Fishing For Members

By Harold Rodenberger


Quartermaster Rodenberger with his salmon catch.
Quartermaster Rodenberger with his salmon catch.

Washington State VFW Junior Past Commander (2016-2017) Elmer Clark developed a membership program called “Fishing for Members” as a major goal of his year. He was determined to achieve 100% membership so challenged our members by entering each person who recruited five new or reinstated members into a drawing for an all-expenses paid fishing trip out of Westport.


As the end of the year approached, it appeared we would come up a little short but our posts pitched in for a last-minute push and on the last day we made it. For the first time in 15 years Washington state achieved over 100% membership.


Our post did its part by achieving 106% membership, well above the goal. Your post quartermaster was lucky enough to win one of the spots on the charter and caught the two biggest fish, Chinook salmon weighing 21 and 19 pounds. The limit is one Chinook so I gave one away.