New Members: 1st Quarter 2023

Ballard Eagleson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3063
"No One Does More for Veterans"
Folks at the post’s holiday social Dec. 16 experienced joy and full bellies after eating Chef Kay’s wonderful beef tenderloin dinner. The scene was set with decorations courtesy of our Navigator’s Troop 309 scouts, who decked the hall with snowflakes, posters and watercolor painted bookmarks.
Before we feasted on dinner, our essay participants received certificates, prize money and medals and the winners recited their essays. This experience always reaffirms one’s confidence in our youngest generation! BRAVO kids! Both winners won the district contest as well and are going on to compete at the Department (aka state) level.
Voice of Democracy: #1 Annika Trippel (also District 2 winner); #2 Conor Fitzgerald; #3 Tommy Daniels; #4 Kiley Fitzgerald. Patriot’s Pen: #1 Ciara Fitzgerald (also District 2 winner); #2 James Daniels. Youth Essay: #1 XiaoTian O’Donohue (also District 2 winner)
Santa and his helper made a surprise appearance during dinner and gave gifts to the kids in attendance, which filled the room with even more cheer.
Thank you to everyone who came out to enjoy each other’s company. We also had a number of take-away meals because of the many viruses in circulation. Thank you for the continued support and to our kitchen team for flexing to a dynamic situation.
By Harold Rodenberger
New Year’s 2023 greetings. In Asia, it will be the year of the Rabbit. In our post and throughout the VFW, it marks the beginning of the second half of our VFW year. Our post has been making good progress accomplishing our mission during the past six months. In addition to those already involved, YOU can become part of the action. We need volunteers for committees and other positions. If you have time to spare and the desire to help veterans and the community, please contact me (206-972-2135) or Commander Aly ([email protected]).
Speaking of Asia, our post has been hosting a Tai Chi class led by instructor Bill Laprade. It is free to veterans and families, and is a good way to stretch, discipline breathing, and build muscle and balance. In addition to Tai Chi, beginning January 23rd we will offer sessions in Yoga on Mondays from 1:00-2:00. You can get a twofer by attending the yoga class, taking a short break from 2:00-2:30 then getting another hour of good stuff from the Tai Chi class. It’s a great deal, two hours of mind and body building in return for a little time.
Recently there have been many changes in veterans benefits. From additional presumptive diseases caused by Agent Orange during the Vietnam era, to burn pit toxicities during Iraq and Afghanistan, to Camp Lejeune contaminated water exposure, new connections to veteran diseases and disabilities have been documented. Our Service Officer, Joseph Mesa, stands ready to help. If you think you have a condition resulting from your service, reach out to Joseph (206-488-8981) and he’ll guide you to get the documents filed.
On Veterans Day weekend, Comrade Wally Michl distributed Buddy Poppies for a few hours at a grocery store. Wally was a good ambassador and people were generous, donating several hundred dollars in that short time. We need more volunteers to distribute Buddy Poppies and keep the VFW and our veterans in public view. Please consider volunteering and contact Commander Aly or me to get details.
All of us have learned during the past three years that masking, hand washing, and distancing are effective in preventing respiratory illnesses. The flu, RSV and Omicron variants are waiting to take advantage of the unwary and careless. Your post officers and I care about your health and welfare. Let’s put what we’ve learned to work and safeguard ourselves and others.
Happy 2023! That feels weird to type. Our year ended with a bang — we had a wonderful holiday social at the post and kicked off a toy drive with our Navigator Scouts troop and the Daughters of the American Revolution, which runs through Jan. 18. Here are more fun plans in Jan. 2023:
I’ll talk more about it at the January business meeting but we’ll kick off a membership drive in the new year too. In the meantime, think about friends to recruit and also our generous $100 lifetime membership discount! Don’t forget, our auxiliary needs new members too.
In mid-January a group of us will be heading to the Mid-Winter Department Convention in Yakima to network, learn, and also listen to the state-level essay finalists. I’ll report back any pertinent tidbits to our membership.
In the meantime, be thinking about service projects to take on, such as care packages for deployed servicemembers, senior center activities, or whatever else you can think of. We’re as strong as our volunteer force so take the initiative to lead if you have an idea.
Yours in comradeship,
Aly Teeter, Commander