Boy Scouts Receive Donation from Post

By Gail Engler


Troop 80 from Magnolia attended the post social Nov. 16, 2017 to accept a $150 donation from Post 3063.


The troop was represented by eight Boy Scouts, Post 3063 member Elizabeth Servey, who is the troop’s Advancement Chair, her husband Brian Servey, and Molly Mort, both Assistant Scoutmasters.


The Troop is very active, especially during the spring and summer months when they hike, camp, and work on their outdoor survival skills. Comrade Servey said the money will be used to purchase more camping gear, which will be put to good use during their outdoor adventures.


On Veterans Day these scouts also helped with the post’s visit to the VA hospital. They are all very eager and enthusiastic!


Boy scout presentation
Boy Scout Troop 80 accepts Post 3063’s $150 donation from Commander Pete Krawitz Nov. 16, 2017.