accept it and he later brought it by the hall. It turned out to be a coffin flag. He retrieved it from the dump, had it dry cleaned and brought it by folded on a hanger. When asked if I could reimburse him for the cleaning cost he refused saying that he only thought it his duty to rescue the flag and find a way to return it to service.


In years past we have had retirement ceremonies in our parking lot where we properly disposed of the flags by burning. Last year we had complaints from the residents of the condos and apartments on the hill behind us so we stopped burning flags in our parking lot.


Over the past eighteen months we have accumulated over three hundred flags waiting for proper disposal. On Wednesday, October 16, 2019, we loaded up seven boxes of flags and took them north to my brother’s farm near Blaine, WA, for burial.


For a gravesite, we selected a grassy knoll overlooking green pastures with woods on the north and a view east toward Mt Baker.


flag burial
At the gravesite we dug a deep trench, said a few words and began placing the boxes of flags.


flag burial
After the boxes had been carefully placed in the bottom of the grave, we said a few words in honor of their service, rendered a final salute and backfilled the grave. Mission accomplished, we returned to Seattle.

A Touch of Light Reps Visit Post 3063

Thank you to Daniel, Linda, and Sheila from A Touch of Light for visiting us during our post social Oct. 17. They’re doing inspiring work with incarcerated veterans and are hosting an art gallery reception Nov. 2 (see https://www.facebook.com/events/2521804937875486/).


touch of light
From left, Comrades Teeter and Mielcarek pose with Daniel, Linda, and Sheila from A Touch of Light during Post 3063’s Oct. 17 social.

Quartermaster’s Update (October 2019)

By Harold Rodenberger


The Autumn equinox was a few days ago on September 23rd. The days are getting shorter and school kids have returned to their classes. Please drive carefully, especially around our schools with their precious, but sometimes preoccupied or inattentive, children.


Our Service Officer, Joseph Mesa, had to return to California to handle some urgent family affairs so has been dealing by telephone and mail with veterans seeking help with their claims. When ready, the veteran brings them in and we fax them to our Department VSO for review and transmittal to the VA. Being involved with this process has reminded me of the importance of all eligible veterans going to the VA Hospital to get their names and medical conditions on the Agent Orange or Burn Pit Registries.


Speaking of the VA Hospital, in another month we will be making our Veterans Day visit to the patients. If you have old copies of magazines from the VFW, or other veterans organizations, please bring them to the office so our ambassadors of goodwill can take them to pass out to interested patients.


Our new VFW year started in July. As happens every year, we lost members due to deaths, lapses in membership and other causes. Our state headquarters has offered a substantial monetary prize if we can reach 100% membership by December 31st. Please look for potential new members; they plus renewals are the lifeblood of our organization. The VFW National Headquarters doesn’t count annual members until they pay their dues. If your membership lapses this year, or before July 1st next year, please consider paying your dues before December 20th so we have a chance to win the membership prize. Some people think that if they renew early they might lose the time between then and their regular renewal day. Not to worry, your membership year will remain the same, it just helps us get to that magic number sooner. Thank you for helping us win.


Two raffle prizes came in after the fund raiser. At the social on October 17th we will raffle off an autographed Seahawks football and eight rounds of mini-golf at InterBay golf course. Please attend the social for a chance to win.


If you are interested in passing out poppies or helping during our visit to the VA Hospital on Veterans Day, please let Commander Fitzgerald, 206-619-9521, or myself (206-972-2135) know so we can get you on the schedule.

New Member Spotlight: Cole Russell

This is a recurring column that highlights new VFW Post 3063 members. Comrade Cole Russell joined the post in May 2019.


What motivated you to join the VFW?

Giving back to the local community while also working with a respected national organization.  It’s essentially the best of both worlds and enables its members to have an impact in both realms.  That and enjoying the camaraderie of fellow veterans of different backgrounds and generations.


What is your military background?

– University of Portland ROTC 2002-2007

– 12 years Active Duty USAF, Flight Test Engineer, 2007-2019, stationed in Eglin AFB, FL; Nellis AFB, NV; Edwards AFB, CA, and McChord AFB, WA.

– Washington Air National Guard, 194th Wing at Camp Murray, Cyber Officer, 2019+


Civilian job, education, family, hobbies, or anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?

Civilian job: Amazon Web Services MVP Team supporting Government Contracts

Family: Mom and Dad in Bellevue, Wife (Carmin), Dog (Theo), Cat (Mr. Bigglesworth)

Hobbies: Mountain climbing (did Baker earlier this year, Rainier last year, Mt. Kilimanjaro the year before), Snowboarding, Crossfit, Yoga, and local breweries.


What do you hope to achieve being a member of the VFW?

I hope to use the skills I have learned in the military, my current position in the ANG, and Amazon Warriors (internal military group), to facilitate as much local outreach and veteran support as possible in the Seattle community.