Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s December 2022 newsletter is posted here. Highlights include: Commander’s Corner; Mural Event Brings Mayor to Post 3063; Seattle Civic Band Concert; Veterans Day Blood Drive Results;
November Social Honors Service; December Social Celebrates the Holidays; Joint Service Event with Scouts and DAR; Queen Anne & Magnolia News Profiles Comrade Bob Kettle; and New Lifetime Pass to National Parks for Veterans.
Author: ateeter
Queen Anne & Magnolia News Profiles Comrade Bob Kettle
Check out this profile from the Queen Anne & Magnolia News about one of our comrades, Bob Kettle. He’s been a steadfast volunteer at Post 3063: he created and maintains our Facebook page and regularly emcees our annual Spaghetti Dinner. Bob is also a fierce local advocate to the city and school district for maintaining the Memorial Wall at Memorial Stadium. We are very fortunate to have him on our team as we continue to serve our community and veterans. Thank you for your dedication, Bob!
Comrades Don Service Items for November Social
It was a fun night that honored our many years of service and we’re looking forward to our holiday social Dec. 15!
Veterans Day Blood Drive Results

Seattle Civic Band Honors Veterans with Patriotic Concert

We’re looking forward to hosting the band for their holiday concert Dec. 9. Mark your calendars!