May 18 we combined our annual Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW and One Seattle Day of Service into one big event! In addition to post members and their families pitching in, we had local citizens volunteer to clean up the outside of the post and surrounding area. We also recycled unserviceable flags. We were all united in service to our community and enjoyed making new connections during our barbecue lunch. Thank you to the Fremont Rotary Club for their support too!
Category: Community Outreach
City passes Memorial Day Proclamation
On May 21 Commander Teeter and Comrade Ellingboe, along with Comrade Jesse Palacios from West Seattle VFW and Dale Watanabe from the Nisei Veterans Committee, received a City of Seattle Government Memorial Day Proclamation.
Comrade and Councilmember Robert Kettle sponsored the proclamation, along with Councilmember and veteran Rob Saka.
This is the first City of Seattle Memorial Day Proclamation in recent history and we commend the veterans on the council for spearheading it. Their recognition honors the bravery and sacrifice of our fallen heroes, and together, we ensure their legacy endures and their service is never forgotten.
City of Seattle
WHEREAS, Memorial Day has been observed since 1868, and recognized in its more familiar form as we know it today, since the end of World War I, yet before that, it was celebrated on different days and even sometimes referred to as Decoration Day; and
WHEREAS, our country honors this day with parades and ceremonies, which is in keeping with General Order No. 11 of Headquarters, Grand Army of the Republic, signed in 1868. The order stated: “no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit”; and
WHEREAS, the intent of the order was: “to inaugurate this observance with the hope that it will be kept up from year to year, while a survivor of the war remains to honor the memory of his departed comrades”; and
WHEREAS, each year in May, Americans pause to observe Memorial Day, a National holiday since 1971 set aside to remember with dignity and admiration those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our great nation; and
WHEREAS, our predecessors who shaped the structure of our government and defended our freedoms so that future generations would be free to live their lives as they chose, set forth the groundwork for higher discoveries in science, exploration, and democratic values, also started long-lasting traditions that enrich our heritage, and fought in wars so that future generations, both near and far, would be free to live their lives; and
WHEREAS, on Memorial Day, it is of the utmost importance to hold dear the memories of our friends and family members who have served and gave their last full measure of devotion for our country to help preserve the freedoms and rights guaranteed to all people under the U.S. Constitution; and
WHEREAS, on this day, we all pay tribute to those who have given their lives in service of our nation, our fathers, brothers, sons, now also mothers and sisters and daughters and family members, or our neighbors and our friends, and our community whose participation in such events provide a “fitting testimonial of respect” to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our nation;
Mayor Bruce A. Harrell
Council President Sara Nelson
Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth
Councilmember Robert Kettle
Councilmember Cathy Moore
Councilmember Tammy. J. Morales
Councilmember Maritza Rivera
Councilmember Rob Saka

Magnolia Vietnam Memorial

On April 25 Comrades Teeter and Mesa attended a meeting with representatives from the Seattle Parks Department, Carleton Park Garden Club, and various community organizations to outline plans for a significant renovation of the median strip adjacent to Catharine Blaine K-8 School, home to the Blaine Vietnam Memorial. Post 3063 had previously donated funds to clean the memorial in 2015 and look forward to collaborating with the committee on renovating the memorial.
Blood drive April 4

Students interview with Vietnam veterans
On March 18 our post comrades and Vietnam Veterans Joseph Mesa and Russ Seelig interviewed with students at Bellevue Big Picture School, a grades 6-12 choice school in the Bellevue Public School District. Students were interested in learning about veteran experiences in Vietnam… how they became involved, what moments stick with them still, and how their experiences they had there shaped the years since.
The school was very appreciative of the time Russ and Joseph spent with them. They each sat for two interviews with students, and then paired up for a final unscheduled session with two other students. According to the school, “This was a powerful afternoon for all. We are so grateful for you sharing your experiences and reflections… Thank you all for your help with this, for your service, and for your honesty and candor.”