Save the Date: Post Fundraiser Scheduled Oct. 20

Ballard Eagleson Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3063
"No One Does More for Veterans"
By Harold (H2) Hamilton
Thank you for the opportunity to serve as Quartermaster. First, a huge shout out to H1, Harold Rodenberger. H1 has walked me through the process of what the Quartermaster does and means to their post. He has also shared much of the official and unofficial wisdom necessary to continue in the role. I thank H1.
H1 and the leadership team has set the tone for an ambitious shift in our posture. This is what we will continue. The post is currently on solid ground but there is much action afoot.
The post needs all its members to participate in continuing the make this post an outlet for Seattle area veterans and the larger community.
Let’s continue working together to make the post more vibrant and welcoming. We should see much in the way of improvement thanks to the day of service a couple weeks back. Paint jobs, new lights, and even new folks.
Our Memorial Day buddy poppy distribution was a blast. The Fremont Festival was interesting… Let us continue as a post to get out and be seen in the community. This is a large part of how we will make the impact this post if capable of. The community can benefit from the skills and talents present within the post. If anyone has ways we can get into the community and offer some service, feel free to let myself or anyone else know.
Last meeting there was even discussion of a group to simply talk. I do not know where we will arrive but working together, we can achieve a great deal. It is possible and we can do it.
By Alyson Teeter
Happy New Year! ICYMI, July is the start of the VFW year. We have a new leadership team and goals for the next year. There isn’t enough space to properly recap last year’s highlights but we accomplished so much, inside and outside the post, with our membership and the community. Let’s use this momentum to keep making positive change! I’m focused on balancing our budget, increasing our membership (from 92 to 110%), event participation, and community outreach. Read more about our 2023-2024 goals at tinyurl.com/yfh8tk3n.
We can’t meet our basic requirements without volunteer power so that means we need a solid team to pitch in. The bulk of the volunteer work shouldn’t fall on a couple shoulders. Thank you to those who stepped up to volunteer in the past year, continuing your service.
I need your ideas and feedback! Contact me at [email protected].