Post Members Participate in Area Memorial Day Events

Harold Rodenberger, Joe Fitzgerald, and Bill Griffith participate in a color guard during the Ballard Elks’ Memorial Day Ceremony.
Harold Rodenberger, Joe Fitzgerald, and Bill Griffith participate in a color guard during the Ballard Elks’ Memorial Day Ceremony.
Harold Rodenberger and Joe Fitzgerald pass out Buddy Poppy pins and seeds at the QFC on Holman Road.
Harold Rodenberger and Joe Fitzgerald pass out Buddy Poppies and seeds at the QFC on Holman Road.
Gail Engler and Joe Fitzgerald pass out Buddy Poppy pins and seeds at the QFC on Holman Road.
Gail Engler and Joe Fitzgerald pass out Buddy Poppies and seeds at the QFC on Holman Road.
The post color guard participates in Evergreen Washelli Cemetery’s Memorial Day event.

Bunker Labs Muster at UW

Bunker Labs Muster at UW
Pete Krawitz Post 3063 Sr. Vice Commander, Lindsay Zike, American Legion-Ballard Post #40 Commander, and Charlie support the Bunker Labs Muster at the UW May 5. According to, it “brought together participants and partners for day-long events of veteran entrepreneurs pitching their businesses, an Idea Lab, and a marketplace to buy products from veteran-owned small businesses.”