Commander’s Corner (August 2022)

Greetings! I’m writing this column on a ~90-degree day, which brings me back to my recent experience in another hot location: Kansas City, Missouri. In late July, Comrades Fitzgerald, Rodenberger and I attended the 123rd VFW National Convention in Kansas City.

It was my first time attending and it was an interesting experience… We witnessed the national-level parliamentary process, met comrades from all over the country, and attended a couple workshops on fundraising and parliamentary procedures (did you know we’re supposed to say “No” not “Nay”?!). 

We also heard from engaging guest speakers, like Gen. (ret.) Martin Dempsey, Secretary of the VA Denis McDonough, and celebrity and veteran advocate Jon Stewart. My favorite speaker was quadruple amputee, Travis Mills. He brought a wicked sense of humor to his speech – I was laughing one minute and crying the next – and we walked away truly inspired!  Our newly elected Commander-in-Chief of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Timothy Borland, addressed the audience as the last convention speaker and here are a few juicy quotes I wrote down:

  • “Every veteran counts.” 
  • “It’s time to pass the torch but remember who is passing the torch.”
  • “Recruit, retain and lead from the front.”

Comrade Chief Borland acknowledged that our organization is struggling because the horsepower behind the operations – Vietnam Veterans – are aging. Younger members have busy lives. I met fellow post commanders from Washington who served Post-9/11 and we’re all grappling with the same issue: how do we activate our membership to do more for veterans? I have my own assumptions but I want to hear directly from you! 

You should have received a letter from me in the mail recently or it should be arriving any day now. In it I make a couple small requests from each of our members: to take a short survey and attend at least one event this year. If for some reason you didn’t receive the letter, you can read it here. Please make your voice heard (and hey, you might win a prize for your time!).

I don’t have a fancy motto but one point I’ll continue to hammer home is that if we all pitch in a little, we can fulfill the VFW motto, “No One Does More for Veterans.” Show up and join our Post 3063 team!

In Comradeship,
Alyson Teeter, Commander

Commander’s Corner (July 2022)

By Alyson Teeter

Greetings comrades! After peppering the post commander for an article every print newsletter as the newsletter editor the last five or so years, it’s now my turn to write these for the next year. It’s an odd feeling but at least I set my own deadlines!

First off, if we aren’t already acquainted, I’ve been with the post since 2016. In one of my first meetings Harold Rodenberger asked for help with the website and I’ve been volunteering with the post in various positions ever since. For background, I served in the Air Force and qualified for the VFW through serving in South Korea and currently am an active, drilling Washington Air National Guard officer. I’m also a stay-at-home parent living in Fremont who loves to volunteer.

Part of my drive to volunteer is to meet and connect with others in my community. Getting to know veterans here in the Ballard area has made me feel more “at home” and I’m so thankful to have the opportunity to belong to this organization with such a virtuous mission! I want other veterans here to experience this feeling of comradeship as well so this brings me to my goals for the 2022-2023 year, which I’ll brief in further detail at the July 7 business meeting: 

  1. Increase member participation by 100%.
  2. Increase participation in community events. 
  3. Institute semi-annual or quarterly adopted unit events.
  4. Increase post volunteer opportunities.
  5. Collaborate with the Auxiliary.
  6. Find a new Quartermaster.
  7. Complete 501(c)(3) application.
  8. Get building renovation planning back on track.

These aren’t easy goals but if we can have more folks pitch in with volunteering for positions and committees, I think we can get there. The VFW’s motto is, “No one does more for veterans,” so let’s all stand proud and execute this mission of service to each other, our post and community. 

I’m looking forward to working with you this year! I’m always open to feedback so please reach out at or by phone at 206-701-9259 any time.

Quartermaster Update (July 2022)

By Harold Rodenberger

Welcome to the new VFW year. Please join me in welcoming our new Post officers. For the next twelve months, Commander Alyson Teeter and crew will be sailing our good ship in search of new goals such as standing up our own 501(c)(3) organization and getting our remodel project back on track. Our normal mission of serving veterans and their families will continue and expand. There may be an occasional tempest along the way, but if we all help hoist the sails, trim the sheets, and holystone the decks, we will make good progress.

Our Service Officer, Joseph Mesa, has agreed to serve another year. Joseph is one of the best VSO’s in the state. If you, (or a vet you know) need help filing for veteran’s benefits, please get in touch with Joseph, or 206-488-8981.

Junior Past Commander Joe Fitzgerald and I attended the 102nd VFW State Convention in Spokane last month. We learned in classes and participated in elections as the Convention took care of business. One highlight was the award of First Place in Editorial Excellence to our newsletter. Congratulations Aly on a great job as Editor of our Ballad Eagleson Patriot!

Looking to the near future: The shredder truck will come to our parking lot on July 26th sometime between 0900-1400 (9-2). They will update us the day before with a more precise time, so if you want to standby and watch your papers be shredded, call Tuesday morning and I may be able to pin it down more closely. I understand that some of you would like to see the truck come and stay for four hours as we did in the past, but the charge for this new service is less than a third of the other. If you want you can drop off your papers and we will secure them and then watch as they’re shredded.

King County has approved our request for a grant to pay for a mural on the front of our building. It will be exciting to watch our public face upgraded. Watch for further updates on this project.

Next month (8/20/22) is the Third Annual Post Picnic at the Seelig’s place on Lake Serene. Look for more info at the Post, elsewhere in this paper, and on our website.

October 22nd is the date of our Annual Spaghetti Fundraiser. It’s not too early to begin rounding up prizes for this great charity event. Restaurant and other business gift certificates, special gift baskets, and other personalized gifts make enticing raffle/auction prizes. Please do your best to contribute some prizes for our annual effort to raise money for our Post Relief Fund.

Electronics handyperson wanted. We’re in the process of upgrading our post security camera system. If you have expertise in this area, please consider volunteering to help us install a good security system. Contact or call 206-972-2135.

Please note: The Post Picnic and Spaghetti Fundraiser will take the place of our social nights in August and October.

Commander’s Corner (June 2022)


With the conclusion of the June Washington State VFW Convention in Spokane, my tenure as your post commander will end.

I could not be prouder of what our post was accomplished during these past two years as we slogged our way through the worst period of the Covid pandemic.

First and foremost we were able to keep our heads above water and avoid drowning in the Covid morass, thanks in large part to the collective efforts of the post leadership and membership alike.

Despite the limitations and restrictions that come with ensuring vaccination and masking requirements were met and maintained, we continued to “move the post forward.” The post business operation did not lose a step.

  • We continued with servicing the needs of veterans.
  • Our award winning newsletter editor produced quality editions — some of the best in the VFW — month after month.
  • We honored requests for our color and honor guard services.
  • We continued our commitment to the Ballard community by participating in parades, food bank drives, community cleanup efforts, etc.
  • We sponsored two new scout troops and were able to continue with our youth scholarship programs.
  • With all that said, our crowning achievement was earning the “All-American” title for the first time in the history of our post. This is a big deal within the VFW community because it is one of the most prestigious honors given by our VFW organization. It is based on outstanding achievement in membership growth, programs that benefit and assist veterans, and deep community involvement. The Title of All-American signals to everyone this is a post that is in tune with it’s membership, interacts with the local community, and is committed to veterans in need.

I could not be prouder and so should you!

So, as the State Convention ends later this month, it too ushers in the beginning of our new post command staff led by Commander Aly Teeter. It will be a great leadership team!

I want to thank each and every one of you for your commitment to excellence. It has truly been my honor to serve you.

– Commander Joe F.

Commander’s Corner (May 2022)

I will forgo one of my typical messages and give you the following instead: 

First, as some of you know, my wife Laura and I just returned from a week  in the Caribbean on a Fitzgerald Family Cruise. And you also may have  heard that I tested positive for Covid upon my return. I did. But the good  news is that Laura did not, and also that I have been asymptomatic. My  doctor, and particularly the medical staff at Swedish who treat old goats  like me who get Covid, attributes my having no Covid issues or even  symptoms other than pollen allergies, to having been vaccinated and twice  boosted to a point that I have built up some good immunity. Because of my age it was recommended that I receive the  Monoclonal Antibodies IV. So I did that. I think I am seriously covered now. I have 7 days of quarantine which ends Sunday. So the Tuesday before our  business meeting I will no longer be in quarantine, and no masking  required – I will be done with all of it just in time for Thursday’s meeting.  

The point of all this though, is full disclosure, and to let you all know that I  am proof of how effective vaccinations and boosters can be to  minimize the effects of Covid on an individual. This is why it is so important  to be vaccinated. I turned 81 at this writing. I have a congestive heart condition, I have Afib,  and two faulty heart valves, along with a host of other old age related  issues! Although I try, it is impossible for me to workout like I used to not  so very long ago. Given all that, contracting Covid could  have been a very critical if not disastrous issue for me. But I have no worries!

On to post business… At this Thursday’s business meeting, we will be installing next year’s slate of officers. I hope that all of you can make it so that you can welcome the incoming leadership. You should all be very excited about who your next Commander will be, as well as the rest of the post command staff. Promises to be exceptional!  

On Thursday our Post Auxiliary will be electing new leadership at the  Post as well. 

So, some big changes are coming. Please come and be a part of it!

Commander Joe Fitzgerald