Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s June 2017 newsletter is available for download here. Highlights of June’s issue include: Commander Tamayao’s Farewell Note; Post and Auxiliary Officers Installed During May Meeting; How to Gain an Honor Degree…With the Cooties; Service Officer Update: Get Your Documents in Order; New Yoga Instructor, New Time.
Category: News
Quartermaster’s Update (June 2017)
By Harold Rodenberger
I’m writing this update from the east coast of our amazing country, where my wife, Ikuko, and I are visiting our younger son and his wife in North Carolina.
For those of you who travel, it’s no secret, but it always reassures me to travel to widely separated parts of our country and our world and observe yet again that people are pretty much the same wherever they live.
Here in Durham, there are friendly faces, distracted faces and faces racked by some private pain. There are young people, and those not so young, walking along oblivious to their surroundings while absorbed in private communication on their handheld device. As we approached a store yesterday, a gentleman smiled and held the door for my wife and me. He didn’t ask our political party, religion or economic status, he was simply one human being courteous to others.
Sometimes in our world of instant news, alarmist headlines and finger pointing journalism where people are put into buckets labeled “Democrat, Republican; Jew, Gentile; rich, poor; Northerner, Southerner; good, bad,” I need to be reminded that people are people no matter external conditions.
All of this reminds me that the people in our own post and auxiliary are great people. We come from different walks of life, have different occupations, ages and beliefs and we have fought in or supported loved ones who have fought in different wars, yet we all have joined in the goals of the VFW to support our troops, help those who have served and to further patriotism and community service.
Just as when I travel, I’m reassured by people right here in our post who, despite surface differences, are uniformly friendly and willing to help. This month I’d like to choose two out of the many and thank Kay and Russ Seelig for all they do to help our post.
Five or six years ago we were introduced to Kay’s famous spaghetti at a fund raiser put on for service dogs. Russ beat the bushes for supporters and Kay cooked. It was very successful and with the help of other post members, raised over five thousand dollars for a worthy cause. Since then they have been instrumental in putting on more fund raisers and for the past few months have been putting on the dinners at our post socials.
For those of you who are not regular attendees at our socials, the menus are enticing and the camaraderie embracing so plan to attend and enjoy a night out with friends right here at our post social. Speaking of socials and spaghetti, again this month, by popular request, we’ll have Kay’s spaghetti.
Flag Day is June 14. Remember to fly your flag. We’ll have a flag retirement ceremony in the post parking lot at noon.
We’ll be leaving NC soon to head back home. I will remember the storefront gentleman for his courtesy and thank the rest of the NC people we’ve met for their reminder that down deep we are all the same.
Thanks to each one of you for being in our post. With your help our post is making good headway in our mission to help members, veterans, their families and our community.
Post and Auxiliary Officers Installed During May Meeting
Post 3063 2017-2018 officers were installed during the May business meeting May 4, 2017. The following individuals were installed as post leadership:
![Induction speech](
Commander: Pete Krawitz
Sr. Vice Commander: Joe Tiffany
Jr. Vice Commander: Joe Fitzgerald
Chaplain: Bill Griffith
Quartermaster: Harold Rodenberger
1-Year Trustee: James Williams
2-Year Trustee: Aaron Stoltz
3-Year Trustee: Russ Seelig
1-Year House Committee: Gail Engler
2-Year House Committee: Doug Maines
3-Year House Committee: Jordan Houghton
The following members were installed as auxiliary leadership:
President: Margaret Philips
Secretary: Jo Ann Anderson
Treasurer: Marge Hestad
Trustees: Alice Voyce, Agnes Demyanovich, and Karen Flynn
First nominations were made in March, followed by second nominations and an election in April. Installation happened in May but officers do not take office until the department commander is installed. The installation of the state officers is usually the last weekend in June so Post 3063 (and district) officers take over July 1.
District 2 election and installation of officers was held at Post 3063 in May. The new officers were installed by Linda Fairbank, our state junior vice commander who will be serving as senior vice commander next year.
Yoga: New Instructor, New Time
The post has resumed one-hour yoga classes on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m. Classes are free to veterans and their families. Please wear loose clothing and bring your yoga mat and a blanket to cushion your knees, if desired.
![Yoga Instructor](
Alicia Brill is our new instructor and is a veteran of the United States Army, having enlisted as an Intelligence Analyst for the Army Reserves and the Montana Army National Guard. Alicia first began practicing yoga on a deployment with the Army. While the military taught her discipline, yoga provided her with a sense of discipline plus honoring one’s self exactly where you are.
Since getting out of the military in 2007, Alicia has admired the sense of camaraderie she felt in the military and has sought ways to be of continued service to other military veterans. Alicia became a certified yoga teacher with 8 Limbs Yoga Centers in April 2017 and completed Level One training with Veterans Yoga Project in January 2017. Her concentration has been on Yoga for Trauma Healing and Yoga for PTSD.
May Newsletter Available for Download
Ballard Eagleson VFW Post 3063’s May 2017 newsletter is available for download here. Highlights of May’s issue include: Post Elects 2017-2018 Officers; Post and Sea Cadet Corps Recognize Jessica Chacko’s Service; Museum of Flight Profile of New Member, Bob Drew; and Members Away From Home Profile of Georgia Warrix.