2022-2023 Officers Installed

Congratulations to our new slate of officers who were installed at the post and via Zoom at May’s business meeting! They will take office after the Department Convention in June.  Also congrats to our new slate of Auxiliary officers who were also installed the same night.

Officer Slate Installed

Commander: Alyson Teeter
Sr. Vice Commander: Mark English
Jr. Vice Commander: Bill Griffith
Quartermaster: Harold Rodenberger
Adjutant: Shennae Curtis
Judge Advocate: Dan Stokke
Chaplain: Joe Fitzgerald
Surgeon: Robert Lehman
Service Officer: Joseph Mesa
Officer of the Day/Guard: Jesse Basher
3-year Trustee: John Ellingboe
2-year Trustee: Aaron Stoltz
1-year Trustee: Joe Tiffany
3-year House Committee: Robert Lehman
2-year House Committee: Gail Engler
1-year House Committee: Russ Seelig

Day of Service

Thank you to the eight comrades — Wally, Russ, Joe K., Bob L., Harold, Mark, Joe F., and Aly (plus kids) — who came out for our post’s Day of Service May 21. We spruced up the landscaping behind the post, picked up litter around the block, collected Ballard Food Bank donations and passed out Buddy Poppies to passersby. It was a beautiful day for service!

New Addition to Post Library

Did you know that our post has a library specializing in military history and other military subjects? Our library started in 2014, with a donation of books by Comrade Bill Hoeller, who served as Post Librarian for several years. Comrade Pio Park donated the fancy bookcase pictured and the books on its shelves were donated by Comrade Ed Westing. 

If you are interested in military subjects, feel free to stop by during office hours or during our monthly meeting or social nights to discover the perfect book. We also accept donations, not only of the military subjects but others as well. 

Interested in helping out? We need a new Post Librarian. Please contact QM Harold (206-972-2135) or Post Commander Joe Fitzgerald (206-777-5364) if interested.