Commander’s Corner (March 2023)

Greetings comrades! There’s a ton of action happening at our post and we need this to be a team effort. Have you wondered what our VFW post actually does? Well, I created this “Mind Map” of our post to outline what we do at the operational level. Did you know Harold Rodenberger was performing a bulk of this work while Quartermaster? This is unacceptable and as he “retires” from the position we all need to do our part to meet our mission requirements. On that note, we’ll be starting the 2023-2024 nominations process at our March 2 meeting. Thank you to everyone who volunteers to take on a leadership position.

This weekend, March 4-5, a local boy scout troop — led by an Eagle Scout applicant — will paint the lounge. We’ll then get to work placing and hanging memorabilia. Eventually we’d also like to replace the lighting, furniture and freshen up the bar area. For more details about the redecorating plan, check out this document.

Our March 16 social is going to have a twist: it’s doubling as a fundraiser for District 2 (our next higher VFW organizational element). Tickets are $20, which is an awesome deal considering the food, entertainment and camaraderie you’ll reap.

Also in March we’re hosting our first ever flag recycling event on the 25th at 2 p.m. at the post. We’ve collected more than 300 discarded flags. We used to dispose of the flags by burning them but neighbors complained and we agreed: this is not an environmentally friendly solution. We did our research and discovered that discarded flags can be properly disposed of by shredding and recycling the fabric, which is a win-win! If you have a pair of fabric shears and would like to help shred, please join us! Also feel free to drop off your unserviceable flags.

 March is a month to honor our veterans of Vietnam and Operation Iraqi Freedom. On March 20, 2003, President George W. Bush officially launched Operation Iraqi Freedom so this year is the 20th anniversary. The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017 was signed into law by 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump, designating every March 29 as National Vietnam War Veterans Day.

Lastly, I want to commend our Service Officer, Comrade Joseph Mesa. He embodies the VFW Motto, Nobody Does More for Veterans. He volunteers his time to help veterans and family members with the VA claims process. He is sought after far and wide due to his commitment to service and excellence. Thank you Joseph for your continued service! You are the best of the best.

In comradeship,
Aly Teeter

Quartermaster Update: January 2023

By Harold Rodenberger

New Year’s 2023 greetings. In Asia, it will be the year of the Rabbit. In our post and throughout the VFW, it marks the beginning of the second half of our VFW year. Our post has been making good progress accomplishing our mission during the past six months. In addition to those already involved, YOU can become part of the action. We need volunteers for committees and other positions. If you have time to spare and the desire to help veterans and the community, please contact me (206-972-2135) or Commander Aly ([email protected]).

Speaking of Asia, our post has been hosting a Tai Chi class led by instructor Bill Laprade. It is free to veterans and families, and is a good way to stretch, discipline breathing, and build muscle and balance. In addition to Tai Chi, beginning January 23rd we will offer sessions in Yoga on Mondays from 1:00-2:00. You can get a twofer by attending the yoga class, taking a short break from 2:00-2:30 then getting another hour of good stuff from the Tai Chi class. It’s a great deal, two hours of mind and body building in return for a little time.

Recently there have been many changes in veterans benefits. From additional presumptive diseases caused by Agent Orange during the Vietnam era, to burn pit toxicities during Iraq and Afghanistan, to Camp Lejeune contaminated water exposure, new connections to veteran diseases and disabilities have been documented. Our Service Officer, Joseph Mesa, stands ready to help. If you think you have a condition resulting from your service, reach out to Joseph (206-488-8981) and he’ll guide you to get the documents filed.

On Veterans Day weekend, Comrade Wally Michl distributed Buddy Poppies for a few hours at a grocery store. Wally was a good ambassador and people were generous, donating several hundred dollars in that short time. We need more volunteers to distribute Buddy Poppies and keep the VFW and our veterans in public view. Please consider volunteering and contact Commander Aly or me to get details.

All of us have learned during the past three years that masking, hand washing, and distancing are effective in preventing respiratory illnesses. The flu, RSV and Omicron variants are waiting to take advantage of the unwary and careless. Your post officers and I care about your health and welfare. Let’s put what we’ve learned to work and safeguard ourselves and others.

From the Commander: January 2023

Happy 2023! That feels weird to type. Our year ended with a bang — we had a wonderful holiday social at the post and kicked off a toy drive with our Navigator Scouts troop and the Daughters of the American Revolution, which runs through Jan. 18. Here are more fun plans in Jan. 2023:

  • We’re kicking off weekly yoga classes Jan. 23 at the post thanks to the Veterans Yoga Project, Mondays 1 p.m. before Tai Chi.
  • We’re hosting a blood drive Jan. 19 — see this flyer for details.
  • Jan. 19: Social night will feature trivia and MREs! Weird, yes, but fun!

I’ll talk more about it at the January business meeting but we’ll kick off a membership drive in the new year too. In the meantime, think about friends to recruit and also our generous $100 lifetime membership discount! Don’t forget, our auxiliary needs new members too.

In mid-January a group of us will be heading to the Mid-Winter Department Convention in Yakima to network, learn, and also listen to the state-level essay finalists. I’ll report back any pertinent tidbits to our membership.

In the meantime, be thinking about service projects to take on, such as care packages for deployed servicemembers, senior center activities, or whatever else you can think of. We’re as strong as our volunteer force so take the initiative to lead if you have an idea.

Yours in comradeship,

Aly Teeter, Commander

Commander’s Corner: December 2022

Seasons greetings comrades! As we embark on a very festive time of year, I want to quickly re-cap our Veterans Day festivities and preview events for December.

First off, thank you to Seattle Civic Band for playing beautiful patriotic tunes in honor of veterans Nov. 10. We had a couple post members show up to listen and after the concert one of them said more of us should have been there. Agreed! I’d love for us to better support the band when they’re HONORING US. The band also donated over $120 to our post relief fund. 

The Veterans Day mural painting was a great success. Our Market St-facing side of the building is now brightly painted. Thank you to Air Force veteran Chris Kent for the design and Urban ArtWorks for organizing and executing the event. A number of community members, including Mayor Harrell and Councilmember Dan Strauss, came out to paint. Thank you to our post and auxiliary members for their dedication that day as well. Also thank you to Comrades Curtis and Engler for going from the mural to Merrill Gardens on First Hill to support their Veterans Day event!

We also had a blood drive at the post on Veterans Day. All the appointments were filled and BloodWorks NW collected 30 units of blood! They will return to the post for another blood drive Jan. 19 so mark your calendars.

For our November social we ate a delectable Thanksgiving meal courtesy of Team Chef Kay and honored the service of our comrades by donning service items. Not everybody could wear something from their past but our Korean War veterans — Wally and Al — surprised us with photos and a beautifully preserved service jacket. This event was a prime example of our mission to build camaraderie and esprit-de-corps.

Looking forward to December, we have our holiday social on Dec. 15. The holiday social is a great opportunity to invite your family and friends to our post. We’ll have a visit from Santa and exchange gifts between adults. The food will be AMAZING and we’ll listen to our youth essay winners recite their essays. We’ll also continue our tradition of co-sponsoring a holiday toy drive with the Navigator Scouts. See details in this flyer

Don’t forget, the annual Wreaths Across America event will take place at Lakeview Cemetery Dec. 17 at 9 a.m. Our post color guard always does an outstanding rifle salute and they need volunteers to lay wreaths on veteran graves.

Lastly, this month you’ll be hearing from our leadership team. We’ll be calling everyone on our roster to do buddy checks, remind folks to apply for claims for toxic exposure, and extend invites to the holiday social. If you know of a comrade in distress, please let me know ASAP at [email protected]. As our VFW Commander-In-Chief Timothy Borland says, “Every Veteran Counts.” 

Yours in comradeship,
Aly Teeter

Commander’s Corner (November 2022)

In case you missed it, we held a successful — and joyful — Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Oct. 22. More than 100 people came out to support our post and the Veterans Relief Fund. After 2+ years of not normal life, it makes you appreciate events like this that bring the community together to celebrate our mission and service. Special thanks to ALL our volunteers, which is a long list of dedicated comrades, family members and friends. We are so grateful!

Your efforts contributed to the post raising over $6,700, which is a new fundraising record! The money will be put to good use supporting our efforts to help local veterans. Thank you to all of our generous donors!

Looking forward, November is a big month for honoring veterans and their service. The post is going all in for Veterans Day with a number of opportunities to serve veterans, the community and enjoy camaraderie. If you haven’t come out for a Post 3063 event, this is a great time to join us. We need all of you to make our community stronger.

Yours in comradeship,
Aly Teeter