Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s 3rd Quarter 2018 newsletter is available here. Highlights include: Commander and Quartermaster updates; Post Garners Recognition at Convention: All State, Newsletter; and Post 3063 in the News.
Post delegates attended the VFW Department of Washington’s 2018 State Convention in Bremerton June 21-23. The convention started with a joint session with the auxiliary that featured numerous guest speakers, including Governor Jay Inslee and VFW Auxiliary National President Dee Guillory. During the joint session, awards were also presented, and our post newsletter, the Ballard Eagleson Patriot, won first place in the Class I category.
Various committees met for business, by-law changes were voted on, and department leadership was elected and installed for the new year. Our very own District 2 comrade, Linda Fairbank, was installed as the 2018-2019 VFW Department of Washington Commander.
Commander Pete Krawitz and Quartermaster Harold Rodenberger don their newly awarded white hats and hold the post’s All State Post certificate at the Department VFW Convention June 22.
Friday evening there was a banquet and more awards were presented. Commander Krawitz and Quartermaster Rodenberger received white hats for achieving All State Post status, which was achieved by completing various reports on time, reaching membership goals, attending district meetings/workshops, participating in community activities, and other factors. Post 3063 achieved approximately 111% of the post’s membership goal for the year. Around 10% of commanders and quartermasters in the state receive the white hat.
VFW Past National Commander Jim Mueller represented national leadership at the convention and read a speech on behalf of VFW Commander Keith E. Harman at the banquet. The overarching message of the speech was survival. The VFW’s numbers are dwindling and posts must evolve or they will disappear. VFW Auxiliary National President Dee Guillory also spoke and she announced a new strategy to allow auxiliaries to stay open if a post closes its doors. Overall the convention was a great success and Post 3063 was well represented.
Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s June 2018 e-newsletter is available here. Highlights include: Auxiliary President’s June Update; 2018-2019 Officers Installed; Green Thumbs Create Victory Garden Behind Post; New Member Profile: Chris Dresnek; Bingo Night at the Seattle VAMC; Post Commander Presents Award to AFROTC Cadet; and Buddy Poppies on Memorial Day.
Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s May 2018 e-newsletter is available here. Highlights include: Today is Loyalty Day; Standing Watch at Herb Leake Interment; Honoring our Korean War Veterans; Glass Blowing Project Honors Doughboys; New Member Spotlight; In Memoriam: Bob Ferguell; Post Achieves 100% Membership; and We Need Board Games.
Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s 2nd Quarter 2018 print newsletter is available here. Highlights include From the Commander column; Quartermaster Update; Tiny House Homeless Encampment Moves to Northlake; Auxiliary President Recognizes District, State Officers; New Member Spotlight; and MIA Comrades: Let Us Know How You Are Doing.