Ballard Eagleson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3063
"No One Does More for Veterans"
At our May 1 business meeting, Post 3063 officers were installed for 2023-2024. The highlight was recognizing outgoing Post Quartermaster, Harold Rodenberger, for his service. For anybody who knows Harold, we can all agree that he has left an indelible mark on the post and membership.
Here are the elected and appointed officers serving for the next year:
Commander: Alyson Teeter
Senior Vice Commander: Mark English
Junior Vice Commander: Gabe Whetsel
Quartermaster: Harold Hamilton
Adjutant: Shennae Curtis
Service Officer: Joseph Mesa
Judge Advocate: Dan Stokke
Chaplain: Joe Fitzgerald
Surgeon: Robert Lehman
Officer of the Day and Guard: Vince Cardenas
3-Year Trustee: Harold Rodenberger
2-Year Trustee: John Ellingboe
1-Year Trustee: Aaron Stoltz
3-year House Committee: Jesse Basher
2-year House Committee: Robert Lehman
1-year House Committee: Gail Engler
Greetings, comrades! We continue to have an active spring at the post and will keep the momentum going as we roll into summer. We enjoyed hosting service members at our Armed Forces Day-themed social and thank you especially to our adopted unit, the Washington National Guard’s 181 BSB A Co, for bringing out their equipment and personnel. We look forward to more collaboration with them, including a tour of the armory in Interbay.
Also thank you to everyone who came out for our Memorial Day weekend events, which included an Auxiliary Pancake Feed, Day of Service at Golden Gardens and various Buddy Poppy tables in the area. We all have our own way of doing this, but we remember and honor those who have fallen in service to our country.
The new VFW year starts after the Department Convention later this month so we’ll soon see big changes around the post. Harold Rodenberger (aka H1) will literally relinquish the post keys to Harold Hamilton (aka H2). I’ve said it here and in meetings but Comrade Rodenberger has been a critical node in the operation of our post for the last decade. H1 will continue to serve as a trustee and I’m sure he’ll help us when we have questions, but it’s important we give him space and allow him to “retire.” Please continue to send quartermaster-related questions to [email protected]. H2 is eager to learn and create efficiencies; many thanks to him for stepping up to this challenge!
In late May the Fall Fundraiser Committee met and came up with a plan for the Oct. 21 Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser, which will be Halloween themed. We really need help with procuring donations! Our procurement sub-committee chair is Comrade Mark English so please let him know if you have leads or donations in hand. We’ll need volunteers for the event so in the meantime mark your calendars.
Looking ahead to June, the post has exciting plans in store. A special service event in collaboration with the Seattle Seahawks is scheduled at the post June 9, 1000 – 1300. You can sign up at the June business meeting or contact Mark English. Additionally, the post will participate in the Fremont Solstice June 17-18 by staffing a booth. I’m TDY overseas June 1-17 so I really need help from a couple folks to set up the booth. If interested, contact me at [email protected].
Stay safe and enjoy the beginning of summer!
In comradeship,
Aly Teeter, Commander
Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s May 2023 newsletter is available. Highlights include: