30 April 2020
The KCVC and greater PNW veteran community is truly digging deep to adapt, improvise, and respond to our people during this time. We thank each and every one of you for your compassion, humor, and hard work to meet our community where they are at. Here are some quick notes from today’s muster.
Ryan Mielcarek from KCVC Follow up from meeting in March. Informal volunteer network of cross-sector providers and partners. There is a community sourced COVID response page on www.thekcvc.org that anyone can update their information with. Lori Tiffin from the YWCA will be taking a leadership role with the Consortium so be looking out for communication from her in the near future. Thank you Lori!
Veteran Rites We provide a 12-day ceremony of honor in the wilderness of Eastern WA to bring our people back to their true identity, purpose, and belonging. We have rescheduled these ceremonies for June and September. In response to COVID to combat social isolation we have amplified our online veteran circles and programming to twice a week, partnered with Path With Art, and are experimenting with connections that are a safe space in the military family to return to meaningful relationships. This is all suicide prevention and our empowering our people to achieve their highest potential. Check out our events and blog page at www.veteranrites.org/gather and email Ryan directly at [email protected]
Des Moines Vouchers via Dale Bright – The City of Des Moines is looking to possibly provide senior veterans with food vouchers that can be used at local restaurants. Win-Win. Send an email to Ryan at [email protected] to learn more about this and if you have vets that may be interested.
Operation Military Family If anyone needs assistance or career recovery help, email is [email protected] / www.opmilfam.com. OMF has been serving the community and supporting other non profits with essential needs. They run an 8-week REBOOT program that brings warriors back to their identity. They are starting a 12-week accelerator in mid-May for career recovery in response to COVID.
Rosa Jenkins at Emerald Cities We will be recruiting for another cohort of HVAC trainees later this year to start training in 2021. Please keep us in mind, if you know of service members planning to exit the service this Fall or Winter. Roz Jenkins 360-970-3591. See an eight-minute video about our Opportunity Hub program at https://vimeo.com/368346341
Lynne Varney and Joanne Rodde at VA CBOC [email protected]; we have a small food pantry at our clinic, if there is a veteran who has immediate need of food and they can get to our clinic, we can provide referrals to food banks and food for a couple of days. Joanne Rodde and I both are social workers at VA CBOCs. There are 3 Valor CBOCs in the area, Bellevue, Lake City and Federal Way. We have Primary Care thru VA,. Along with Primary Care Providers and Social Workers , there is a Nutritionist, Pharmacist, Lab, and X-ray. We are not seeing patients face to face, but are doing phone and video visits. North Seattle Community Based Outpatient Clinic, 125th Ave NE and Lake City Way 206-384-4382
Kip Swanson at King County Veterans Program. KCVP Belltown Office. 206-477-8282. King County Veterans Program (with info related to remote services)… https://www.kingcounty.gov/depts/community-human-services/veterans/programs-services.aspx Phones are manned and responses are same day or next day for veteran services, including financial support. Working on a lot of food distribution, housing, gas cards, and more. Leveraging SSVF to house veterans in hotels.
Myra Rintamaki Red Cross Service To Armed Forces (SAF) Snohomish County. SAF casework for Active Duty Military through the Hero Care Network at the Everett Navy Base. Also Veteran Outreach via Hero’s Café – Lynnwood, Edmonds Got Your Six , and the Hero’s Café Shoreline. Email: [email protected], Cell 206-235-0348
Linh Thai The Mission Continues – [email protected] (206) 290-6457. TMC is full of opportunities in the Puget Sound area to combat isolation and for veterans to engage in service. From book clubs, seed planting, learning gardens, virtual workshops, and partnerships with the National Park Service and more Derrick Gray at SHAG [email protected]. I work with elder vets that live in a SHAG community, I am looking for resources such as rental assistance and other VA benefits that most of our elder vets do not know about.
Leonard Muhr (Tools4Troops PBC) 509-607-0146 www.tools4troops.org. Working with a new veterans farm in EA Washington and other non-profits to get vets the tools they need. Also taking donations.
Dr. Sam Powers at UW Student Veteran Life UW is adapting as necessary. They will stream their Memorial Day service and are utilizing twitch for veteran services and engagement. ch.tv/UWStudentveteranlife/ twitch.tv/UWStudentveteranlife/
Shree Vigil, Shoreline Veteran Center with Compass Housing Alliance [email protected] (206) 474-1885. Things are going well at Shoreline and creative programming is happening.
Eleanor Trenary Congresswoman Kim Schrier’s district office: (425) 657-1001. You can also contact me directly at [email protected]. Thank you all for your work!
Jackie DeLaCruz Influencing the Outcome: Community Collaboration & Wellness programs. [email protected] 206-265-0667. Doing amazing work up in Alaska and still connected here in the NW.
Monica McNeal Non-profits that are seeking funds that are directly helping Veterans with Covid-19 efforts. – Monica.mcneal@outlook,.com. Check out the Facebook Resource page: https://www.facebook.com/PNWMilitaryFamilyResources
Heather Bahme Heather Bahme: WDVA TBI Program Specialist in Eastern Washington and the Region 5 Vet Corps Coordinator [email protected] (509)828-0449
Lori Tiffin and Tina Keys (YWCA) YWCA SSVF Program in Renton; Lori Tiffin, Program Manager [email protected]; Tina Keys, SSVF Case Manager [email protected]; Kenneth Williams, SSVF Case Manager [email protected] Elizabeth Porter, SSVF Case Manager [email protected]. YWCA is expanding their services from just veterans connecting their SSVF and VASH so please inquire. Nikkol Wymer at ESD Security. They have hired 5000 vets since 2016 and are obviously working double time to meet the demand of veterans and military families in response to COVID. Thank you Nikkol!
Erle Hunter and Andrea “Dre” Bean at WDVA. Housed 8 veterans last month. Working on planning to reposition 40 set-aside units at the Mark Cooper house. Please contact Erle at [email protected] to strategize. Next Muster We will send out a communication in a couple of weeks on our next rally, which may be more targeted. If you would like to utilize the platform to engage and educate about your program email Lori Tiffin at [email protected].
With deep respect and blessings,
Ryan Mielcarek |