
Shredding event scheduled for October 2nd

As a community service to our members, Post 3063 is having a shredder party on October 2, 2016. The truck will be in our parking lot from 2 – 5 pm so you can bring papers you want to shred during that time.

If you have papers to shred but can’t make it on that date and don’t mind leaving the papers in our secured storage room, you can bring them by anytime during normal office hours and we will dispose of the papers on the appointed day.

Since this is the first time we have offered this service we don’t know what the response will be so please limit your shreddable papers to five banker boxes or equivalent. If there is enough demand we will sponsor a similar event in the future.

There is no charge but donations to our relief fund would be appreciated.

Quartermaster’s August Update

By Harold Rodenberger


Last year was a good one for our post. We passed one hundred per cent membership in early January and ended the year at 107.81 per cent of our calculated membership for the previous year.


Our post shared in a special honor when our outgoing commander, Aaron Stoltz, was selected as an All State Commander. The white hat that goes with this honor is the first won by any commander or quartermaster of our post during the thirty-five years I have been a member. Congratulations Commander Stoltz!


In addition to those mentioned in last month’s column, other milestones marking the past year:

  • We made some necessary repairs to our old building and it continues to serve us as a good post home which is the envy of many VFW Posts who don’t have a place of their own.
  • We rebuilt the wooden stairs leading to the upstairs office and completed the remodel of that office space so it is now ready to be leased, preferably to a non-profit looking for some prime Ballard office space.
  • Our newsletter, Ballard Eagleson Patriot, under the editorship of Charles Anderson, was awarded second place in the medium size post category. Quite an honor for the first year of publication.
  • Our Post lending library is well organized and has grown under the watchful eye of Librarian Bill Hoeller.
  • We hosted two very successful fund raising dinners, the St. Patrick’s Day dinner chaired by Georgia Warrix and the May 1st Spaghetti Dinner chaired by Russ Seelig.
  • We have helped the residents of the homeless tent city next door with many gifts of food.


Not to rest on our laurels, we look forward to even more activity:

  • Our Service Officer, Gail Engler, in addition to being available in our own office, will be staffing an office in the Ballard Senior Center once a month to help veterans in this community.
  • Even more visits to local hospitals, nursing and retirement homes.
  • More Flag retirement ceremonies.
  • Occasional visitations to other posts to attend their meetings and share lessons learned.
  • Some special events at our post to honor our local first responders.


In addition to these plans, we will see more fund raisers and other special dinners this year as we raise awareness among our members and in our neighborhood that we are a growing post involved in doing good for veterans and our community.


Report on the VFW State Convention

By Gail Engler


Harold Rosenberger, James Williams, Gail Engler, and Jesse Basher attended the State VFW Convention in Pasco, June 22 to 25.


A day before the conference started additional training was offered for post veteran service officers and quartermasters. I attended the all day VSO training which was conducted by Nadine Warren, accredited  VSO in Yakima, WA. The training was very good and I hope to become more knowledgeable and receive additional training in order to provide services for our post members and anyone who may contact our post for assistance in filing claims or obtaining benefits. I am not an accredited VSO so will not actually submit the claim myself but assist with completing forms, and providing resources and referrals.


As far as the state election there were two positions that were contested: surgeon and quartermaster.  Traci Williams was elected surgeon and Carlos Almeda was elected quartermaster. Post 3063 received a number of awards including second place for our newsletter. Thanks to Charlie Anderson for his hard work and expertise in publishing a great newsletter. Aaron Stoltz received a “white hat” as commander for meeting a number of criteria for the post. Harold should have received a white hat as quartermaster but there was an administrative error at department level so he and others in District 2 did not receive the recognition. Congratulations to all for our post and individual awards.  It was overall a well organized and interesting convention. I recommend that other post members attend in the future and get involved to support and improve our post.


Post volunteers celebrate the 4th with Seattle VA

By Harold Rodenberger


On the Fourth of July several members of our post visited the VA Hospital located on Beacon Hill here in Seattle. We took drinks and snacks and passed them out to the patients and staff. Some who were on restricted diets only took a can of diet soda but others had their choice of various goodies. The favorites seemed to be Slim Jims and fruit drinks.


Post volunteers
Volunteers display goodies they passed out to patients and staff. From left to right: Russ Seelig, Bill and Carol Hoeller, Harold Rodenberger, Joe Fitzgerald, and Dan Stokke

More important than the goodies were the pleasant words and good wishes we passed along to the patients. We also thanked the staff members for working on the holiday when most other folks were celebrating the birthday of our country.


We noticed many empty beds this visit and found out that as many patients as possible are given a pass over the holiday to visit their families so they have a short break from their hospitalization. After the holiday they will be back in their beds for continuation of their treatments.


Those of us who visit the hospital or the various retirement and nursing homes always find it to be a rewarding experience. If you would like to join us on future visits send us an email, contact us via our website or call the office at  206-782-8618.