It was recently brought to Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger’s attention that Comrade Evan Turner’s seven-month-old baby daughter, Lillian, was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, Stage 4S in April.

Comrade Turner and his wife have started a GoFundMe page, and it says, “Although unexpected and heartbreaking, the cancer was found early. The Doctors are optimistic that Lillian will respond well to treatment and live a long life. Evan and Rachel are prepared to do whatever they have to do for their little girl. Their future consists of surgeries, additional cancer treatment, constant observation by the Pediatric Oncology team at Seattle Children’s, a lot of traveling, various therapies, not to mention the vast amount of unseen costs for potential therapy associated with aggressive cancer treatment in the years to come.”
If you would like to donate to Lillian’s cause, please visit her GoFundMe page at