Fishing For Members

By Harold Rodenberger


Quartermaster Rodenberger with his salmon catch.
Quartermaster Rodenberger with his salmon catch.

Washington State VFW Junior Past Commander (2016-2017) Elmer Clark developed a membership program called “Fishing for Members” as a major goal of his year. He was determined to achieve 100% membership so challenged our members by entering each person who recruited five new or reinstated members into a drawing for an all-expenses paid fishing trip out of Westport.


As the end of the year approached, it appeared we would come up a little short but our posts pitched in for a last-minute push and on the last day we made it. For the first time in 15 years Washington state achieved over 100% membership.


Our post did its part by achieving 106% membership, well above the goal. Your post quartermaster was lucky enough to win one of the spots on the charter and caught the two biggest fish, Chinook salmon weighing 21 and 19 pounds. The limit is one Chinook so I gave one away.


Commander and QM Receive White Hats at State Convention

The VFW’s Washington State Department convened June 21-24 at the Hilton Hotel in Olympia.


There were workshops for service officers, quartermasters, and recruiters. The business sessions covered communications from national; proposed changes to our state bylaws; reports and updates from all the

Nestor Tamayao and Harold Rodenberger wear their newly-awarded “White Hats.”
Nestor Tamayao and Harold Rodenberger wear their newly-awarded “White Hats.”

state officers and committee chairs; and nominations, elections and installation of officers at state level.


Former Commander Nestor Tamayao and Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger received “White Hats” for completing various reports on time, membership goal achievement, attendance at district meetings/workshops, community activities, and other factors. Post 3063 achieved approximately 106% of the post’s membership goal for the prior year.


Around 10% of commanders and quartermasters in the state received the white hat so it’s a big honor and achievement for a VFW post. Kudos and congratulations!

Post and Auxiliary Officers Take Office this Month

Post 3063 2017-2018 officers will take office this month. First nominations were made in March, followed by second nominations and an election in April. Installation happened in May but officers do not take office until the department commander is installed.


Congratulations and good luck to the new leadership team!


Commander: Pete Krawitz

Sr. Vice Commander: Joe Tiffany

Jr. Vice Commander: Joe Fitzgerald

Chaplain: Bill Griffith

Quartermaster: Harold Rodenberger

1-Year Trustee: James Williams

2-Year Trustee: Aaron Stoltz

3-Year Trustee: Russ Seelig

1-Year House Committee: Gail Engler

2-Year House Committee: Doug Maines

3-Year House Committee: Jordan Houghton


The following members were installed as auxiliary leadership:


President: Margaret Philips

Secretary: Jo Ann Anderson

Treasurer: Marge Hestad

Trustees: Alice Voyce, Agnes Demyanovich, and Karen Flynn


The following individuals were appointed by the new commander, Pete Krawitz:


Adjutant: Alyson Teeter

Judge Advocate: Norm Limric

Surgeon: Dan Stokke

Service Officer: Gail Engler

Parliamentarian: VACANT

Librarian: Norm Limric

Historian: VACANT

Officer of the Day: VACANT


Webmaster: Alyson Teeter

Manager, Facebook Page: Bob Kettle

Newsletter Editor: Alyson Teeter

Honor Guard Captain: Joe Fitzgerald

Chair, Membership Committee: Joe Tiffany

Chair, Americanism Committee: VACANT

Chair, Community Affairs: VACANT


Some positions are still vacant and if you’re interested in volunteering for a position, please contact the commander at [email protected].


Commander Krawitz’s First Column

By Pete Krawitz

Comrades, as I take the helm for the next 12 months, I want to thank you once again for entrusting me with this tremendous responsibility. I also want to especially thank Nestor, Aaron, and Harold for their leadership and guidance over the last few years as I moved up the seats. As you probably saw in the last newsletter, Nestor and Harold, like Aaron, led the post in earning a white cap at the department convention. This enormous achievement now marks two years in a row that our post has earned this honor. I have some big shoes to fill!

With that, I’m very excited to work with you and the post leadership team to continue to build upon some of the great successes that we’ve had over the last few years. The leadership team has already been discussing many great ideas, but we do realize that we only have a short amount of time to analyze, discuss, plan and implement some of them. I will be relying heavily on your feedback and the guidance of the current and past leadership team members as we move forward. I have four main areas that I’d like for us to focus on during this 2017/2018 term. These priorities are membership, community, accessibility/continuity, and the auxiliary.

What does all of this mean? Come to the post business meeting next week (July 6) to find out! We will be kicking this first meeting off with a joint session with the auxiliary to discuss all of these priorities and some specific goals before we break into our normal business meetings.

The one priority I’d like to briefly discuss is the topic of membership. Getting younger veterans signed up and involved in the VFW is a priority that we hear echoed at the district, state and national level time and time again. A few of us recently attended the department convention in Olympia this weekend, and this message was no different.

While I do agree that we need to attract younger veterans, I also believe we need to try and achieve this without alienating our older members in the process. One of the main reasons I joined this organization was to learn from the post-military experiences of our older service members. For some, reintegration back into civilian society (specifically in Seattle) can be challenging. However, it can be a heck of a lot easier when you surround yourself with sisters and brothers who speak your language and have been living in this community for many years.

It’s incredible to think that the VFW has been in Ballard for nearly 100 years. Let’s work together to ensure we are here in the community for another 100+ years.

Quartermaster’s Update (July 2017)

By Harold Rodenberger


Happy New Year! VFW new year, that is.


Yes, the VFW transitions from the old year at the beginning of July. Outgoing officers have fulfilled their duties and now step down to let our new officers lead the way for the next year. Our June newsletter listed new elected officers and appointed officers are listed elsewhere in this issue.


At this new beginning, I’d like to share a look back over our post activities during the past twelve months.


To me, number one on the list of accomplishments during the past year has been the continuing excellent attendance at business meetings. In the late ‘90’s our meeting attendance fluctuated from the high teens down to lower numbers, with occasional meeting times when there were not enough members present for a quorum. For the past 12-15 years attendance has been better, with the past eight or nine years seeing numbers regularly in the high teens to high twenties. It’s a healthy sign to have 20 or 25 members in attendance at our business meetings. Way to go team!!!


Members of our post were active in many other ways also. We made six visits to the VA Hospital, passing out snacks, drinks and good wishes to the patients and thanks to the staff members. We logged more than twenty-five visits to local retirement and nursing homes. Last fall and again last month we retired unserviceable US flags with the proper ceremonies. Our Honor Guard has participated in memorial services and posted the colors several times. Our volunteer chef for third Thursday socials has prepared some wonderful meals and attendance is increasing as a result. Our library has grown in both number of books and number of users. We adopted a new National Guard unit, doubling support for our brothers and sisters bearing arms.


We have donated substantial help to residents of the homeless camp next door to our post. Our service officer has expanded the number of appointments for counseling and assistance for deserving veterans. Our Relief Fund and National Home Fund both have reached new funding levels enabling expanded support for veterans and families both in the Seattle area and in Eaton Rapids, Michigan.  Our Yoga class is helping our members and families relieve mental and physical stress. Our hall has served as a meeting place, supporting other veterans’ groups, other non-profit community organizations and local government entities, including the City of Seattle.


As I said, the outgoing officers fulfilled their obligations. By fulfilling their duties, they also gained the personal fulfillment that comes of helping other veterans and their families and members of the community in ways that only fellow veterans can.


No matter your position as an officer, regular member or even family member, your participation in the activities of our post will bring lasting benefits to those helped but also will satisfy our shared human need to gain personal fulfillment and rise above self by serving others and helping our fellow man.


As members of the VFW, we have the common distinction of having served in war zones, placing ourselves in harm’s way to protect our homeland, its citizens and our way of life. Now, as members of our post we are motivated to serve our fellow veterans and community here in Seattle. We don’t labor for money or glory but for the personal fulfillment that comes from helping others.


My hat is off to our members and other volunteers who give so freely of their time and energy to help others in our community.