From the Commander (April 2019)

By Pete Krawitz




I know you haven’t seen much of me over the last few months. I have a good excuse for my absence. I’m delighted and proud to report that Clare and I welcomed our first child (Evelyn Isla Krawitz) into the world on the 23rd of January. Clare and I soon learned that this baby runs our life now. Baby Evelyn is skilled at eating, sleeping, filling diapers and distorting the space-time continuum… Lately, I haven’t been able to figure out what day of the week it is…  I’m still having a hard time believing it’s already April…


A big thanks to Sr Vice Commander Joe Tiffany and Jr Vice Commander Joe Fitzgerald for leading the post meetings while I’ve been away. The leadership team has been keeping me updated via phone and email on the latest and greatest. It’s been wonderful to see some new activities and events taking place at the post. One such event was the recent “Shamrock and Shenanigans” on St. Patrick’s day. I hope that we continue to have volunteers step up and coordinate similar activities in the future.


I’d also like to congratulate the post on reaching 100% membership for the year. At the time of writing, the database shows our post at 108%. Once again, our top recruiter was Comrade Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger. Thank you, Harold and all of the other recruiters who brought new members into our post this year.


Lately, the demands from my career and family have increased exponentially, leaving very little time for other activities, including VFW work. However, I do intend to finish out this term as your commander as there is still some work I plan to complete. One such project I need to see through is the Post 3063 Renewal Study. The house committee and consultants have worked very hard on this project over the last few months, and it’s nearing completion. With that, expect to see me at the Post business meetings once again over the next few months.


I look forward to catching up with many of you at our April business meeting.


Yours in Comradeship,
